
Unexpected Meeting of Coach Ho (1)

After Derek and Sofia's conversation, the young lady took her time and stood at the side of the front desk. Her manner of just standing was somehow strange and eye-catching. As if, it demanded for the people to watch her. Some of the customers could not help but glance at her.

Sofia could feel the burning sensation from the curious gazes of the customers. But, she decided to ignore their stares and continued to stand firmly on the side. She slowly took out her phone and checked the Chronos squad's group chat.

Once she pressed the button of their group, the trail of long unread messages quickly displayed on her screen. Then, the notification that indicated there were other personal message that she received followed to appear on the uppermost corner of her screen.

"How come there is are so many messages?" Sofia whispered. Her volume was very low that even Derek that was on the center of the front desk could not hear what she said.
