
Miss Lana...

Lana was really afraid when she was once again called by him to his office and Caspian could sense it… He put his hand on her hand and said in a low voice "Cheer up sis…!! Just go and see him… And also" He took out an envelope from his bag and handed her "This is an application for Dorm related, just go and face him and I will see you in the library later"

Even though Lana did not want to go his office alone but she had no choice and when the face of her kids started dancing in front of her, she took a deep breath and decided to just go there and meet him and tell him that she would not be living in the dorms even if he was to give her deduction in her exams or something, she was a mother first and then was a woman or anything…

She stood up and took a deep breath and said to herself "Let's go Lana you can do it" She said and put her hands on her head and hissed in pain
