
Return to Slumber

Nightwing sat among his allies within a dark dome. He had to discuss everything that he had experienced and the mysterious disappearance of his other half, which was called 'Kyros.'

Within the dark dome of Mysterion and Oblivion, Nightwing spoke to his true allies, those whom he had called, and revealed everything.

"As part of a trinity, and because of our true mission of fighting against End, there were many... forces that we have to face. Kyros, my other part of this Trinity, had devised a multi-layered plot to prevent the curses from afflicting us. All three of us." Nightwing explained.

Angelian, Krysta, Monica, and Sherah listened.

Krysta's parents were now among the most trusted allies as they had shown great power, and the lost arts of the Sword Saint Family were revealed.

Commander Tyrs, the survivor of the massacre, and Joshua, now on Commander level, listened.
