
Down the Mountain

The group was shocked at Kyros's declaration.

"What exactly is our plan, Lord Kyros? I thought we're here to stop an enemy group that Fate has sent to attack is." Scarlet asked.

"That is the goal. And to do that, we have to draw in as many people to this place. And do just that, we need to fake the presence of an Ancient Vampire."

"I don't understand how that can help us, Lord Kyros. I thought you said that Fate would bring many enemies here." Scarlet asked again.

"Exactly. And that is why we need more people. If we have several kingdoms or nobles coming here, which Fate has set to be our enemies, then the best thing we can do is bring more people here. That way, many neutral groups can even be our allies. If the people that go here are hostile to us, then it's alright. Because with so many opposing factions, they'd end up fighting each other. And I can also perform that plan."

"That plan?" Scarlet asked.
