

When the long-haired guy and the cloaked person heard 'Vann' Shouted with distress in his voice, they hurriedly prepared themselves!


A booming quake that shook the surrounding area is a great deal, making them all dumbfounded, including jomel who was watching at the sideline.

Suddenly, and from the ground, three fat roots sprouted. It was a gigantic root that even three of them, including Jomel, together cannot compare to its size.

Vann, who was feeling dread is sweating non-stop, "It couldn't be?!" His voice was hysterical, unlike earlier where he was composed and collected.

"Terror... Terror Guards!" He screamed with a horror painted all over his face, making the other two dumbfounded.

Suddenly, the two of them also changed their expression when they realized that this is serious.
