

Motus is still not stopping.

He wants to know what happened, and he won't give up corrupting his master.

"So Master, Tell me your answer! RE HE HE HE!"

His fierce red eyes were looking at Jomel who staring in the distance.

It was full of expectation and madness.

Jomel brows furrowed.

This time Morus was reeling with ecstasy inside.


A hand came on top of his head and patted him.

Jomel replied, "Sure sure, Good job Motus..."

He is truly thankful to Motus, if he didn't mention everything about seeking, he'd still be clueless.

Like a child lost in the dark, and left to die.

And then he woke up.

He is not outside!



His brows furrowed again.

He was observing the fight between Volture raptor and a six-armed giant gorilla.

And then he stood up.

Suddenly he winced in pain.

It was his shoulder, it was hurting.

It has a painful fracture by the impact of the strong punch of the giant gorilla Soul-Beast.

He then...

Cracked cracked!

He jomel foxed it like nothing, he did not even flinch to the pain.

His look was serious as ever and then turned his attention to the two rampaging beasts.

His Voltury was fast, but all its attack seems shaky and a little weak.

Even if it's a being higher than him, this thing shouldn't be so weak.

And then he noticed something.

When he looked at the rampaging six-armed Soul-Beast gorillas he noticed that...

He is scared...

No, it feels like he is...


What would a person feel when they are intimidated?

What is intimidation?

Intimidation is when you try to frighten a weaker person into doing what you want.

You might use intimidation to get your brother to mow the lawn for you.

Intimidation can refer to the act of making someone feel timid or afraid — like what you sometimes do to your brother — or it can also refer to that fearful feeling itself.

Intimidation might make members of a jury hesitate to convict a defendant.

Intimidation can also refer to feeling threatened, discouraged, or afraid because you're facing something stronger or superior.

You might feel a sense of intimidation right before your soccer team plays the undefeated state champs.


But the intimidation he is feeling seems different.

He began to recall something, in his memory


So he asked himself.

Melee and range attack was lowered.?!

He is quite surprised.

Something is becoming more familiar.

His conjecture and analysis to the fight.

He is witnessing right now.

Raptor is having a hard time.

To the point that his Raptor cannot gain an upper hand because of type advantage..!?

It was extremely familiar.

Very familiar.

And then finally he recalled something.

In the game he was playing in the past, there are monsters like this that can intimidate the trainer's monster too.

In there a foe monster can only intimidate the Trainers monster.

But here it seems like it can also affect the trainers too.

Or he can call Tamers.

Yes, Tamers too.

Plus this time, it was extremely more realistic and more lethal.

In his observation, the intimidation in this world lowers the melee attack and the range attack.

Just like what is happening right now.


He laughs at himself.

Earlier he couldn't recall all his memories because he is so hungry and intimidated.

Thus, he was punched.

And because he is new to the sensation of pain, He despaired!

This made him question his goal and existence.

If it weren't for motus who clearly had an evil motive he would've been dead.

And crying like a kid earlier.

This BAST*RD!!

He cursed the Grant monkey on his mind.

But despite the hatred he is feeling, he still didn't join in the fight.

By his observation, it seems like his Voltury Raptor can evade pretty well and even fly from time to time to escape the Giant gorillas' attack.

Should he join or not?

It was a foolish move, jomel thinks that this is not an anime, novel or movie, or something.

Where rage can make a person stronger and kill the enemy instantly.

He is not an overpowered being who had a system or has an Overpowered cheat.

He just got lucky.

But despite his luck, he knew that he has a lot of weaknesses.

The best move is to be careful and cautious but never ever be afraid, or even if he was afraid he will fight back!

Because his path is...

Heart of Brave.

He calls it the heart of the brave!

Because jomel wants to brave!

Become the strongest? He is not interested.

Have fame or something? Not interested.

Or any other human desires, he is not that interested.

All of those things are secondary.

He just wants to be brave, experience a lot of things that can make him braver.

In his last life, he didn't have a chance.

This is a different story!

He will be brave so he will have no regrets if he perishes along the way.

If accidents happen, he won't despair like he still needs to do something.

He still needs to enjoy life.

Or something like that.

He needed to be brave and si he can move without hesitation and accept the outcome of whatever it was with no regrets!

Inside Jomels Soul-Space.

Motus was extremely disappointed, he thought he is gonna to corrupt his Tamer.

His plan is simple, to control his master once he reached extreme hopelessness.

Once he dines that he can freely control his body.

Right now, he can only influence him a little bit.

Just like what happened where he ate those Creatures that are considered legendaries.

Their souls can make him upgrade more his level.

Since he failed.

He has just given up, he can't do anything about it anyway.

Once another chance came, he will surely not let it go.

"RE HE HE HE HE. See you next time my Tamer... Re HE HE HE HE!.."

After that, he rested.

He needed more than 15 years to improve his level by digesting those considered legendary beings.

He looks at the three-headed dog, if he found out this guy is celebrating he will this sh*t too.

Just like what happened to the Spirit-Breaker Spirit type of Soul-Beast.

Where Jomel's hand and Soul-Space were rip off.

Motus could care less about Jomels reaction anyway.

Even if he ate the Lizard and the dog his owner can't do anything about it.

Fortunately, TaoTierus made the right choice and escaped the jaw of death.

But he is lazy.

He knew that for his Tamer to stay alive, he needed this guy's skill.

The Extreme balance, once his owner merges with him, will have no weakness.

Luckily, it seems that the Tamer is using his mind.

He is not unlike the other tamer, who is ignorant to what's important to learn.

So then Motus who was exuding dangerous red light from his eyes earlier.

Closed his eyes...


Jomel didn't know this, he was looking at the fight when suddenly...

*Gulo* *Gulo* *Gulo*

His stomach trembles...

It is calling for food, Jomel didn't join in the fight because he was extremely weak and hungry.

He clutches his stomach recalled something.

Where was the little monkey that the gorilla was eating earlier..?

He surveyed his surrounding...

In a direction, he stopped.

He saw a mangled corpse of the monkey earlier.

The only thing that's left is half of his body.

The head, the arms, and all other parts are now gone and eaten.

He jumps towards it.

He is contemplating whether he should eat it or not.

Jomel then looks at the struggling Raptor.

He didn't hesitate anymore.

He didn't know what will happen if it would quench his thirst and hunger.

But he would like to try and was prepared for what outcome it might be.



He sliced a piece of meat to the corpse.

He smelled it first and then he uses his tongue to taste its dripping blood.

In his past life, he knew that meat on the planet earth cannot compare to the meat in here.

People here are very strong because of what they eat.

Normal people here can lift things that a bodybuilder on earth couldn't lift.

And they are just normal people.

Their physique is only about eleven combat power.

When he was a soldier, he was scanned around twelve to nineteen combat physical power.

At first, it was like that, but now his physique in level 25 is 25.

When he became a tamer, now how powerful is he..?

Can only imagine.

Talking about the body he had taken, he knew food here is tastier and has more benefit when eaten by a tamer and normal people.

It was because of the food and probably the gravity.

Jomel didn't know how strong the gravity in here, but he will know that once he got a Stone Soul-Galaxy.

But first, before that, he needs to feed.

Jomel tasted the blood.

And then his eyes shined!
