
The Beginning of the end 3

The Imperial palace

Lu Yaozhu stealthily jumped into the compound where Su Liya was kept, he hid at a blind spot and watched her. He watched as she held on to Rong Rong's hands as she stepped down the stair leading to the balcony. Her belly was bigger than he had expected but her very noticeable loss of weight worried him. Although she didn't look too bad, can considering she was pregnant and as such eating for two. It worried him that at six months pregnant, Su Liya looked slimmer than she was when last he saw her. 

He felt like just walking up to her and whisking her away from this place but remembering the risks in making such an unplanned move. He stayed away and instead watched her in secret for a few hours before leaving the palace. The next day he send out two letters, the first letter was addressed to Empress Xia who had become one of his allies these past six months.
