
197. Close Call

Asher and Jane heard the massive clatter of metal and wood. The larger thud that hit the ground though, was the one that worried them. 'Did I go too far and hurt Art!?' Asher fears this thought and rushed through the door.

He nearly kicked the door open and narrowly managed to take a step through the cabin. All around him were metal bits in various shapes and sizes. Art had been the cause without realizing it and now rested in the center of the mess. 

"Art!" Asher ignored the metal everywhere and shook Art who was unconscious on the ground. "Art! What happened!?" He was nearly panicking thinking that he had caused his best friend to get hurt. 

"Asher! Stop!" Jane grabbed Asher's hands and held them still. "He is just asleep. Look at his breathing. He is fine." Her words were clear and strong immediately setting a calming standard for Asher's unstable emotions. 
