
First day Part 2

They went to grab wooden sticks that look like a one-handed sword. By the looks of it, they will be having some kind of duel. A duel that will make you stronger. Just as they were getting ready, their teacher coughed to make an announcement.

"Ahem! Attention everyone! Due to unknown reasons, you will all be training with the one and only Grandmaster Troan! Hahaha! Be honoured students!" Delmund shouted.

The students jolted at the announcement. They haven't thought that the day would come that they will face the grandmaster themselves. It was then, a domineering aura was felt to approach them. Pulsating while he steps closer and closer towards them.

"Ahhh! We are doomed! Everyone fall back!" Somebody shouted at the back.

"I didn't sign up for this! I don't wanna die!"

"Ahhhh!!! Run for your lives!"
