

Joan about-faced and went to descend the hills. Summons have extinguished as well as the Duplicate. Isaias followed after him, tapping the cane he has on the ground while striding down the hills. Making the cane sound as it hits rocks accompanied with their footsteps.

Joan was wearing leather shoes but the prophet was only wearing satchels. A rather ill-equipped for such a great noble job such as his. Joan wondered as they will travel in such situations.

He has no clothes to wear as they went to abandon the village abruptly. Not even have a single copper coin in his pocket to feed himself. Only the letter was in his pocket that has value.

Thinking of selling it to have money and to eat was also an idea in his mind. Though it was not worth it, he can only sigh on the process. Even with his strength, he can only click his tongue on their poverty.

Isaias then stopped his steps, making Joan look back at him. Thinking what was the reason he stopped.
