
Let It Go

Apryl wasn't sure if it was the weird caffeinated-like chocolate or something else that made her enjoy the kiss so much. Keith certainly had soft lips but she didn't think that was enough to cause the fluttering feeling that she felt in her stomach nor a reason for the warm spark that started at her lips and moved through her body causing her to feel a heightened sense of pleasure. 

Her head still felt oddly fuzzy as she continued to sip the second bottle of water that Callum had brought over for her and Keith. She couldn't help sneaking a glance over the lip of her bottle at the male werewolf she had just kissed. He wasn't paying attention to her however. It seemed like he was spacing out as he sat staring in the opposite direction at the wall where there really anything of interest to see. She wondered if he felt the same way about the kiss as she had or if it was one sided.
