

Apryl was tired the next morning. Due to the fact that she didn't have anyone to rely on to help her with her homework, she ended up being up far later than she had wanted to be trying to fix it up best she could.

Lydia had offered to help, but she told her that she would feel better if she just helped make sure everything was okay with the rest of her family while she focused on getting her homework done. At least Brian hadn't been in need of occupying the computer that night otherwise Apryl wasn't sure what she would've done.

Wolves needed far more than three hours of sleep to help them get through the day, she didn't understand how humans were able to do this for years and somehow manage to function on a daily basis. She just hoped that Keith would have a few minutes to help her look it over. The assignment was technically supposed to be turned in the night before, but the professor would allow some students to turn in paper copies if that was their preference so long as they weren't handwritten.

It was too bad werewolves couldn't drink coffee like humans could. She felt it perhaps would've been a life saver that could help her get through the rest of the day. Maybe she would have to ask Keith if they invented such a thing that had similar affects but was safe to consume. Her Aunt wasn't sure because she had never considered trying coffee before, she hated the smell of it.

Too tired to eat, Apryl triple checked everything to make sure that she wasn't missing anything before she left for school. She would probably cry if she came to find out she forgot her flash drive or anything else that she needed for class. She made sure to stop by to see her mother and everyone before she left in order to make sure that everything was okay. She knew that she would worry too much all day if she didn't see anyone one last time before she left.

Nova had agreed to help her aunt feed everyone later since her sister wouldn't home earlier enough due to class to help with lunch. As long as Brian wasn't around, she didn't mind helping out that much.

After getting to school, she wasn't fortunate enough to see Keith until after her second class was over. She had texted him to ask if he would be around or not, but he didn't reply until much later after she had come by to see if he was at work. He claimed to be working elsewhere on campus that day and would see her after classes because he wouldn't have to time beforehand. This meant that much to her dismay that she would have to turn in her homework without another pair of eyes to proofread and help her correct it. She just hoped that it wasn't too horrible.

"What are you doing here?" She asked confused to see the other werewolf standing outside of her classroom.

"I came to pick up for lunch. We still have things to talk about after all and like I told you yesterday, I do still intend to answer what you asked about yesterday." Keith replied staying by the wall opposite of the classroom as he waited for the rest of the students to leave.

"You're going to give me a honest answer to everything?" She asked, stepping outside of the classroom and moving over to where he was one everyone else had left.

"I will tell you as much as I feel comfortable talking about. There are still something that I would rather not bring up yet, but I will tell you later once I've sorted through them myself." He replied trying to be as honest as possible with her. She gave him a suspicious look when he said this.

"Alright, but where are we going to eat lunch? I was too tired to pack anything with me to eat today." She was sure that her aunt had probably made something the night before for her to take with her today, she just didn't feel like rummaging through the fridge to find it when she wasn't even sure that she would have the energy to eat today.

"That's not a problem at all. If you don't mind driving too much there was actually someplace I was thinking about taking you to eat where I think that we would be able to talk better in peace without others trying to listen in." He told her with a grin. Apryl made a face after hearing that they would have to driver there.

"I'm not exactly thrilled about being in a car yet, but I can handle it if this place isn't too far away from here." She replied. Honestly though she would have preferred to stay as far away from cars as possible. They were too weird for her.

"Nah, it's not too far. Only about maybe fifteen minutes from here." He assured as they started to walk away from the classroom. She wasn't sure that she would be able to handle fifteen minutes in the car, but she would do her best if meant that she would really be getting the answers that she was hoping to from Keith.

"Are you safe driver at least?" She asked once they were outside of the building and he was leading her in the direction of where his car was parked.

"I would like to think that I am. Not many people have complained when they've rode with me. Though I don't often take others like us for drives." He replied. Because he was a student worker, he was able to park in a different part of the lot from where the normal students who had to fight most mornings to get a spot and not be late for class.

"My only two other friends like us are Chester and Callum both of whom have their own cars to drive themselves to school with each day. You will probably have to learn how to drive yourself at some point." Apryl grimaced when he said this.

"My aunt has said something similar, but I'm really not that thrilled over the idea of having to do something like that. I would avoid driving and cars all together if that was an option." Keith laughed when she said this as they approached a small black car. It was smaller than the one that her uncle drove but seemed like it would be easier to get into.

"Well you could try doing that, but it might really limit your job prospects since without being able to drive you wouldn't easily be able to go for better jobs that are farther out." He told her as he pulled the key out of his pocket to unlock the door.

"That might not be all that horrible." She answered honestly as she got into the car after watching how Keith did it. From riding with her uncle, the one thing that she hadn't forgotten was to put on her seatbelt in order to make sure that she would be safe. Keith started the car up and glanced over at her to make sure that she was buckled up properly. She just hoped that he was a safe driver and there was nothing for her to worry about.
