
Sound Stock~18

Perry died inside his house as it burnt. Stripe remained silent as they watch the house crumbles.

"Let's get out of here. This kind of mission pissed me off." Stripe hissed as he walked out. Hue just shrugged and Nod blink.

Nod never thought that the scaredy cat Stripe would be this scary when he get's feed up.

Oak just followed behind Stripe. Nod somehow noticed that Oak and Strip were a little too close. Hue watched Nod observing the two and said.

"They are siblings. Stripe was an a son from different father. Per say the first husband of his mother. Oak is also a daughter from a different father."

Nod made a face that express his thoughts.

"I now understand.."

Hue pat him on the back and said.

"Your dating a woman with pure heart but with deep cuts. It will be fine, Oak is a wise and delicate woman." Hue stated.

"How do you know?" Nod asked.

"I am their cousin. I grew up with them." Hue replied.

The face powder vibrated inside Nod's pouch and opened it.

"Result Unknown."

"Remain in Place."

Nod read just when they reached the lake. He suddenly fell down. His breath got irratic. His heart were being twisted and his pouch seemed to have bulged.

Hue caught Nod and pulled him by the side but was pushed toward the fence. The two fell in the lake. Stripe and Oak looked back to see Hue struggling to remain atop the stained liquid.

"Nod passed out. There is something wrong with him. Hurry and help me." Hue yelled.

Stripe jump in and help Hue to be lifted. Oak pulled him up from the water and had him lay flat on the wooden bridge.

"His pouch.. Check it...." Hue instructed between coughs and gasped.

Striped and Oak removed the face powder and found his oxygen bag halfway full of water.

"Hold his tube don't cover it." Stripe instructed.

Stripe emptied the oxygen bag and fanned it to be dried. Hue squeezed the pouch when they reconnect the tubes and oxygen bag. Nod did not respond.

"What is wrong?" Stripe asked.

Oak peek through the hole and saw some water in the tube.

"There are water coming out of his tube." Oak informed.

"I will pull him up and you empty his tube." Stripe navigated as he carefully held Nod and stood him. Oak and Hue cleaned out his tubes but the watee flow seemed to be unending.

"What should we do? ..The water is not stopping." Oak wearily asked

"Let's keep cleaning it out." Stripe encouraged.

Hue tried to sip it with his mouth and was suprised to have his mouth full of water from the lake.

"We forgot and overlooked this. I notice him halting and staggering a while ago but ignored it." Oak professed.

"It's okay, don't get too emotional. Inhale and Exhale. Let us help Nod for now." Stripe stated as he observe how his tube seemed to have been pinched.

"Hue check the tubes. They are not in the right portion. There is a crooked one near his heart. Be carefull." Stripe guided.

Hue was sweating as he straightened the tube. If he mess it up Nod might die.

When they were done they reconnect the oxygen bag once more and the tube. Nod started coughing and groaning.

"We did it. He is back but we have to wait for him to wake up." Stripe stated.

Nod opened his eyes and found himself on the lake. Hue and Stripe are by the edge watching the lake while Oak held his hand asleep beside him.

Nod stood up awakening Oak.

"How long are we stock here?" Nod asked.

"I don't know but counting from when we arrive here. We've been here for almost a week." Oak responded after yawning.

Nod approach Hue and Stripe.

"So your awake Sleeping Beauty." Stripe teased.

"The face powder even bugged as for the next player." Hue added.

Nod blushed and apologized.

"Next time instantly tell us when you feel weird." Oak advised.

"I guess it's my turn. The face powder hate it when we take things from every place. It would trap us." Hue stated he stuck the wheel. and it landed in Letter N.




The team got sucked in within a wooden cabinet. They yelled as they were tightly pressed together. They tried to pass through the cabinet but unfortunately it was the one thing that conects them to this world.

Nod had his face on the back portion. Hue had his face kissing the cieling. Stripe on the front while Oak had her face on the floor.

"Pwease somewone opwen the dwoor." Stripe pleaded and as if someone heared his voice the cabinet was opened by a little girl. She entered the cabinet making it more tight and uncomfortable.

The little girl with lavender hair and orange eyes cried. She sniffed and hiccups.

A manly voice approach the cabinet and said.

"My... baby girl.. i know you are there."

"Come out and we will play."

"I will make sure you will be happy about it."

The girl trembles as the man with beared and lustful eyes opened the cabinet. The gang fell and passed through the man.

The girl cried as the man held him by his arms and said.

"Uncle please no.... Please..." the child begged.

"Honey, don't be like this. You used to obey me right." The man stated as he playfully pinched the girl's cheek.

"But... it will hurt me..." The little girl cried.

"I promise I will be gentle." the uncle sang.

Oak banged the cabinet door and the man was surprised. He just shrugged but the cabinet again got punched.

"Hey... this is not a good joke..." The man said.

"Papa.. made that cabinet uncle." The little girl informed.

The man shuddered when the cabinet moved in agreement with the girl.

The man tried to carry the girl out but the cabinet moved toward the door and blocked it. The man walked back and dropped the girl on the floor.
