
Unexpected Vacation (I)

And when she reached the doorknob, she flinched when the door slammed open. It was her mom, standing in front of her. 

"Aly, you're okay!" Her mother exclaimed while hugging her daughter. 

"Okay, that's a little extra mom. Of course I'm fine. I just bought some clothes so why don't you take your arms away from me so I could get inside." She mumbled. 

"Right, sorry darling. Let's go inside." She mumbled and removed her arms around her and helped her daughter carrying the paper bags and stepped inside. 

They sat in the living room and her mother stared at her intensely. Her eyes narrowed as her brows furrowed deeply. She didn't know what was going on or why her mother was acting like that. 

"What is going on? Am I in trouble?" She asked. 

She heaved a deep sigh and held her hands. "Just tell me mom. What's happening? Is it about the fight a while ago? If you want to talk about it. Just talk and I'll listen." She said, 
