
Old Prophecies...

{If you want to read ahead go to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

~~~(POV: Nathen Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: The Jedi Temple, Coruscant)~~~

My eyes continue to glide over the prophecy, and there is still so much more to read. Eassa is staring at me, waiting for me to continue translating the text. I've never liked Jedi and Sith prophecies, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't know them.

[The being that will bring an end to all existence will not be born of mortality. It'll wear the skin of a man or woman, but it will not be of our power in The Force. When this child is born, The Force will be born with it and will Embody The Force in all its forms.]

This is starting to sound like a prophecy about me... The Father is the embodiment of the balance... The Son is the embodiment of the dark... The Daughter is the embodiment of the light...

Abeloth, my mom, is the embodiment of the light and dark, but a lack of balance... According to the lore that I know, but this Star Wars Universe is different from the one I knew back on Earth... What the Nate from Earth knew...

I'm believed to be The Force Incarnate. The light. The dark. The balance. The imbalance. All of them are in me.

No one knows these truths... Not even Nella. All she knows is I'm born from a Force God in Abeloth... She knows that I'm The Force Incarnate, but she doesn't know the details of what that entails.

"What are you waiting for? Keep reading. I'm hooked now. I've never heard of such a prophecy before. And why hide it all the way down here? Shouldn't this be something every Jedi sees?"

Eassa is more excited about this than I am. Which is understandable. If she knew what was really going on here, she'd be more cautious about this. About me. The prophecy is saying that I'll end all existence. I don't even know if that's possible.

"Okay. Okay. Don't get your underwear in a bunch."

She rolls her eyes at me. That was a little more intimate sounding than I was hoping it would sound. But that's neither here nor there at the moment.

[When this being descends on the galaxy, it'll be a time of strife. War. And death. War always follows the Jedi and Sith, but there is a way to tell if you're in the presence of the being.]

This is starting to get good, I'll admit.

[There will be... X/XOOO////XXX]

The language is eroded and unreadable now. It even looks like it's been damaged by ancient lightsabers.

"That's where the talks about the prophecy end regarding the being. However, there is another prophecy here. Do you want me to read that one too?"

Eassa smiles at me and nods her head.

[During a time of peace, when there are no galactic wars. A terrible plague from outside the galaxy will arrive. It will sweep across the stars like a glorious wind. It'll be impossible to stop unless every being cuts themselves off from The Force.]

This prophecy is even darker than the one about me. I highly doubt I'll end all existence unless I'm killed or something. I have control over my actions, but this prophecy about a plague is probably a metaphor.

I know that the Yuuzhan Vong and this could be the plague the prophecy is talking about. The Yuuzhan Vong aren't connected to The Force. But I don't understand why disconnecting from The Force is the only way to save people.

[The plague from beyond the galaxy will be one that eats The Force. For within every living being resides organisms that connect us to The Force. When this plague comes, it'll devour these organisms. Devouring the people that have them along with them.]

This isn't the Yuuzhan Vong... It's also talking about Midi-Chlorians... That's a concept that doesn't exist at this point in Star Wars. Meaning this prophecy was written by someone who knew things before his or her time.

I continue reading a couple more words, but the same thing happens... It's damaged. Unreadable.

"What do you make out of all that?"

Eassa asks me a question that I'm not sure I want to answer... Most of the time, Jedi and Sith prophecies are misleading and false. But I can't help wondering about the second one I read. Cause the first one is true.

I'm the being in the first prophecy, and since I'm real. The supposed plague in the second could be real too.

"I don't know, Eassa..."
