
Wear Some Clothes—!

Waking up to the sound of the buzzing noise from my alarm clock.

"Mhmm...", I grunted.

An oozing smell tackled my noise, the feeling of sweetness edging every corner of my nostril. Though, the feeling of the sweetness seems familiar.

However, something caught my interest, the feeling of softness wrapping on my whole face. The pleasant feeling of the softness, and the comforting feel as if I was in a dream of clouds. The exquisite buoyancy that's making me want to sleep more, reaching into it with my bare hands.

A sudden moan reached into my ears.



Snapping out of my daze.

Once again, my hand grabbed the soft pillow in front of my face.

Another moan reached into my ears.


Every fiber of my existence shivers, recognizing the owner of the voice. Unease slithered down through my spine.

Don't tell me.

"What are you doing, Suya?", a feminine voice spoke.

Looking upward to the owner of the feminine voice. The feeling of uneasiness earlier grew. An emerald jade glistening eyes stared into my amethyst eyes.

Confusion sprang to my mind as her eyes are staring into mine.

Why is she here?

Where am I?

Why am I sleeping?

As thoughts are pouring out of my mind, one thing stood out more than others—What happened yesterday? I tried seeking answers in my mind, despite that I can't recall anything related to yesterday's event.

A sliver of memory surged into my mind. I remembered Naoki on top of me when she suddenly hugged me out of nowhere. However, after that, it all went blank.

Did I lose consciousness when I fell on their sofa?

Then, the female owner of the emerald jade eyes spoke, "Good morning.", giving me a big smile.

Her smile could entrance countless men as her enchanting appearance summits the apex of society, adding her golden hair making her more unique in other ways.

"What are you doing here? Nee-san?", I asked her.

"Sleeping with my lovely little brother...?", tilting her head in confusion.

"Yes, I know. And why are you doing that?"

"Because I missed you? What else?"

"Nee-san, I'm 16 and a freshman in high school; In addition to that, siblings don't do that when they're almost about to reach adulthood."

"So? Why do I need to have care about that?"


A streak of silence...

I can't think of anything.

"Can't say anything? Checkmate.", she smirked at me.

"Haa... Okay, I can't think of anything but can you please stop that? We're already in our teens, you need to stop doing that.", I sighed dejectedly.

"No. As long you're my little brother, nothing will change. I don't care.", she firmly said.

"Okay okay, I give up. But, what happened yesterday? I don't remember anything."

"Hm...? You just fell asleep."

"No no, before that. I don't remember anything after Naoki fell on me, yesterday.", I said in puzzlement.

Nee-san eyebrows furrowed upon hearing Naoki's but that all subside quickly when she realizes my confused state and said, "Of course, they bought you here. What do you think happened?", and gave me a mellow smile.

"For real? I swear that something happened after that, but I can't recall anything. I kept thinking of it but to no avail, there's nothing." I sullenly said.

Though I feel refreshed for some reason like my brain has gone into a reboot. I haven't gotten this feeling for ages. I wonder if it's because I slept peacefully? I didn't get any nightmares too.

"Nothing happened. When I got here Aunt said you're at the neighbor's house so I went there and saw you sleeping so I carried you to your bed."

"Really? Oh yeah, what about the three girls who are with me? I was supposed to send them home."

"Mom and dad were still here so they were the ones who send them home."

"Wait, if you will live here then what will happen to mom and dad?", I asked her.

"They will be living in Tokyo this week, but mom will be moving here next week because dad will be going out of the country."


So basically, Nee-san is telling me that. All the begging that I did was all for naught?

Haa... I'll just let them do whatever they want. I'm sick of fighting where I will just lose in the end.

I want to see Asuka...

"Dad going out of the country? To where?"

"I don't know.", she replied instantly.

I stared at Nee-san confused.

"Haa... Okay. Is Naoki, okay?", I asked.

Then, Nee-san's mood turned 180 as she glared at me with furrowed eyebrows, "Why are you worried about her? She's only bringing misfortune in your life!", she angrily said.

Upon hearing that, I narrowed my eyes and glared at her, "Don't say that, she didn't do anything. You're the one who blamed her without even knowing the actual events that happened."

"You can say that because you don't remember what she did to you.", she said in a fierce voice.

"I don't care about the past nor I'm interested in it. I can't tolerate you blaming an innocent just because of that. Even if I don't remember, I know that Naoki will not do anything that could harm me. I trust my guts. That's why I'm not going to tolerate your behavior towards her.", I said sternly.

Because of what I said, Nee-san let out a domineering aura around while glaring into my eyes. Knowing her, I know that she would not listen to anything that came out of my mouth so I glared back at her—Glaring standoff.

Our eyes stayed that way for a few seconds before my Nee-san finally give up.

She let out a sigh before answering, "Haa... Okay, but my views of her will not change, I still hate her."

"That's okay, I'm not asking you to do that. I just want you to ask for forgiveness for what happened yesterday.", I said with a grin on my face.

Asking her about the reason for her hating Naoki will probably spark something or she will not tell me. I don't know their history, but the hate in Nee-san's eyes is genuine. One thing sparks in my mind, maybe it correlates with my incident?

After our conversation, a breezing coldness brushes into my skin.

Looking down on the thing where my face was planted earlier, obviously, it's Nee-san breast. I'm used to her shoving her breast into mine, her breast is not that developed like Naoki or Yokota's melons. Nonetheless, it's still soft and firm. If I remember her breast size was supposed to be D cup...

God, why do I know that. That's depressing.

Scratch all of that. I laid my eyes upon her breast, two pink nipples could be seen, plus her clear white skin that we inherited from our mother is in full view of a person's naked eyes.

After blinking few times...

My eyes widen upon seeing that, I immediately pushed myself away from her.

"You're naked again?!", I yelled.

"Hm...? Because it's hot?", tilting her head in confusion.

"It's still April of spring! What hot—..."

Because of me pushing myself away from her, I ended up taking the blanket with me who's covering our body earlier. I gawked my eyes when I saw her flawless body, then I noticed something my eyes glanced at her pubic area—She's hairless.

But, realizing that my own elder sister is naked right in front of me, I immediately shut my eyes off.

"WEAR SOME CLOTHES!", I yelled once again with my face flushed off embarrassment.

"Why are you making a big deal out of this? You've seen my body countless times."

"That's not the point! I'm telling you that don't go naked whenever you sleep in my room! I've been telling you countless times! I'm okay with you sleeping in my bed if you have clothes!"

"Just get used to it, you know that I can't sleep with clothes on.", she said while sulking.

"Then, don't sleep here if you can't do that.", I sternly said.

She gasped upon hearing it and got horrified, "O-Okay... I'll try...", she said stammeringly.

"Not try. Do it."

"Yes.", replying disheartened.

I swear! I've been telling her this a million times, she doesn't listen! She will reply like that then tomorrow she will be back to square one!

I need to do some precautions. How can I fortify the door in my room? Locking the doorknob will do nothing since she learned the way of lock picking for this reason.

"Good. Now, can you wear some clothes?", I asked.

"Yeah, give me a sec.", she replied.

After a while...

"Okay, I'm done.", Nee-san announced.

"Phew, thank god.", I said.

I gradually opened my eyes.

Currently what I am seeing right now was that I'm still in my room, nothing changed. But, one person stands out as she was standing near the bed looking at me. It was Nee-san who's currently wearing my white shirt whom she got from my wardrobe.

Though her nipples are still sticking out of the shirt because she's not wearing any undergarments beneath it, that's better than her being naked.

Nee-san looks hot like one of those girlfriend types like she's only wearing her boyfriend's shirt and nothing else. That would be great if the one who's doing it is not your own sister...

Carrying myself out of the bed with the blankets covering myself, but once I stood and removed the blanket that's covering me. I knew something was up when I felt a cold breeze earlier.

Looking downwards, I saw my fully naked self, no underwear or anything, I could even see the thing between in my crotch dangling.

I screamed, "Waaaaaah!"

Taking the blanket once again, covering my dangling thing.

"WHY AM I NAKED?!", I glared at my sister.

Nee-san averted her eyes, "You look uncomfortable when sleeping, so I took the courtesy to remove it for you."


"Alright alright, no need to get hot-headed, I'll go ahead. I need to ready myself for school.", she immediately left the room.


After she left the room, I locked the door and wore the clothes that I picked in my wardrobe, and now fully dressed in my blue shirt and black shorts.

As I was about to pick my phone laying down on my desk.

A sudden headache occurred, "Ugh...", I held my head.

Countless images started surging into my head like a dam busted open.

As the memories still surging in my head, my knees felt weak making me kneel on the floor.

"Haa, Haa, Haa.", breathing roughly.

I remembered all the stuff that happened.

From Naoki's unusual self to me collapsing in the middle of the street but some pieces of stuff are blurry as I can't seem to remember all the details like any conversation that I talked about with a person or what I said during all of that.

I remember seeing Nagasawa-san on the street. However, I can't remember any of our conversations or any of my conversations with anyone at that time. Like watching television without any sounds or it's just put on mute all the time. I can see the scenarios that happened even their facial reactions, I clearly remember all of that.

Then something was odd too, I clearly remember myself showing my face to Hina-senpai, Ai-senpai, and Yokota. Like, I'm just totally being normal with them without any care. I didn't get any panic attacks.

My head is still throbbing in pain as I was still grinding my brain to remember all the stuff yesterday.

Tears started pouring out of my eyes as I endure the pain in my head.

Something inside me was screaming to remember something, I want to remember the conversation that I had with Haru-san and Sakura-san about Naoki. I want to remember that!

I was crying in agony and sorrow as my head is still suffering from throbbing pain, the more I try to remember my torment worsens. However, something inside me wants to remember it, no matter what.

"UGGH!", I cry out in pain.

Like an unknown force trying to forcefully who's trying to pluck my brains out.


"Haa, Haa, Haa.", breathing roughly.

My whole world started to weaken as my sight started getting dark.

Not again...

Vol. 2 is here—!

Xeozcreators' thoughts