
Adding More Salt into the Wound

It's currently lunchtime.

I got up from my seat while still hiding the hickey that Yuki gave me earlier, I turned around towards Arima.

I called Arima, "Hey, let's go?"

"Yep, Yokota do you want to join us?", Arima turning his head to Yokota.

"Okay.", Yokota stood up and joined us.

"Naoki.", I called Naoki.

"Hm?", Naoki looked at me.

"Uhh, I forgot that, I don't have my wallet."

"Oh, Yuki said she got our bento."

"For real?"

"Mhmm.", Naoki nodded.

"That's pretty convenient..."

Then I heard some commotion outside the classroom.

"What's the ruckus?", Arima said as he looked in the hallway.

Something is coming...

The tension of commotion grew stronger as time passes. Then, a silver-haired girl peeked from the door of our classroom— it was Yuki.

Most of the people that are still in the classroom or the ones who were about to go out, stopped, when they saw Yuki. I checked the surroundings and saw that they were all mesmerized by her beauty, Even the Nagasawa and his harem are looking at Yuki. Some of them are looking at me with disdain. Wait... why are they looking at me? Then I realized that there's a soft thing on my left arm—Naoki's was clinging unto my arm and her glorious breast is pressing against it! That's why! I gulped seeing this.

Now, half of the boys are looking at me in jealousy. I looked at Naoki, but she's only looking at Yuki not minding the people around her.

Yuki stood at the front door of the classroom as she scanned the surrounding, she then spotted me.

"Tatsuuu!!", she shouted with a thousand-watt smile on her face while waving her hand at me, and she seems to be carrying a lunch bag with her.

All the people who saw it were stunned by her smile. Meanwhile, I on the other hand was contemplating if she's planning on something. Why is she acting like this? Naoki too, she's been acting weird since earlier. What did these two talk about? I can't help myself but be suspicious of these two.

And as usual, when Yuki started acting like that, I was bombarded by disdain, hate, and jealousy stares. To top that, when they turned their heads toward the person Yuki's waving at, all of them looked at me, and then they saw Naoki clinging in my arms with her developed breast pressing against me. All the boys looked at me with malice. Naoki was clinging to my left arm since I'm holding my neck with my right hand to hide the hickey that Yuki gave me earlier.

Yuki started walking in my direction, she gradually got closer. Then what happened next, blew all the hopes and dreams of all the male students here.

Yuki hugged the right side of my body.

"Hehe~", she giggled while hugging me.


I felt a tug in my left arm, I glanced at it and saw Naoki puffing her cheeks cutely.


I then looked at Arima and Yokota, Arima is only looking at me amused, while Yokota is just looking at us confused.

Then I looked at Yuki, who's still snuggling her head against my shoulder.

She's too cute, right now! Who is this innocent girl?!

Because of that, all of my classmates and the students outside looked dumbfounded by Yuki's action. But except, for Nagasawa, he's looking at me with furrowed eyebrows. I'm feeling— Jealousy? Hate?

Then Yuki looked at me innocently. Wait... I know this pattern... Something bad is gonna happen...

Yuki showed a mischievous smile, and said, "Why are you holding your neck?", then she gasped.

"Did I left a hickey on your neck?", Yuki added.

I heard a mouthful of gasped from the surroundings, except for Arima, "Ha! I knew it!", I glared at Arima.

I don't know why she pointed it out. But, I could say that she intentionally left a hickey on my neck. For, what purpose though?

Then I remembered, what we discussed earlier in the back seat of the car.

Don't tell me, she deliberately left this hickey on me, because of what I said earlier? Is she really that adamant about this skinship thing in public? There's no way she could predict that thing in the car... How could she know about it? Impossible...

But, instead of backing out, I tried to fight back.

"Yeah, you left quite a mark, see?", I removed the hand from my neck.

Wait a minute...

"Oh no~ Want me to add more?", she looked at me with her innocent eyes.

Seeing this interaction, the anger and malice from all the male students grew exponentially, while the females on the other hand are all blushing.

My brain froze. I knew it! It backfired!!

Time for plan B! Get the fuck out of here.

"No. Uhh, can we go to the cafeteria now?"

Instead of answering, she whispered something to my ears.

"Naoki and I need kisses first."

I narrowed my eyes, I took a glance at Naoki, and she only smiled at me.

She's in it!!

I swear! Yuki is corrupting my innocent Naoki!

I sighed, and whispered back, "After eating lunch, how about that?"

Yuki contemplated for a bit and nodded, "I guess that will do for now.", Yuki then looked at Naoki and nodded.

When they came to an agreement, both of them released me at the same time.

But at the same time, I scanned the surroundings, and the majority of them are all dumbfounded.

"Let's go?", Yuki asked.

"Yeah.", Naoki agreed then she dragged Yokota with her.

Arima and I followed the three girls. Yuki, Naoki, and Yokota were all talking with each other.

Arima poked me with his elbows.

"So you got two, huh. To be honest, I'm super jealous, seeing two goddesses clinging over you. You achieved every man dreamed of."

"Huh? Yeah, I got two, but at what cost? I will be getting death threats, I'm sure.", I said dejectedly.

"Hahaha, who does that? Though, I'm curious, are you going out with them?"

"Haa... No."

"But, they like you right?"

"...", I didn't answer.

"Okay, hypothetically what if they confessed to you, who would you choose?"

"I don't know."

"What if they agreed to a three-person relationship or a polygamy relationship?"

Oh, worry not Arima they did suggest it, but why is Arima asking this stuff? And, the look on his face is complicated.

"I guess, I could? But, morally... I don't know."

"Why? Was it because society views it that way? You three agreed to that thing, why would it be morally wrong?"

I narrowed my eyes to Arima, and said, "Serious question, Arima, are you asking me this question because it's related to that Nagasawa guy, right?"

Arima flinched, and said, "Yeah..."

We are walking on the corridor now, and there are fewer students here, that's why we could talk about this.

"Tell me, your childhood friend and those girls around him, did they agree to that?", I asked Arima.

"No, I don't know, I asked her about this question, and she said to me that she would definitely agree.", Arima said in a lower voice while his eyes were downcast.

"Oh, so that's what happened. To be honest with you, those two came to an agreement that instead of fighting over me that they would just go out with me, both of them."

"For real?! Oh fuck, I just asked you that out of a whim, I didn't expect that to happen in real life!", Arima exclaimed.

"Oi, don't tell anyone, okay? Or else...", I glared at Arima.

"Whoa chill, I-I don't really have someone to talk anyway...", Arima said in a lower voice and crestfallen.

"Why?", I looked at him confused.

"I-I don't have any friends..."

"What? For real? I thought you're one of the popular student tropes.", I said in bafflement.

"What about your clubmates?", I added.

"None... I became an outcast...", Arima said while gritting his teeth.

"What happened?"

"Long story... I basically became a loner after the second semester of my last year at middle school... And, ever since, I became all alone. That's why when I met you, I felt relieved because I thought that my whole high school life will be just me all alone.", Arima said and his face is full of emotions.

"If you don't want to talk about it, then it's okay. Hey, you're the first male friend I've got.", I smiled at him.

"Eh?", Arima looked at me confused.

"You see, I didn't go to middle school. Well, I did, for only like a few months but didn't really finish it. And, ever since I've been secluded from society. And those two too, you guys are only my friends, I think maybe even Yokota."

"For real? Damn, I thought me being alone sucks, but you... You didn't have any friends for the last 2 years?"

"Not really, I do have some, but most of them are adults. I only meant friends that are in the same age range as mine.", I let out a small smile, remembering them—I wish they were here.

"Ohh, I see, I guess you're not all alone."

"Haa... stop with this dramatic stuff.", Arima sighed and became energetic.

"Now, let's get back to our topic, those two agree to go out with you, right? So, did you agree?"

"No, I said, I need to think about it."

"You for real? You're going out with two goddesses!", Arima exclaimed.

I looked at him perplexed, and said, "Hey, you don't just agree on things, right away. You need to think about it first, but in my case, I'm just piecing it together."

"Yeah... That makes sense, I'm not going to ask that piecing together thing. But, I'm kind of curious, I know that you are good-looking, my only question is—Just how good-looking are you? I can't help myself wanting to see your whole face." Arima said while contemplating it.

"I warn you, if you want to take a look, you need sunglasses. You will go blind."

"Now, you're just fucking with me."

Then we both looked at each other and laughed.

✯ ✯ ✯

We reached the cafeteria, and it's all packed as usual.

"I'll just go and buy some food, go find a table to sit on.", Arima said.

Then the four of us, Yuki, Naoki, Yokota, and me, went out way to find a table to sit on. The four of us caught the attention of everyone.

"Oh, there.", Naoki pointed at a vacant table.

We went there and sat on it. After we sat, the people nearby us, kept glancing at Yuki, and sometimes at Naoki and Yokota too. But, most of them are looking at Yuki. I guess the news got spread about Yuki's family background. And, of course, how could I forget the murderous glares aiming towards me.

Yuki and Naoki sat on both of my sides, while Yokota sat in front of us. And, the two are pressing their bodies against me, that's why all the guys who saw it are looking at me in disdain and anger. Why are they so angry at me? I didn't choose this! But, seeing those jealous stares aiming at me, I can't help myself but to feel good, it's like there's something inside me filling up.

Yuki gave us our luxurious bentos', Then Yokota on the other hand had her own bento.

Then Naoki and I opened the bento.

"Wow.", I was shocked seeing the amount of food and how pleasing it is to my eyes, even Yokota was surprised, but Naoki on the other hand didn't really react.

The lunches that Yuki gave us are, all the same, it contains pork cutlet, fried shrimp, tiny meatballs, rice, and some veggies on the sides.

"Thank you, Yuki.", I said.

"No problem, just for you~", Yuki said with a smile on her face then she winked at me.

My whole body shivered. Is there a catch?

"Haa... okay okay, let's just eat.", I sighed in defeat.

"""Thank you for the food.""", we all said in unison.

I took a first bite of the fried shrimp, I was surprised at how delicious it is, "Whoa, can't really believe you could eat this kind of food every day, Yuki."

"Of course, I cooked it for you.", Yuki said.

""Eh?"", Naoki and I looked at her dumbfounded.

"Hm? It's me who cooked that, I skipped my 2nd period to cook that, you know?"

"Muumuu— You're unfair!", Naoki exclaimed.

"I was supposed to be the one who will cook for him!", she added.

"Oh come on, you cooked for him, yesterday, so today it's mine.", Yuki said to Naoki with a smug face.

"Wait, you cooked my lunch, yesterday?", I looked at Naoki baffled.

"Umu.", Naoki's face flushed in redness while her eyes went downcast.

"Why didn't you tell me? I really thought Sakura-san cooked that."

"I-I thought it will not suit your taste, so..."

I patted Naoki's head, "Why? It tastes delicious, though?"

Naoki started purring. Then, Yuki interjected, "Hey, where's mine?"

I looked at her surprised. I guess she doesn't want to be left out, so I complied and started patting Yuki's head too. Yuki was happy but unlike Naoki, she started humming happily. Yuki can be innocently cute too, sometimes.

I stopped patting their heads, and the both of them looked at me in their puppy eyes asking for more, but I rejected them, "No, we need to eat first, lunch break's time is only limited."

The two nodded and they proceed to eat.

After all of that, I saw our surroundings looked at us flabbergasted. And then, what I didn't expect to see was— Yokota slightly smiling. Oh my... If she smiles more often, I bet she'll be a popular girl to the boys, but I got the feeling that she already is.

Arima is still not here, but an unknown guy went to our table and greeted Yuki.

"Hello, Hatsumi-san.", the guy said with a smile on his face.
