
Can We Talk?

Mori Ken was somehow speechless for a while after Hayashi Sakura had spilled her precious secrets to him.

There were a lot of scenarios that he had already imagined if ever he would come to a point where he would be confessing his love for Sakura. Most of them were based on the romantic tv dramas or animes that he had already seen.

He had one of these vivid imaginations in the past where after he professed his love for the girl he liked for so long, the girl would also confess her feelings for him as well. That would make their feelings mutual for each other.

Then they would eventually seal their feelings over a passionate kiss, with the moon and stars witnessing the beginning of their love for each other to bloom.

But after tonight, Mori Ken had realized that it would be best not to watch any more romantic dramas on tv ever again.
