
Chapter 12 The Arrival of Catia's Mothership (Rewrite)

In the living room.

Two groups can be seen where Eris and her friends sit on the opposite of the couch while Manami and Kio. As for Kanda, he just laying on one of the empty couches there.

"Ok, Eris. Can you introduce your friends as they have the same cat-like features as yours? I'm sure that they're your own people." Said Kanda as he looks at the newcomer.

"Sure, on my right is Melwin, the First Officer of Catia's mothership while on my left is Chaika, mothership's analysis team leader." Said Eris as she introduced the people beside her.

On Eris's left side which called Melwin is a girl with blue bob hair and green eyes. She is wearing a body-tight suit with deep blue and white motif where she can be seen as young girl with modest body.

For the one on Eris's right side is called Chaika where she can be seen as a cheerful girl with silver short twin-tail and yellow eyes. She also is wearing the same suit as Melwin but a different color scheme which is purple and white. She also has a modest body just like Melwin.

"Nice to meet you, everyone. I'm Melwin./Yahoo, Chaika here." Introduced Melwin politely while Chaika greets cheerfully as she waves at other.

"Nice to meet you, Melwin-san, Chaika-san." Greeted Manami and Aoi back.

"Nice to meet you too, Melwin, Chaika. I'm sorry that currently I could greet you like this." Greeted Kanda before continues, "I'm also want to ask you two whether your mothership has already arrived here as you two are already come here to meet Eris now."

"Yes, we just arrived about an hour ago and we try to contact our scout which is Eris-san here. However, we couldn't contact her so we tried to detect her current location which is why here are we." Explained Melwin politely.

"Let's leave this serious talk later, Melwin. I'm just want to ask why that boy is laid down on the sofa." Said Chaika as she interrupts in between the talk before points her finger at the laying Kanda.

Eris suddenly realised about Kanda's current situation and cause her to look at Melwin before says, "Right, Melwin-san! Can you contact Dr. Durel? Kanda-san here is injured and I don't have enough sufficient equipment to heal him."

"Oh? What's happened, Eris-san?" Asked Melwin curiously.

"It's like this, Melwin-san. Today, we..." Said Eris as she explained what had happened today to Melwin while Kio prepares some beverages on the table for the guests while being helped by Manami.

~5 minutes later~

"I see, so that's what had been happened before." Melwin nods before she looks at Kanda and says, "Don't worry, as you had helped our Eris-san here, we will help you back, Ichijou-san."

"Eris-san, do you have any evidence on what happened today? We can get some compensation when we have a negotiation with the people here later." Said Melwin again as she looks at Eris.

"Sorry, Deputy Captain. I don't have any evidence to give you." Said Eris with aggrieved looks.

"Relax, Eris." Said Kanda before he throws an object at here and says, "Here! I already have some footing on the surveillance camera at the park. You can use it as you wish."

"Thank you very much, Kanda-san." Said Eris thankfully before she gives it to Melwin.

"So...When you retrieve that footing, Kanda?" Asked Manami suddenly.

"It's maaaagic." Said Kanda playfully where Manami just rolls her eyes away.

"Let's see what's truly happened. I will play the video right now." Said Chaika as Melwin had asked her to play the evidence where others also start to watch again what has happened before.

~one hour later~

"Wow! I don't expect that you're so strong, Kanda. Although we can do that easily, it's due to our suit that gave us superhuman abilities." Said Chaika with amazed looks after the video has ended.

"That's right. I can assure you that you're almost reached our veteran combat team with your current capabilities. That girl called Aoi also strong competent, as she can fight with equal terms with Ichijou-san before he takes advantage in her suit's weaknesses." Said Melwin as she expresses her words.

"That's true. I also think that I will lose if I'm trying to fight with him." Supported Eris.

"But it's annoying you know...you see that this lazy guy here can fight that good. While I can ignore that Aoi-chan can fight as well as her ability might came from the organization but this just just training by himself and it makes me frustrated." Said Manami as she complained about Kanda.

"Hahahaha. What can I say, Manami, I'm just this talented." Said Kanda with proud looks although his laid down posture destroyed his arrogance.

"How you get your strength, Ichijou-san. Just tell us the story behind your strength."

"Well...Sure, I can tell to all of you. The story happened ..." Said Kanda after hesitating for a moment.

*****flashback starts and Kanda's POV******

After arrived at the first world, I spent the night at the hotel inside that town, I went to a real estate center to find a suitable house to make as a hideout during my stay in this world.

A real estate center is the place where the process of selling, buying, renting any real estate. Real estate also a land along with any permanent improvements attached to the land, whether natural or man-made including water, trees, minerals, buildings, homes, fences, and bridges. Real estate also known as real property. It differs from personal property, which are things not permanently attached to the land, such as vehicles, boats, jewelry, furniture, and farm equipment.

While searching for some houses, I had been introduced to Yuuichi Miyagi by the property agent at the center which the man called Yuuichi Miyagi had brought me towards his niece's house called Kio Kakuzu.

After spent one month at Kio's house, I met again with Uncle Yuuichi when I go to the convenience store.

~In front of a convenience store.

"Sup, Kanda! What are you doing here? How your stay at Kio's house?" Greeted Uncle Yuuichi as he found Kanda in front of the store.

"Hello, Uncle Yuuichi...it's fine, I guess. I'm just trying to buy some food here and maybe register myself at the gym in this town." Said Kanda after he greeted Uncle Yuuichi.

"Why do you need to go gym?" Asked Uncle Yuuichi.

"Well...just training myself. It's not hurt to buff my body a bit." Replied Kanda.

Uncle Yuuichi ponders for awhile before saying, "I can introduce you to my friend, Kanda as he also owned a gym and you might learn some fighting techniques during your training at that time. Here, it's the map for that gym."

"Thank you, Uncle Yuuichi. I will go to find that place later." Thanked Kanda after received the direction from Uncle Yuuichi.

After the conversation between myself and Uncle Yuuichi ended, I excuse myself from him while thanked him before I go to the gym that had been pointed at by Yuuichi's map.

After 30 minutes of walking around, finally I can see the gym that had been mentioned by Uncle Yuuichi.

Although the gym looks a bit old but shocked when I saw the interior of the gym where all brand new types of equipment can be seen around the gym.

"Maa, I don't think that someone may come here. What do you want, boy?" Said a voice coming from behind.

As I heard the voice behind me, I turn my head before shocked expression on my face as I look at the appearance of that voice.

The appearance of the person behind that voice is a bald man as he is wearing some feminine-looking clothes while having make-up on his face.

I quickly recover myself before say, "Hello, I'm Kanda. Uncle Yuuichi had introduced me and said that his friend had own a gym here so that's why I had come here as I need to train myself and maybe learned some fighting techniques here."

"Hello, Kanda. I'm Kawasaki Takao or you can call me Kawa-chan." Greeted the man called Kawa-chan before continues, "So, Yuu-chan sent you here! What a surprise! Ok, I will let you use any of the equipment here and I will try to find an instructor to teach you fighting.

"Thank you, Ka-Kawa-chan." Thanked Kanda as he reluctantly called the man.

"Nevermind about that, Ka-chan" Said Kawa-chan which cause Kanda to shiver directly as he heard the man called him as Ka-chan.

After that day, I start my training where I also met the instructor for my fighting training which I also have learned that my instructor is the instructor from the Special Force team. I had spent about 6 weeks on the training before suddenly I heard a notification sound in my head.

[You have learned <Battle Instinct> and <Fighting Spirit>...You have completed a special quest <First learned skill by training>...receives 1000 SC]

"AL, what is happened here?" Asked Kanda directly.

[You have completed a special quest so you has been rewarded. This reward is to acknowledge the effort that had been made by yourself to learn the skill. The chance to learn a skill during training is very low so you're very lucky as some skills can only be learned after spending many years learning just one skill.]

"Lucky me then and to think that I get two skills during my training in this gym." Said Kanda with a relief.

After that, I had continued my training for the next months before Eris's arrival. During my training, I also learned another skill which is a skill called <Hand to Hand Combat> after had been trained hard by that Special Force's instructor.

I also met with Aoi-chan when I go to a rental DVD shop one day which I knew that she had came here from her instruction as there are some pieces of information about her after I had paid an unknown amount of money for all of those informations towards the informant during my early training at Kawa-chan's gym.

******flashback ended*******

"That summarizes my stay here for the past 6 months. And Kio, what is your uncle's work as? When I tried to collect information for any organizations before, he just casually let me meet with a good informant where Uncle Yuuichi also had some relations with him.

Kanda ended his story to everyone in the living room but he also avoid telling his conversation with the system as he eats some of the food on the table although Eris helps him by feeding him.

"Well, I also don't think Uncle Yuuichi had that many friends, and I only knew that he had worked at the military before." Said Kio about Uncle Yuuichi.

"Well, Kio, never mind that. You just need to put that aside and have some food here." Said Kanda at Kio as he shakes his head before looks at Chaika and says, "Look at Chaika, she already eats the food here."

"What a delicious delicacy! It's just melting down in your mouth. Aaahhh!!! It's so good! You're so lucky, Eris. I want to eat so much just like you here. It's so boring on the ship, you know." Commented Chaika as she eats with relish looks.

"It's that so, Chaika-san. I'm also very thankful for my job as a scout here as I can try so much food when I arrived here." Said Eris as she has that mesmerised expression as she remembered about her first arrival.

"Just don't eat too much later as it will upset your stomach." Reminded Kanda towards Chaika.

"Don't worry, Dr. Durel can help me later. Just let me eat this piece of food right now." Said Chaika nonchalantly.

Chaika continues with her eating while being accompanied by Eris. Eris also feeding some food to Kanda as he still laid down on the sofa which he just happily eats from that.

~after finishing the food on the table.

"Ok, everyone. We will excuse ourselves first and meet with you later." Said Melwin as she starts to stand up before looks at Kanda and says, "Ichijou-san, I will bring Dr. Durel tomorrow to check you up as we need to inform the Mothership about our report first." Next, Melwin looks at Eris and says, "Let's go, Eris-san, we also need your testimonies to support our report later."

"Alright, Melwin-san." Said Eris as she also standing up.

"Aaaaaa...I just want to stay here or you go back, Melwin, as I stay in this house. I want to eat more food and spend some time with them here." Said Chaika with dissatisfied looks before she smiles as she expresses her idea.

"No! Chaika-chan." Refused Melwin flatly before she says, "We can come back here again later but we need to report back first or they will angry at you. Moreover, if you ignore the order from the Captain, she will just let you stay on the ship later. Do you want that?"

"Fine...." Chaika's cat ears drop before she also stand up and says, "Bye-bye, everyone. I will come back again."

"Goodbye everyone, I will visit you again later./ I will back soon, everyone." Said Melwin and Eris respectively.

"See you soon too, everyone." Said Kanda, Kio, and Manami together.

After they said farewell to each other, Eris, Melwin and, Chaika start to disappear slowly in front of them where they may be teleported back to their ship.

"Let's rest too, Manami, Kio. But before that, can you help bring me to my room? And Manami, you can let Kio gives you one of the empty rooms in the house as I think that there are some rooms left." Said Kanda as he looks at Kio and Manami after Eris and her group went back.

After both of them helped brought Kanda to his room, Kio shows Manami one of the empty rooms before they also start to rest on the own rooms.

