

(Mc Pov)

I just finished my breakfast which was some form of sea king meat that was in strips like bacon, a fried egg, and some hash browns. Once I finished my breakfast and the maids took the dirty plates away from in front of me and Marvin brought out a chest and placed it in front of me with a smile on his face.

"What's in here," I asked looking at the chest that is in front of me that looked almost the same as the one I got from Jiji "In that box is a present from all of us who work under you, young Master," Marvin says with a friendly smile and I smile back to him

"You know you didn't have to Marvin," I say to him being truthful since I know I'm fine getting only a few things "No no we insist young Master," Marvin says persistently and I sigh knowing that he won't budge and I decide on opening the present

I grab the chest and open it and when I do I see a bluish, greenish spherical glass sphere which is sitting on a wooden platform while it has the words Marineford Carved into it, this thing was an Eternal pose to Marineford which I found pretty cool

Under the eternal pose, there were seven booklets and when I took them out I saw that I got the Rokushiki Booklets for me to learn and my eyes widened and I smiled " Thank you everyone, how did you get these" I asked Marvin and he smirked

"We went to Marineford a few weeks ago and told them that a young celestial dragon wanted to learn the Rokushiki techniques, and Sengoku gave me these Booklets," Marvin said and I smiled at that as I hug him with my small little body and he laughs

" Thank you so much, Marvin and Everyone, I said as I went over to my pile of booklets that had the Rokushiki techniques and Haki manuals and left towards my room practically hugging the booklets

When I get to my room I sit down on the nice and soft mat that is in front of my huge bookshelf and I start reading the booklets. After 45 Minutes I finished the Rokushiki Manuals and due to instant Mastery I almost instantly understood what I was reading and I was happy. '[Status]' I say in my mind as my status pops up in front of me in a intangible screen


Name: Kokuza D. Ray

Age: 5

Occupation: None

Level: 1(Exp:0/1000)

Strength: 42

Agility: 38


Intelligence: 65

WillPower: 90

Luck: 150 (He has the Will Of D)

Skills: Geppo [*Max*], Soru [*Max*], Tekkai [*Max*], Kami-E [*Max*], Shigan [*Max*], Rankyaku [*Max*], Rokuogan [*Max*], Instant Mastery [*Max*]

Devil Fruits:

-Mera Mera No Mi: Model Black flames (Logia) [Unawakened]

Haki: Observation [*Max*], Armament [*Max*], Conquerors [Locked]

Inventory: Luxury Starter Pack X1


'Wow I'm pretty strong for a kid' I say in my head magnified by my stats while I smile happily as I look at my skills as I peer over it I see that I had a Luxury Starter pack in my Inventory 'Hey system open Luxury Starter Pack' I say in my mind as I wait for it to open


Chosen Devil Fruit Token X2

Advanced Chakra Control Manual X1

1,000,000 Berrie

Uchiha Bloodline (1 Tomoe)

All Chakra Affinities

Custom Eternal log Pose X1


'Wow that was a pretty good Starter pack' I say in my head as I see another message from the system [Items have been set in Inventory, would host like to assimilate bloodline] he system asked me and I smile

'I don't know, what will happen' I ask the system in my head not knowing what will happen [Host will be in pain for a random amount of time while the System places a sound barrier around host so nobody will hear you] the system says to me and I smile

'alright go ahead and assimilate bloodline' I say to my system as I lay down in my bed and I suddenly feel alot of pain for a solid 50 minutes before the pain dies down and I can breathe properly even though I am still breathing heavily.

I look around my room and everything appeared to be going slower and that I could see everything better and sharper 'So this is the sharingan' I say as I look around a little more before I walk over to the mirror and I see that my normal blonde hair had gained a few tints of black

My eye was red with 1 tomoe in it and It looked just as it did in the Anime and I was quite happy, [Chakra has been unlocked] the system says in my head and I smirk as I open my Inventory and grab one of my Devil fruit Tokens and my Advanced Chakra Control Manual

'Hey system how does the Devil Fruit Token work' I ask the system while I look at the coin in my hand that had the word devil on the front and the word Fruit on the back. [The Chosen Devil Fruit Token works the way how it sounds,

you can choose any devil fruit that and it will automatically be given to the host unless it has already consumed] The system explains and I nod 'Alright the System Trade this Devil Fruit Token For the Yami Yami No Mi' I say in my head as I feel the token disappear and in its place is the Yami Yami no mi in all its glory

'Wow, this truly is a magnificent looking fruit, I sorta feel bad for Teach now since I'm about to eat the devil fruit he has been looking for his whole life' I say in my head as I look at the yami Yami No mI and I bring it closer to my mouth and I take a bite

and it tasted even worse than the other devil fruit I ate prior this morning but I manage to swallow the fruit to the best of my capacity, after a few minutes of swallowing the fruit I feel something change in my body and I feel a new power unlock as I lift up my hand and I cover it in darkness and I turn my other into flames.

I thought the two devil fruit powers would look the same but when I coated my left arm with Darkness it was still black while my right arm was a blazing white fire instead of the black one and I was shocked 'Hey system why did my fire change to white' I asked the system confused but excited that my Devil Fruit changed

[Host, due to you ingesting The Yami Yami No MI The Mera Mera No Mi model: Black Flames was awakened and took on a new color of flames signifying your awakening and that goes along with the Yami Yami No Mi, the host awakened it and can now do what any Logia Fruit user can do which is

turning into their respective elements, but now you can store things in your darkness and Turn stuff into white flames] The system explains to me and I widen my eyes in shock before I smile, I suddenly hear a knock on my door So I walk over and I open the door to see Jiji-Abe standing there with a few treasure chests

"Jiji-Abe" I shout as I jump and hug him excitedly as he just laughs, "Calm Down Young Ray, I have brought you Presents from everyone else since they will be busy for the rest of the day and won't be able to come over, so they sent me to drop off your presents" Jiji-Ae said to me as I let go of him and he places them on my table that I have placed in the corner of my room

"Thank You Grandpa Abe, make sure you tell everyone else that I say thank you" I say as I smile at him and he smiles back "Will do, farewell Ray" Grandpa Abe Says as he closes my door and leaves while I just keep smiling as I look at the Chests

"Hmm which one should I open first" I ask myself while I look at each chest, each chest has a Piece of paper on the front With a note and someone's name corresponding to who's present it is. After a few minutes I grab the present I got from ""Im""

As I open the present I see a big red egg and a golden ring that had a slight glow, as I pick up the big red egg which was pretty heavy, attached to the red egg was a note that was written in easy to read writing.


Happy Birthday Ray

You must have gotten the egg that I have gifted you for your 5th Birthday, That egg is the only egg in existence since the race has long gone extinct this race is the phoenix, they are known as the Immortal bird,

The ring next to the egg signifies that you are the owner of the phoenix and grats you a faster regeneration to match with your pet so you can live a long life.



'Wow' Was the only thing I can think as I look at the egg that is sitting on the table as I grab the ring and I place it on my ring finger and I feel something happen to my body but I ignore it as I move my egg from the table to the stand that is near my bed and I wrap the base of the egg with a warm blanket so it hatches faster.

After I take care of the egg I walk back over to the Chests and I peer into the Present I got From ""Im"" and I see that there is nothing else in the chest so I close it and move it to the side and I grab another present which was from Grandpa Akeo

When I open it I see some Beli and a few booklets which were on the topics on Navigation, Construction and using a sword. I put the Booklets in a pile with the booklet on Conquerors Haki and my Advanced Chakra Control Manual, I then take the Beli out of the chest and I place it in one of the chests that I previously opened.

After I do that I slide over the chest and I get up from where I was sitting and I leave the rest of the presents on the table, I then go over to my bed while I carry the booklets so I can read them while I lay in my bed.

After an hour of reading all my booklets I have gained a pretty good understanding of Ship building, navigation, Chakra Control, How to use Conqueror's Haki if I were to unlock it which I did by putting myself under a Genjutsu which made me think that my loved one was getting killed right in front of me,

Which in turn made me unleash a small wave of Conqueror's Haki and now I have complete mastery over it due to my skill Instant Mastery, I also now have Sword Mastery due to me reading the booklet on using a sword.

'hmm what should I do for the next 12 years, cause Luffy doesn't start his journey for the next 12 years and is 4 years old currently' I ask myself in my head knowing that I quite a bit of time before The main storyline starts

'Hmm maybe I can join the Whitebeard Pirates so I can have some experience for when I go out on my own' I say in my head and after a few minutes I make up my mind on what I will do

'Ok then, I'll visit Foosha Village to visit my cousin Ace and then I will join the Whitebeard or Red haired Pirates after a few years of living in foosha Village with Ace and the mountain bandits' I say in my mind as I nod on the outside while I sit at the table

'Now how will I get there, I could always buy a devil fruit from the shop and eat it or I can take a boat' I say in my head and a few minutes later I come up with an answer 'I will buy a devil fruit since it would be faster than a boat, now which Devil fruit should I get' I ask myself in my head as I open the shop and I look though the shop until my eyes spot a devil fruit that I know to well

This devil fruit was the Tori Tori No Mi Model: Phoenix, this devil fruit is currently being used by Marco the Phoenix of the Whitebeard Pirates who was he first Division commander and one of my favorite anime Characters,

'System buy me the Tori Tori No Mi Model: Phoenix' I say to the system as I slightly sile and I start to write a letter to tell Grandpa that I have left and will not be returning for quite awhile, After I finish my letter I grab the Tori Tori No MI Model: Phoenix from my Inventory

'Alright, once I consume this I will make my way to Foosha Village so I can Visit Ace and live there for a few years until Shanks arrives at Foosha village and Luffy Consumes the Gum Gum Fruit' I say in my head as I just look at the fruit in my left hand and the letter in my right Hand

'You know what Fuck it' I say as I take a big bite of the Devil Fruit and I swallow the it right away trying not to throw up since it tasted worse than the previous two Devil Fruits 'Why the fuck did that Taste so bad' I ask no one in particular

[Host the moe devil fruits you eat the worse it will taste, this happens because of your Holy Body that was granted by god] The system explains to me and I nod in understanding 'Hmm alright that makes sense' I say to the system in my head as

I walk out of my room after I put my Phoenix egg i my Inventory and my money along with my Presents that I have not opened, I then tape the note to my door for My grandpa and the people working in the house to find

I then begin to sneak through the house until I get to the front door and when I open it I see a bunch of fat people walking around the streets and a bunch of people I could only presume are slaves, I ignore them knowing I can't do anything today but I swear I will come back another time and free all of the Slaves

I then Use the Tori Tori No MI Model: Phoenix to turn my arms into wings and when I did that they were Black and White flames which looked pretty cool, I then focus on flying and I begin my travels towards Foosha Village.
