

" For me? "

Pauline didn't have any idea what could probably be inside this white folder but she still accepted it since it was her daughter, Carla who gave it to her.

" Yes mommy. Aah! No mommy. Only one is for you. Open it. Open it. " Carla sat down beside her mother so she can also see what's inside the folder as well.

" Okay. Mommy will open it now. What could this be? " Pauline opened the folder and looked at what's inside. By doing so, an image of Leon and Carla happily eating their food together inside their classroom unraveled in front of her eyes.

" That's mine, thats mine mommy, look look! This is me and this is Leon. This is the cupcake Leon gave me and this is the cookies mommy gave me yesterday. * giggles * " Carla happily explained as she began pointing her small finger on the drawing here and and there.

" I see. This is amazing, Carla. So Leon gave you this cupcake? It's quite big. Did you eat them all? "

" Yes, mommy. I ate them all because it's very delicious and Leon also told me that it's bad to waste food. " Carla innocently replied like its a matter of course.

Pauline can't help but nod her head in agreement, hearing what her daughter said. It seems like Leon is indeed a very good influence for her daughter. Her impression for Leon became even better than before.

" Leon is right, Carla. It's bad to waste food so you should eat every food I will give you, you understand? " just like hitting an iron while it's hot, Pauline used this chance to teach Carla to always eat her food, not wasting any.

" I understand, mommy. I will eat all of my food. No. I'll share some with Leon too. * giggles * " replied Carla as she nodded her head. As if noticing something, Carla pointed at the lower right part of the paper and asked, " What is this, mommy? "

Pauline looked at what her daughter was pointing and saw Carla's full name there. On top of it was the word 'BEST' and a signature below.

Pauline thought that perhaps it's the signature of the person who made this drawing so she didn't paid much attention to it. " This word here means 'Best', Carla. Below it was your full name, Carla De Guzman. And this one here is perhaps the signature of the person who made this drawing. Speaking of that person, who gave you this drawing Carla? "

" This drawing? Leon gave it to me, mommy. He said that he draw this yesterday when he's bored. "

" What!? That... for real? Are you sure Carla? " Pauline asked in surprised. She cannot believe what her daughter just told her.

This drawing in her hands was simply too good. How can a five years old boy be capable of drawing something of this level?

" It's true, mommy. Leon won't lie to me because we are friends. You said that friends don't lie to each other right? Since Leon said that he draw this, then he draw this. " said Carla as she tried to defend Leon. Her trust for him is high enough for her to do that. Added the fact that she's still young and a bit naive, of course she will believe everything Leon will tell her.

" That.... fine. I'll also believe Leon. " Pauline decided to let this matter rest for now as she didn't want Carla to feel like she didn't believe her. She can easily confirm it in the future whether it's true or not, after all. With that thought in mind, Pauline turned to the next drawing and she was stunned, once more.

" This.. "

On that paper was an image of a woman standing in the middle of the field wearing a knee length dress. Wind seemed to be blowing her hair and lifting her dress a bit showing a glimpse of her long slender legs and smooth thighs.

'It's beautiful.' she thought.

But when she looked at the woman's face, Pauline flushed.

" This... is this... me? " Pauline asked, hoping she's wrong.

" That's right, mommy. Mommy is super beautiful here. I also wanted to be like mommy in the future. "

' Did Leon really draw this? How can that be possible? I only met him once, how can he remember how I look like and draw me so well? Also this drawing..... isn't it a bit..... too revealing? Is this really me? '

Pauline thought to herself, her face turned red as she was embarrassed on how Leon had drawn her body.

Although the dress was very beautiful and suited her really well, it showed too much skin! Her legs and thighs are also slightly visible. The dress was a little tight, enhancing her body figure even further. Her breasts also look a bit bigger ( at least that's what she thought ). But all in all, it's a very beautiful drawing and Pauline had to admit that she liked it a lot.

She then look down at the lower right part of the paper and also saw an English word there. It's 'DREAM'. Below it was her full name, Pauline De Guzman and a signature below.

If what Carla told her earlier was correct, then this should be Leon's signature. Looking at it closer, there's indeed a word Leon in it. This made her think that perhaps Leon was indeed the one who made this drawing?

" Mommy, how do you read this word? Why is it different from mine? " Carla asked once again as she pointed at the words written on Pauline's drawing.

" This means 'Dream', Carla and here below it was mommy's full name. And this should be Leon's signature as well.

" Dream? Why would Leon write it there, mommy? " asked Carla curiously.

Pauline was also confused and thought about it for awhile. Then an idea suddenly appeared inside her mind that made her smile. " What a sweet and interesting boy. "

" What do you mean, mommy? "

" It's nothing, my little angel. " Pauline held Carla's small face and gave it a few kisses. " Please thank Leon for me tomorrow and tell him that mommy liked this drawing a lot. "

" Mn. Okay, mommy. I'll tell Leon. " Carla nodded. " But why don't you thank Leon personally tomorrow when you bring me to school? "

" Hmm.. Remember what I told you three days ago, Carla? Mommy will go there tomorrow so grandma will be the one to bring you to school.

Carla used her fingers to count three before looking at her mother and said, " Mn. Mommy said that you need to do something to prevent the bad guy from taking me away from mommy. "

" That's right. My little angel is really smart. " said Pauline patting Carla's head for awhile before the two of them went out of the room together to eat their dinner. But before that, Pauline first put back the drawings inside the folder and it inside her drawer. She plan to bring it with her tomorrow and buy it a picture frame.


On their way home, Leon saw a man carrying a long bamboo stick on his right hand and a net bag on his left hand.

Leon's gaze was focused on the net bag as he can see something inside and it's moving.

' Those are... bull frogs right? '

" Mom, look. That man over their has bull frogs with him. "

Christina stopped walking and looked at the direction Leon was pointing at and saw the man walking at the opposite side of the road. The man indeed has some bullfrogs inside his net bag .

" Mn. Those are indeed frogs but, what about it Leon? "

" Ermm.. Nothing mom. I just thought that perhaps they are delicious because I once saw dad eating them before. "

In his past life, Leon also had eaten some bull frogs and he agreed that they are quite tasty. He even knew how to catch them himself.

[ AN: I don't know how they are doing it in other countries but in the Philippines or at least here in our place, we used a bamboo as a fishing rod and we will tie a nylon wire at the tip of the bamboo rod. Quite similar to an ordinary fishing rod but there's no hook needed and the way of using it was also unique. You first need to gather some snails or better worms and use a toothpick or needle to tie the bait carefully like a bracelet ( Like this --> O ). You then have to go to the swampy area because bull frogs tend to live there. (Note: I'm referring about bull frogs not toads.) You also need to be careful because sometimes, snakes and big lizards might also eat your bait. So I don't recommend doing this if you're still below 12 years old. ]

" Your father also said the same but I don't know if it's true because I never eat them before. " replied Christina remember that one time her husband cooked and ate bullfrogs before.

" It's already late, Leon. We have to hurry. You also need to take another bath since you played on the grasslands earlier. " Christina then pulled Leon with her and made their way back home.

After around ten minutes of walking, Leon and his mother arrived in their house. Christina first asked Leon to take a bath while she prepare their dinner. They still have the smoked fish from earlier so Christina only need to cooked one more dish tonight to pair it with rice.

