
Interlude 4 - Kaori, The Actress, Part 11

The half-demon remained silent for a few seconds. Kaori wondered if she'd heard her or not, but Ash's late response answered that question for her. 

"What?" Ash asked, sounding so confused that Kaori nearly laughed. Instead, she smiled and reiterated: 

"Do you want to go out with me? Tonight." 

For the purposes of this moment, Kaori turned her charm up to a hundred. At least, she hoped she was doing so. The look on Ash's face, an expression of hesitance, made Kaori worry, though. 

"..." Ash opened her mouth, as if she was going to say something, but then closed it again. 

I... I guess I'm pushing it. 

Realizing that, Kaori went to give the woman an out. 

"If you want to," she quickly added. "I know this is sudden, and all, I just... You seem really cool. I figured maybe it would be fun, you know? But if you don't want to, it's alright." 

"I just..." Ash replied, and her voice was a little soft. "I don't get it." 
