

"Well, who else would it be if not me?" Ben's voice came from behind Mullin as he continued, "Were you missing me or thinking I was just a dream?" Ben stood with his hands over his chest.

"Ben..." Mia, upon seeing Ben broke down. All the stress that has been in her shoulder felt half-lifted. To her words couldn't describe her feelings at the moment.

"Now, now dear. I'm here. Come have some rest." Ben said lifting her from her kneeling posture. He looked her into the magic cabin. "Rest now tomorrow we'll talk, okay?" Mia obediently nodded her head with red eyes while Ben simply guided her in.

"Serious!" Ander yelled a bit making Mullin look at him confused, "More resting? I swear seems like that's all she does now."

Inside the magic cabin Ben led Mia unto a bed. Ben had to take off her armour since she couldn't stay that way in bed, a gown quickly covered her body. Mia didn't even flinch when Ben was doing all this. She had great confidence in him.

When Ben was about tucking her in she held his sleeve. Ben looked down wondering what it was when he heard a soft voice.

"Can... can you please stay with me for a while?" she said then scooted over.

Ben smiled and did what she wanted. He covered her with a blanket while he laid above the blanket. They cuddled together until Mia finally fell asleep.

Mia slept like a baby in Ben's arms. Both Ander and Mullin were considerate enough not to enter the cabin for now. They knew that for the next few hours will be a long and sad moment for both the young ones.

The instant Mia feel asleep she had a dream... her first dream in a very, very long time. A smiled formed on her face even when asleep. Ben on the other hand did nothing but watched Mia as she slept.

There was no denying it, Ben still had feelings for Mia. Although this wasn't the same 'Ben' as the Ben that first fell in love with Mia. The Ben that took over this body without a doubt also fell in love with her. It may be attributed to this 'Ben' inheriting the former 'Ben's' memories.

Nevertheless, Ben undoubtedly fell in love with this Ice Queen, and she must be protected no matter what!


The next day Mullin, Ander, Mia and Ben were moving through the forest with enough speed to be seen as blurs. Throughout the night there wasn't a single demon creature or ferocious beast.

With the cold no longer increasing, stagnating, beasts began to return to their homes. However, with both powerful and even more dangerous individuals standing outside, no beast dared near the area. Not that they could with their auras spewing out anyway.

This didn't mean that no beast came by. Many powerful beast in the Commander-level stage came hoping that whatever froze the land must be a treasure that will aid in their advancement.

Despite their speed to try and evade demon creatures. Mainly because Mullin and Ander couldn't use their full speed with Ben and Mia, some Great Commander-level demon creatures intercepted them. Ander dealt with them effortlessly. They were in a haste to return.

Thankfully with their spell they outran most and killed demon creatures they couldn't. Nevertheless, it took the group till midday to arrive at where the recent battle had taken place.

Marks of battle were visible but not so much anymore. The corpse of the Demonically Possessed were all burnt in piles while the corpse of the defenders were either buried per military rule or taken away by friends and family. There were those who weren't able to see nor retrieve the bodies or corpse of a relative, they were painfully sent back to grieve empty-handed.

Ben's little group finally made their way towards the wall as they took in the surroundings of the aftereffect of the battlefield. Making their way closer they could still see the Spellcasters from the Magic Association and Holy Knights that have yet to leave, even the Hunters and Adventurers that were part of those that who joined to defend the wall were still around.

There was something they noticed though; Whenever Ben's group passed the Hunters, soldiers and Spellcasters there were at the wall and battlefield, who watched Ben and Mia fight would all stop whatever they were doing when they passed.

All of a sudden, they didn't know who started it but slowly and steadily cheers and applause erupted. The people cheered for Ben and Mia. No one knew about Mullin being the giant wolf or Ander sending the enemy Commander-general running.

A General of the Church was confused by the shouts he was hearing from the Command Tower. He rushed out thinking it was another enemy attack, what he saw dumbfounded him.

A group of four were cutting their way through the crowd, heading to the wall. In this group a boy and girl were walking in front of two burly men. When Knight Eldon, Old man Wither and other commandos arrived by the wall, the General asked.

"Who are they?" the General asked.

"They... They are the ones who held the true weight of the battle, especially that young man at the front Sir Ruin." Knight Eldon answered since he was the Commander of this part of the City Wall.

"What do you mean? Him? How so? I can clearly sense the energy of an Unspoken from him." the Holy Knight Commander called Sir Ruin asked in interest.

Knight Eldon went on to explain again even though he already have during the briefing. "Remember the two individuals I mentioned fought exceptionally well but later went missing. It was these two. She killed one Hellhound while being only a Second-level Elemental Swordsman. While the young man... The young man was the defining factor to our survival. Right after your arrival they vanished."

When Sir Ruin heard about Mia he brought his focus on her only to ask with a frown on his face. "Didn't you say she was a Second-level Elemental Swordsman?"

"Yes Sir." Knight Eldon replied.

"But I sense the strength of a Fifth-level Elemental Swordsman." he asked bringing his gaze to Knight Eldon. At first Knight Eldon was confused by this statement until he too paid more attention on Mia's aura that has clearly increased exponentially.

"How come? She most definitely was clearly in the Second-level before and during the battle any other person can testify to that." Knight Eldon said firmly. Lying to a senior officer was a very serious offence.

Seeing his serious and shocked face, Sir Ruin believed he was saying the truth. He didn't have to ask anyone to confirm, besides, there were just too many witnesses to lie so blatantly.

"Invite them to the Command Tower, I would like to have a word with them." Sir Ruin said to a messager. He was truly interested in Ben when they said he knew how to do Light-type Magick, it was quite unfortunate (for the Church however) Ben had to practice four different elements which will greatly affect his speed if he had only had two. He would still use this opportunity to try and recruit a talented Light Element Spellcaster to join the Church.

Some time later he was informed that they have arrived. He went out to meet with the group of four.

"Hello, I am General Ruin from St Louis. I have heard of your great contribution during the battle against the evil that tried to purge this city like they did to many other small towns. I must say, I am very impressed to have been able to see such young talent in a place like this," General Ruin sat on the highest seat in the room, this was too give respect to to those above you even in your own house. Hearing his superior speaking of this place as though it was filth Knight Eldon felt angered but could say nothing about it. "I will be very blunt with you. I would like you to join the Church."

Knight Eldon already had an ugly face when he heard the general wanted to recruit the two. He too wanted to add Ben and Mia - especially Mia - into his battalion. As an Elemental Knight he was best suited to watch over Mia.

...If only he knew.

Knight Eldon could only selfishly wish Ben rejects this offer. But then again, who in their right minds would think of refusing such an offer. Everyday hundreds of people can only dream of joining the Church.

"What do you say young man? Would you be willing to join the Church as a Holy Knight?" Since this question was mainly directed to Ben seeing that Mia stood respectfully behind him everyone waited to hear his answer.

Ben thought for a while... Actually he didn't have anything to think about. He was never going to join the Church for any reason whatsoever. He only delayed the time to answer so he wouldn't sound very disrespectful.

"Just as you said, I my self would have to be blunt. No," Ben paused looking for any sign from the General, seeing none he continued. "I wish not to join the Church."

"Are you by any chance with any faction or clan?" General Ruin asked. His voice sounded calm but everyone could feel the tint of hostility.

"I am a student of The Phantom. It is a Medium-s..." before Ben could finish he was interrupted.

"A Medium-size Magic Institute. If I'm not wrong, which I am certain of, you want to turn down a direct invitation for only a Medium-size institute. The Phantom... The Phantom, if I'm not wrong... again, they mainly specialize in runes, no?"

"Ah, I am happy my Institute was able to be remembered by you general. Indeed, it is the one and only."

"The same Magic Institute that is being harassed by low lives? The one that is on the brink of annihilation is what you want t to use to reject the Church?" although Sir Ruin said all this with a straight face everyone could practically see the rage in the air around him.
