
Weird Name For An Auction House

Two weeks has gone into the new year and the streets of Nalazi have gone back to having more people out in roads, shops and stalls... Not like it reduced at all.

There was a small popular district however, that excelled in businesses that got so crowded that the entire street was blocked for the time being. People all waited to see what news they'll hear. People of different status all gathered in front of a three storey building with a golden sign template that read 'The Golden Heart Restaurant' for all to see.

Currently standing before the door overlooking the swarm of people down the flight of stairs was master chef Richard, and a new manager, Simon (since the old manger was a spy and didn't want to be bound by the magic contract Ben brought upon them). Before the two was a beaut of a lady standing about three or four feet in front of them

"Welcome everyone! I appreciate your audience," Vivi started when everybody was calmed down enough to let her voice pass through the distance since she couldn't enhance her voice. "This gathering to let us know that the Golden Heart will soon be reopening in the coming week!" Cheers and roars came from down below before quietening down for her to continue, "I wish to thank the City Lord, Lord Relet for taking care of the damage that happened a few months back which in turn led to our temporary closure. We are sorry, once again, for the inconvenience that transpired and as promised for those that were involved in the incident, you will get a free dish of any 'ONE' dish of their choice. While those who weren't in the incident will have a fifty percent discount on any ONE of your choice dish. Thank you."

An uproar ensued when the words entered the ears of those beloe from what the Golden Heart had announced. Vivi stepped down and was surrounded by her four guards that was stationed at the door in quick succession. They left dividing the sea of people into two.

Words quickly spread throughout the whole of Nalazi. It was like even the rats in the sewer were informed as more and more rats started heading towards the Golden Heart trashes. However, they were taken care of rather quickly.

With the dishes and new recipes Ben had given his staffs it made the Golden Heart to become one of the most popular restaurant the kingdom of BlackAsh will ever get; whose owner is unknown but also has powerful connections. However, that will be in the distant future.

There had been an incident in this period of just two weeks where a spy that had taken the risk to remain even after signing the magic contract Ben handed out. The woman had felt that Ben had lied about the implications of breaking the contract, so she went out of her way and to meet up with a man behind a jewelry shop three blocks away.

Just as she was about to to speak of the recipe that she could memorize, she froze up. Her eyes bulged out as she struggled to utter a single word out or even take them back. Veins popped from her neck as it too bulged. Her entire face and body was red and spasmed a lot even when standing.

Within seconds blood began to seep out of her seven orifice. Within seconds the power of the magic contract crushed her heart and soul. Within seconds she dropped dead before the man.

Fear and pain gripped the man. Fear because he had just witnessed the power of these so-called Spellcaster. Pain because the person who is now on the floor dead would have become his wife once they pay off their debt to the same person that gave them the job to be spies in The Golden Heart.

But now, all that seems to have been for naught now that his woman is dead. Nevertheless, it did pass a message to the rest of the spies still lurking in the Golden Heart and all those wanting their downfall one important thing. Never play the game of cat and mouse with a Spellcaster, because for what it is worth you are the mouse while they who wield the power of nature are the cats.


Ben's logo from his craft has spread viral even bypassing the walls of Nalazi. His biography is known to be just the youngest Advanced-level Blacksmith. Now because of Ben's intricate designs and symbol and his works shininess, he has been one of the busiest blacksmith in southern BlackAsh. Only a handful of his weapons were sent to the military, while most of them were just solitary orders from nobles, Hunters, merchants and whatnot.

The logo did trace back to Ben but and alias of his. He did this through the Blacksmith Guild asking that his true identity should not be disclosed, but his work spreads far and wide. All people knew was that the angel wings with a sword driving through it in its center belonged to an unknown smith who goes by the name Ebuka.

Ebuka. The name given to the Youngest Great Hunter and the longest reigning Human Monkey at the time. Yes, this was his title back on Earth. Ben thought, even though he isn't well known or popular, his status as a Spellcaster, Hunter and Advanced-level blacksmith can be called overkill if you ask.

Another reason why he used an alias was because he wasn't that strong enough to protect himself. Many rich people has decide to look into this new smith, but with the Blacksmith Guild blocking their progress it became hard to even find out where he lives.

In a small smithy Ben sat before a desk with bundles of pieces of papers scattered all over the place. Different designs of the latest weapon he had in mind littered the whole place.

With a look of dissatisfaction he sent his Mindpower into his Universal Plane and drew a thread of flame from his Flame Halo to the real world. With a swipe of his hand a Rose coloured ball of fire set every piece of paper to ash, it even burned the ashes away.

He did this and starting all over. again. It wasn't like he had an order since he had finished all the orders he had for the week in two days. He would say he was only doing this for... fun. But as it look like he is beginning to become frustrated.

When he burnt an entire stuck for the third time he heard a knock.

"Yes, who is it?" Answer Ben.

"Its Vivi, who else?" Vivi opened the door before he could tell her to come in and walked to a chair an took a seat for herself. "*sigh* How many stacks have you burnt already?" Shaking her slightly as she could still smell the smell of burnt paper in the air.

Ben looked around as though trying to count the papers that wasn't there and answered. "Three... I think?" Ben scratched his head trying to remember.

"You do know each stack has 200 pieces of paper and you are saying that you have burnt three whole stacks! We might as well burn the whole forest for you and you doodling." Vivi exclaimed.

"It is not doodling." Ben defended.

"Yeah, say whatever makes your boat float..." She whispered.

"So what brings you here?" Ben asked leaning into his chair.

"We got an invitation and I think you'll be interested this time."

"And what makes you think so?"

"It's to an auction held twice a year. It called the Loin's Beard Auction House."


"What?" Vivi looked confused at Ben.

"Really?" Ben looked at her in disbelief. "Lion's Beard. The name of their house is Lion's Beard Auction House?"


"What?" It was Ben's turn too look confused at Vivi.

"With your complains, I wonder where you keep the name of yours?" Vivi crossed her hand over her chest.

"Hmm? What do you me... Oh right?" Ben stopped mid way when he remembered the name of their restaurant. "He he, never mind."

"Anyway many well known people even outside the city will be coming. Lion's Beard is quite prestigious for the items they auction off and it has been told that this years auction has some lost relic from the mer-people, rare herbs, treasure used by powerful Spellcaster and even things from the Badlands..."

"The mer-people, as in mermaids?"

"... And mermen."

"Treasures from powerful Spellcaster. Wait, wait, wait... Did you say treasures from the Badlands?"

"Yeah, isn't that awesome?"

"Yeah, I guess." Ben shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly.

"What do you mean, 'I guess'? Its the Badlands we're talking about." Vivi went ahead throwing a tantrum of how carr free Ben could be. 'Is this what they meant by that Spellcaster aren't attached to the outside world?' She mused.

"Man do you forget easily. I bet what would be appearing in the auction house coming from the Badlands have already been seen by me." Ben said as though he didn't care.

"You know, your arrogance is really annoying just so you should know." Vivi says in displeasure.

"If you say so." Ben shrugged his shoulder.

"Whatever. Are you going?" You could literally see glitter in her pleading for him to say yes.

"Well, I guess we could take a look at what they could offer." Vivi literally squealed from excitement. "What is the requirement to participate in this auction." Ben could only shake his he'd when he saw her reaction, but seeing her smile turn upsidedown worried him so he asked. "What's the matter?"

"..." Vivi held her head down while mumbling something under her breath and fiddling with the helm of her gown like a little girl that she really is. "It's the entry fee."

"What about it?" He asked leaning a bit closer.

"Its quite expensive," pausing for a bit, she continued. "Its a whooping 500 gold coins for first entry and it's individually, but thats for the VIP section. I don't know how much it is for the regulars."

"..." Even Ben was at a lose for words. 500 gold coins wouldn't be much to him since he has the wealth of an entire state, but that wouldn't mean he doesn't know the economical value of that much money. The Golden Heart can at most make a little over two or three hundred gold coins a month, and that is, only if they were in luck. But since he has the money, why not spend it? "Okay. Will Stephan be coming along?"

"Eh? Didn't you hear what I just said?"

"Don't worry about it. When will the auction take place?" Ben waved it off with a smile.

In a daze Vivi could only answer the question. "On the third day of the next month."

"Oh, we still have some days until then. Well shoo shoo, I still have another stack of papers to burn." Be shooed her as he whipped out another stack of white paper seemingly out of thin air.

Vivi silently left Ben with a happy smile. Remembering that there was still a lot of work waiting for her she headed for the main building.

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