
Golden Gate

Ben kept looking at the five doors before him, not knowing what to do. Walking up to the first door and putting his hands on it he felt it gave a feeling of Life, if he wasn't wrong this was the Healing spell of Light-type spells.

Unto the second door he felt it give the aura of a warrior who stands at the front line. A valiant warrior. He could tell this was a door for Spellcasters who go on the offense.

Skipping the third Golden Gate he went towards the fourth. This door wasn't that different from the second, but instead of a valiant warrior, it was more of a guard. A Protector.

He moved to us last door, here it gave the aura of a caring elder who calms the mind and asks a little child not to worry. Ben could tell this door was the type that changes the mindset of people. Making an unserious person become eligible to be a priest l.

'If this is the effects it'll have on the caster, the effects on whoever becomes a target would be large.' Ben though to himself.

Looking at all four doors Ben shook his head. His gaze then fell in the Golden Gate at the center. Ben stepped up to and placed his hand on the Gate. What he felt however, wasn't specific, but the most emotion he could feel was calm. At the same time too, he could feel the aura that came from the other four doors coming from the Golden Gate.

Ben pushed open the Golden Gate and became encapsulated in light. Holy light.

The entire process took less than two hours. When everyone woke up they saw Valery standing with a bright smile on her face. The blood gone.

"Congratulations, everyone." her voice was heard from all corners of the large hall holding a little less than eighty students all together.

Another hour passed with some guidance from her before the class was dismissed. Ben didn't stand from his seat, saying goodbye to friends and classmates alike.

Casually talking out a book about Runology he began reading, only waiting till his 'punishment' will be over. Thankfully there wasn't another class today and tomorrow.

"Benjamin, please come forward." Valery called for Ben ten minutes later. There were two things in her mind was disturbing her, but she didn't know how to voice them. Being an Arch Mage didn't make her loose her sense of shame.

"Yes, I'm coming." Ben briskly walked down the isle. Neither fast nor slow. "You called for me Arch Magus Valery." Ben respectfully bowed.

However Valery did answer but carefully watched Ben. "Why did you cast an Earth-type spell in a Light Element class?" this was going to be her first question.

Ben didn't answer for a while as though trying to check if he should, but knowing that the person in front of him is leagues even more powerful than his mentor he wouldn't have to lie.

"I felt a threat... from you." Ben's tone was flat giving a strict poker face.

"I don't know if you are that dumb to think that an Entrance-level spell could have gone against my attack. I will not apologize for what I did but, I must thank you for distracting me."

"You're welcome." Ben bowed again like a gentleman that he is.

"How was it?"

"I don't understand." Ben asked a bit confused.

"In the dark room with four doors, that is what you saw, right? You reacted... differently than the other students." Valery furrowed her brows a bit.

"It was uncomfortable but I was led to the right door." Ben smiled, his purple eyes shining. 'Humph, not even my mentor with higher Mindpower could breach my spiritual wall much less you'.

This time the frown on Valery's face deepened. She couldn't understand how someone could block her Mindpower scan when being so... weak.

"What do you mean by uncomfortable?" she asked trying to get a little more time to see inside this young man. She could not believe someone who just left the realm of a Chosen could block an Arch Mage's Mindpower that took a more than a hundred years to build.

Seeing what she was trying to do Ben's smile widened. "It felt like I was being forced somehow to choose a door presented there." meanwhile in his Universal Plane, again he went to the giant crystal. Sending a string of his Mindpower a powerful roar reverberated in his Universal Plane before crashing out of his Universal Plane's boundary.

At this instance both Ben and Valery stood stumped. Never have he heard such powerful roar and reactions from the crystal. It was like something that was asleep has awoken.

Valery on the other hand was having an entirely different reaction. When she pressed on with her Mindpower she heard an ancient being roar. It sounded like it was at the depth of Ben's soul, however she knew that any further move will make the beast react.

"Is... is that so. Then I believe you didn't let it choose for you?" her fair face became pale, her hands behind her back were trembling.

"Hmm, I heard that you formed a powerful Light-type Elemental Sphere. This shows your understanding in Light magic is deep, I like that. Who is your mentor?"

"Magus Belti." Ben didn't have to say any more than needed.

"Ah, Belti. I see, well once again thank you. You may leave." another word wasn't exchanged after then. And with that Ben left the lecture hall.

Ben continued with his daily routine of doing almost nothing. Reading his ancient book was thrilling, but there is so much he could read himself andreading all the time becomes very boring even if you have a cheat like Ben's.

He went towards a room he hasn't been to for a long time now, his lab. He gave his equipments a look and shook his head. He was laughing at himself. How can a man holding the wealth of an entire duchy have such a pitiful set of equipments?

"Lucy, bring out the concoction process for the Consumable Lotion, I need to mass produce them. Don't you think it's time to get rich?" Ben laughed as a wicked idea came to form.

'Of course I do, and I do agree to your plan of getting rich, but, aren't you rich already?" Lucy's voice that could only be heard by Ben resounded in his head.

"So what? There a saying, Get money then get more money, then use the money that you have to get more money. That, my dear is what I intend to do, I don't have much ingredients left so I have to get some more. All the ones I have from the numerous spatial rings among my Badlands collection are very advanced for a simple Consumable Lotion."

Ben, for the next few hours which turned into a whole day continuously brewed many potions, the most was his favorite, the Consumable Lotion. It is a very effective lotion that even normies, Elemental Swordsman and Spellcasters alike could use.

He had three places in mind to take these potions to; One is obviously the Exchange Point, the other is alchemist Erin, and lastly is his mentor, Magus Belti. They are all good places but only one stood strong against all other options. He chose to visit his mentor first.

Ben flashed to the ground floor and found it deserted of life. A quick call got him to know that his mentor wasn't around, Ben sighed when he got the message and decided to go for his second most valid option. Alchemist Erin.

He flashed outside the tower and was surrounded by thick Thunderclouds from above. Suddenly a Lightning spirit shot itself to the ground and wrapped it's arm around his legs. Ben picked the spirit as though it was a child then walked towards the back where Flamion could be found. After spending some time with the two creatures, Ben left.


Fact trivia: Ben explained that his spatial ring has a wide enough space and have continuously mentioned the amount of wealth he has from his 'Badlands collections'.

In chapter 60, he also mentioned giving 'Some' of his wealth to his friends with a few storage pouches. It is only right that a magic civilization with so much wealth will have hundreds, if not thousands of spatial rings with many more wealth.

Fact trivia: Ben explained that his spatial ring has a wide enough space and have continuously mentioned the amount of wealth he has from his 'Badlands collection's.

In chapter 60, he also mentioned giving 'Some' of his wealth to his friends with a few storage pouches. It is only right that a magic civilization with so much wealth will have hundreds, if not thousands of spatial rings with many more wealth.

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