
Elemental sprite: Lightning

Going back the same way he came, Ben came back to the huge hall when he passed through the last door. It still felt weird to move through a wooden door. Upon reaching the hall filled with people moving to and fro he heard a voice calling for him.

"Ben! over here!" Jack shouted from a corner waving his hand to Ben. Ben walked up to him. "So how was it? There weren't any hassles, now was there?"

"No, there wasn't, he did tell me to meet the Bossa however, where is that?" Ben asked.

"Oh, the Store Keeper, right this way then." Jack offered to take Ben there.

They arrived in a separate room with a single man on the ground sitting crossed-legs, he must probably be meditating. An orb the size of a head rested on a very slim pole. Ben was a bit confused why the orb hadn't fallen already.

"Well, this is it I can't join you inside since it is forbidden, I can only wait for you once you come out." Jack said when they stopped before the entrance. Ben nodded and stepped forward alone. Weirdly though, this entrance didn't have a wooden door... or more like it didn't have anything at all. Just a wooden frame.

Shelves upon shelves with glass cases holding some unknown materials, wooden lockers, and many more things Ben couldn't see due to obstructions, they all stood behind the meditating man that sat on a mat. Back to the man on the floor he had his eyes closed the entire time with long mustache that falls down to his chest making him look like a Chinese Shifu. Suddenly Ben heard the bang of a door behind him, Ben was shocked when he turned around a thick black door stood in place of the empty entrance.

"Place your hand on the orb." the man says still without opening his eyes. Ben walked forward and decided to do as instructed, as though the man read his thoughts he said again. "Just one one would be enough."

Placing his right hand on the orb Ben felt like he was washed with a bathing light and then scanned. If not that he had confidence after confirming that whatever power that had just scanned him was on unable to look into his Universal Plane and see Lucy, Ben might have panicked by now. But if his guess wasn't wrong, this place will also tell him the strength of his Mindpower. After what felt like an instant the light around the orb began to diminish.

"Hmm, your Mindpower is lacking, trying to create any Elemental Sphere or begin any wizardry training will crumble your Spiritual, causing inevitable death. You will be sent to wizard Belti of the Lightning reaction," the man, still with his eyes closed raised his hand in a carefree manner, from within those stack of shelves behind him a box flew out. "These are your books for your lessons and your robe. This is your identity card, this is what will notify you whenever the is a class about to take place at any given time, if you want to attend any of the classes that interests you just accept when you see the notification, failure to attend the said class you will be deducted one contribution point. You will receive your contribution point now," Ben lifted his hand seeing the number 10 flash on his ring. "This can be used to exchange resources with the school. You will be told the process in accumulating contribution points. Lastly, this is your new storage pouch, it is better than what you get being a Hunter." whatever the man mentioned would fly into the box, the identity card, however, stayed afloat. "Let your Mindpower form a seal in the card, with this only you can use it. It can now function as you wish. You may leave."

Ben silently picked the card and box from the air and bowed before leaving.

"Why is he here?" Ben asked Jack when they left the corridor leading to the Bossa.

"Because he is the Bossa however." Jack laughed.

"He felt really powerful though, maybe more than wizard Shanks if you ask me." Ben poured out his thoughts.

"Hahaha! Trust me dude not everyone is as they seems. Didn't they tell you never too judge a book by its cover, haha. Come on man, let's get you to your new teacher." Jack laughed after hearing Ben's speculation about the two elders they've met so far. The two left the square tower and Ben was relieved that Flamion was still alive.

Wizard Belti is one of the wizards who study the Lightning element and Darkness element, but because of the complexity of both elements it hindered him from leveling up. Despite his level as a Sixth-level Spellcaster, it is known that he can go toe to toe with some Seventh-level Spellcasters.

Also behind every tale there is a rumor that says that if he fights with everything he has he can withstand the attacks of an Eighth-level Spellcaster. Well, no one knows for sure. Regardless, he is one of the most feared teacher who doesn't take shit from anyone, not even higher level teachers. Some students may even say other teachers fear him too.

'I only hope he isn't some wacko wizard that decided to mutate his body or something.' Ben thought.

Ben was brought before a tall tower with very dark clouds covering the whole sky above, it was hard to see the top of the tower since it was completely shrouded in darkness. This darkness even affected the surroundings as the area was denied sunlight, making it look spooky with only black coloured flowers in the vicinity.

'Yep! definitely a wizard with mutated body parts. Why?! Why couldn't it be someone cool like John Constantine or simply lame like Dr. Strange, not someone spooky and dark like Voldemort. Well if he's evil let 'him' be a 'her', you know, like Morgana or even Melificent.' Ben cried in his head.

"Okay man, this is as far as I want to go, if you still want to hang out with me use your identity card to contact me, here's my contract." as he said this he brought out his identity card and placed it over Ben's, from it Ben could see what looks like a contact list and Jack was the only one listed. "Remember, we are all considered a family no matter how weird they may seem. See you later." with that Jack left Ben to himself and left.

"Okay, see you later." Ben said.

He was all left alone to continue on his journey. He has been doing that until now, so what's the big deal? Ben stepped into the gates and arrived at the tower's door, not knowing if he should walk through the door or simply open it, he just raised his hand and knocked. Then he waited.

From the clouds above Ben could hear the rumbling of thunder. Lightning began to flash from above, it felt like a thunder storm was about to take place right above his head. Flamion stood beside Ben a little restless.

Suddenly, streaks of lightning from the thundercloud made its way to the ground. At first it looked like a ball of lightning before taking the shape of a sprite, it flashed itself towards Ben in a blink. Ben, seeing such phenomena for the first time was extremely amazed and a bit anxious. This was a streak of lightning!

Ben stretched out his hand to the sprite but he only receive a stare in return. The sprite stared at him before moving to his bag that held the black rock. When the sprite came closer the black rock began to glow brighter

Before Ben could understand what was going on the sprite hugged his legs. It moved so fast that Ben couldn't see it with his naked eyes, heck even his Mindpower didn't know when it moves. Thankfully though, Ben was unaffected by its electrifying body. It jumped around his body moving from his shoulder to his hand, and back.

Ben, at this moment was having fun with the lightning sprite. Some people saw when Ben was playing with an elemental sprite which is never suppose to happen at all, because of this notion they shock their heads thinking that they were too stressed to be hallucinating things before they went on their way without turning back. Even if that direction holds one of the best lightning wizards in The Phantom, he shouldn't be capable of performing such level of magic.

"Lightning friend?" Ben heard a raspy voice in front if him and was surprised to see that the doors to the tower was already wide open with a silhouette.

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