
Chapter 12

I rushed forward with speed Lilith couldn't even read and punched her hard in the stomach! Lilith buckled under the might and coughed up more blood!

I pulled back a fist, just as Lilith did, and our fists met. We glared at each other, and let loose.

Fist met fist, knee met knee, elbow met elbow; each blow was block by the opponent's same appendage. Our fists became blurs as attacks were sent out before the last one had finished its course.

I was the first to break the stalemate as he jumped back and then propelled himself forward again, landing a punch in Lilith's sternum.

Lilith groaned.

Lilith threw a punch at me but I dodged the punch and kicked the woman in her side.

Lilith stumbled from the kick and I took that time to tackle her and try those wrestling techniques that I had learned from Reggie.

I began hitting Lilith swiftly in the face, but Lilith fought back. She punched  me so hard that it stunned me for a second, and was able to reverse the whole situation. She was now behind me and choking me. Although there was no oxygen to breathe, I still felt the pain of Lilith's choke hold.

Finally I managed to break Lilith's hold on me as I grabbed her arm and flipped her over my shoulder.

Lilith flipped into the air and regained her balance quickly.

Lilith suddenly charged at me and kicked me harshly in the ribs.

I stumbled back, and then countered with one spinning, athletic kick to hit the woman right in the face.

Lilith fell back again and growled at me.

'I didn't even see him kick! How can he move so fast?'

I just wanted my family back. I could have brought them back myself with my godly powers along with the whole universe, but Lilith might destroy them again. I would have to either kill her or make her surrender.

Lilith snarled. "This fight is over!"

Lilith held out her hand with her palm in my face.

"Now I will erase you from existence!"

Lilith began to laugh.


After about ten seconds only my mind was left.

"Sorry Lilith" I said, "but I won't die that easy."

I began to concentrate my power on regenerating my body.

It worked!

My body returned to normal.

Lilith's face turned pale.

I had to fight in the remains of our universe, creating very big bangs with each attack from both of us; eradicating any life or matter that would have survived. But it was worth it to see that priceless look of Lilith's face!

"No! That's impossible!" Lilith cried. "I have erased whole timelines with that move!

I grinned at her.

"I've been studying you and now that I've seen all of your techniques, I know how to beat you."

"I will crush you pathetic male!"

Lilith and I flew at each other.

"Laser eyes!"

She shot laser beams out of her eyes, I hit both of the beam with my hands and knocked them away from me.

"Why continue?" I said, "Just quit."

"Breath beam!"

The next beam came from out of Lilith's mouth, but I knocked it away just like the first one.

"You've got her!" Said Hermès.

"Finish her off!" Said Hera.

"Death ray!"

I caught her ball of beam in my hands and threw in away into the darkness of space.

Lilith flew at me again and tackled me back into the remains of another Galaxy.

"Shit," I yelled out once Lilith caught me off guard.

"You arrogant little punk!" She screamed as she leaped on top of me and punched me in my eyes over and over again with punches that would rip through every dimension until I was blinded by my own blood.

I could feel the warm blood pouring down into my eyes, I could not see!

Finally I launched Lilith over my body and threw her away from me.

I couldn't see! What could I do? also I could hear her voice when she yelled at me but I could not hear her movements for some reason. Perhaps that is something to do with the fact that we are fighting in outer space although I could still here her talk as she could hear me talk for some reason. God power really is complicated.

I threw a punch but it hit nothing.

Lilith kicked me in my groin and I felt the pain traveling all through my body.

"Death ray!"

I felt the blast hit my chest with a burning sensation.

I kicked in the air, but hit nothing.

How could I beat her if I could not see her?

Lilith's fist slammed into my face.

I swung back at her but did not hit her.

What could I do?

I felt Lilith kick me in the back as I felt very calm for some reason. Although she did succeed in kicking me I felt as if I could see the kick before it happened this long as I was staying relaxed.

'Of course! I can connect to her telepathically as long as I stay focused. I can call this technique the blind fist.'

I began to wave my hands around doing a combination of Tai chi and karate kata.

'I must see through my mind. Don't get angry. I've long as I am focused she cannot touch me.'

Lilith flew at her with a flying kick but I dodged.

Next Lilith tried to punch me without making any sounds, but I blocked her punch.

Lilith appeared behind me. I back kick her in the stomach.

"No!" Lilith shouted as she clutched her stomach in pain, "How can you still see?"

I turned around and rushed forward, quickly closing the gap between myself and Lilith.

I dodged an attack from Lilith and easily countered with a series of punches in her gut.

"Fist of the devil!"

My fist twisted into Lilith's face.

"Dragon's kick!"

After my punch, I hit Lilith with a roundhouse kick.

I sensed Lilith's strength fading, now she was helpless!

Tears ran down Lilith's face as I powered up my fierce bomb to finish her off.


"Please," cried Lilith, "have mercy on me!"

I stopped my attack.

"Please! Forgive me!"

Should I let her go?

I growled at her.

"You've got a lot of nerve! How many people have begged for lives at your feet?! You killed that anyway!"


"Why should I left you go? I will kill you so you will know what it's like to have your life taken away from you!"

Lilith lowed her head. She knew she could not talk her way out of this.

"Alright," Lilith cried, "I understand now. Just kill me and get it over with."

I could see her tears running down her face. Either she was an amazing actress or she really knew that she was in danger.

I took a deep breath.

'What should I do?'

I had already dropped my guard, she could have attack me at anytime; but she didn't.

'Maybe I should use my new telepathy power to look into her mind.'

I was looked inside of Lilith's mind, I saw her history. She had been created by her god simply for the purpose of being a sex toy for her ex husband. When Lilith wanted to know what it would feel like be to on top during sex, she was banished from her home and casted into hell.

While in Hell, Lilith met a man named Imamiah who had also been thrown into hell by this god.

Imamiah was putting together a band of demons to travel across the burning land of hell to the Tower of Babel to find the holy lance left behind by god when he created hell.

Lilith volunteered to join the group for a chance at revenge.

After traveling to the tower, Lilith was the first one to touch the lance, but because of the anger inside of her; she transformed into a woman with without empathy.

After killing Imamiah and his demon friends, Lilith absorbed their strength along with the holy lance. She became drunk with power and sucked all of the life out of hell.

After leaving hell, Lilith killed her god and her ex husband along with his new wife. Then she absorbed all of the energy and life in her own universe and decided to move on to another universe. Become a goddess among gods was her goal, all because of her anger and the power that made her a monster.

I felt horrible for her.

"William!" said Hermes, "Don't forget all of the things she's done. She would kill you the first chance she gets."

"Wait," said Aphrodite, "You are stronger then her and you counter each of her techniques. There does not seem to be anything she can do. Maybe you should let her go."

"Are you crazy?" said Hera, "This is the woman who wants to destroy every universe and recreate them in her image! She's too dangerous!"

I looked at Lilith's face careful. Her tears looked real enough. She looked as if she was feeling fear for the first time.

"Kill her now!" said Hera.

"No!" I said out loud, "I will never be like her! I will never let her or anyone take away my compassion."

Lilith gasped. "Thank you, I am in your service."

"I understand," said Hermès, "If you kill her then that will prove that you are no better than she is."

"Yes," I said, "I must show her that there is another way, a better way."

I held out my hand to Lilith as a show of friendship.

Very slowly Lilith took my hand and I pulled her into a hug.

"I forgive you Lilith. I saw what you went through and I can guess what it was like. Let's just end the fighting."

I felt her tears hitting my shoulder.

The war was over. Finally all of the killing stopped.

Those who died in this war, they will always be remembered.

I stood there in complete darkness, holding the woman who wanted to kill me; a woman who wanted to wipe out everything just so she could recreate it; a woman who wanted to be god.

Deep down inside, I knew I made the right decision but why did all of this happen in the first place? Why did I have to fight? Was there another way? The answers didn't seem to come to me at all.

At least it was all over, peace would be restored again.

Lilith stopped crying as I wished for everything to return to normal. I wanted my family back; my home; everything!

I took one arm away from Lilith and waved my hand in the empty vacuum of space.

'I want my family back...'

I closed my eyes as I wished for everything to return to normal.
