
Chapter 5: The Next Steps

A/N: So just some clarification on my character Achilles.

He does not not have any of the Noble Phantasm's or skills from Fate/Stay. He simply possess Achilles knowledge related to martial arts, weapons, and the like.

Because noble phantasms in One Piece would be too broken.

That's all I have to say, now enjoy the chapter.


After making my declaration to take up Rogers' mantle as the pirate king I felt the urge to set sail and head into the Grand Line even more

Despite this I didn't. Since that would be the height of idiocy.

Not to mention I didn't even have a ship to set sail in.

No, before I even think of sailing the waters of the Grand Line I need to make the proper preparations. Such as gathering money, obtaining a proper ship, and obtaining crewmates to help me on my journey to find and claim the One Piece.

Beginning to make mental notes about what I needed, and how to obtain it, before I entered the Grand Line I was knocked out of my thoughts when I saw a marine point at and then shout.

"Get that kid. He just declared he would become a pirate like Roger!" He shouted.

Me taking it as my que to use the Joestar family secret technique and run away.

Doing a quick turn on my heels I started running and quickly made it out of the plaza.

Several marines chasing after me and yelling.


"Don't let him escape!"

"We cannot let such a young mind continue to be corrupted by Rogers words. We must show him the path of justice!"

'Yeah, no thanks. I'm good' I thought.

Since I know the kind of justice most marines practice.

They are either willfully hypocritical or psychopaths who are more deserving of bounties than most pirates.

The amount of marines who actually practice the justice that the marines should truly stand for is abysmally small.

Garp, Fujitora, Smoker.

Oh if only the marines were filled with more people like them.

Unfortunately that is the not the case.

Because if it was then I might've considered joining the marines after being reincarnated into this world.

However once again it's not.

That's why it's the pirates life for me.

The marines still chasing me I picked up the pace, heading into the back alleys of Loguetown to give them the slip.

Eventually accomplishing my goal.

Once I did this I went to make a withdrawal from my bank called 'Local Thugs' and after beating up the human-shaped ATM's I headed back to my hotel I had been staying in since I arrived in Loguetown.

Closing the door to my room I went over to the bed and sat down.

After I did I start to re-take the mental notes of everything I needed before I sailed the waters of the Grand Line before those marines so rudely interrupted me.

"So priorities. Money, ship, crewmates." I spoke out loud.

The first two items are actually relatively easy to obtain given my skills. It's the third item that will be a bit of a problem.

Especially since most of the characters I know from the original story who I would want to recruit to my crew are either too young, are already part of another organization, or haven't been born yet.

While those that don't fall into any of those three categories would probably not want to join my crew.

Since I don't think people like Mihawk or Crocodile would stand for being under someone else. Especially someone younger than them.

So crewmates.

There are actually a few people I know that I want to recruit, but the time isn't right. Not to mention the fact I have nothing to entice them to join my crew. 

I mean unlike a certain Nika-man I can't just ask people to join my crew and then stubbornly keep asking them if they refuse, or rely on the power of plot armor to get them to join me in sailing the seas.

No, for me to recruit my crew I need to do some actual planning. Since its as they say 'Preparation is the key to success'.

So first things first.


I need way more than I have right now.

So the question is, how do I get it?

Rob banks? Steal from nobles and rich people? Take the treasures of pirates?

"Pirates. Wait, that's it." I mused. Getting a lightbulb moment.

Pirates will help me make money. Since I'll turn there severed heads into the marines and collect the bounties on them. 

The solution was so simple.

I'll become a bounty hunter until I gain enough money to further some of my other plans.

My next steps for the immediate future set I took out a notebook and began jotting down a few more ideas for the future in it.

Then when I was done I turned in the for night.

Because with all the excitement I had today I was tired.
