
Intermission: Bunny Suit (1) (NSFW)

A/N - This chapter is NSFW and does not provide anything for the story. As this is just fan service, you may skip to the next chapter or the one after to proceed with the story. 

Chapter Tags - Role Play, NSFW, Sex, R18, Toys


I've only ever seen this in media… I didn't think this was an actual thing. 

'It's probably cosplay or somethin'. I went to a few soaplands in Norway and there were definitely those bunny suits,' Ethel suddenly whispered into my mind. 

'Give me some privacy!' 

'Fine, fine… good luck,' 

After blushing intently while putting on the suit, I realized it fit me almost perfectly, though the fishnets were a bit tight, accentuating my thighs even more. 

"This damn pervert," I muttered as I sat on the bed, covering my revealing body with the blanket. 

Soon, Mia came waltzing into the room, her hips swaying to the side in a very revealing dress and I even noticed a few leather straps underneath. 
