
Long Awaited Cuddling

"No, I would like my lovely sister to attend to me tonight," She replies with heavy breathing. 

She looks like a pervert… Well… She also left the tiny breast gang… and joined Ethel and Mia over there… 

"DAMMIT!" I shouted in pain. 

Everybody looked at me with a confused look, but I just tantrummed to myself in the corner of the room, lightly punching the wall. 

"What's wrong with her?" Ethel asked, and it seems only Mia knew as she just slightly chuckled to herself. 

"Come on, tell us," Nuala urges her. 

"It's something," She mutters before walking, picking me up by the armpits, and walking me back to her room. 

"Lemme at her!" I shout, but Mia just silently drags me down the hallway. 

As soon as we arrived in her room, she slowly set me on her bed and tucked me in despite it still being noon. 
