

Date- 13 April 2321

Time- 09:40

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital, Southern Royal Palace, Secret Passage, Gold Gate

Listening to Ann's explanation of where the Citizens were teleported to and what happened to them, I finally understood why there was no mention of the ability of Golden Gate Cluster Array formation in the Grimoire network and history. It was because all of those who experienced the effect of the Golden Gate Cluster either had no recollection of it or were dead. 

However, based on the performance of the Golden Gate so far I was not convinced that it was the strongest defense of the Southern capital. Teleporting the citizens to a secure location was well and good but what was the use of it if they did not have a home left to return to? 

Hopefully, there was more to the Golden Gate Cluster Array formation but I did not have time left to witness it, as my interview with the Matron was in five minutes. 
