
Manipulation is the key to success!


23 chaps ahead on Pat.reon: pat.reon.com/MonkeyGodking


also, I read the most cringe sex scene in the entire galaxy. Man was reciting poetry during the act. 😶


The next day

Hiro was at the back, Zerotwo was cooking in the front with Gin, Joichiro took care of the Black Tea, it was only 150 Yen for a cup! They were also portable!

Hiro was making Moon Pancakes and watching the people come by, he clicked his teeth together and Joichiro grinned, releasing the seal on the Tea, letting the smell of the Pancakes and Tea waft out together.

The people were all attracted and wandered over, Hiro watched carefully and grinned as the final middle aged single men walked over too.

Zerotwo smiled lightly and advertised the Tea and Moon Pancakes, the people felt a very warm feeling coming from her and immediately had good feelings about the stall. She served them their Moon Pancakes and Tea, warning them that it could be a bit hot and to be careful.

Yet another tactic Hiro implemented.

Warning them about the Temperature despite it being obvious, made people feel much better, it also lifted their sense of self to a higher degree because of the psychological manipulation in Zerotwo's words.

They practiced her a while last night.

The way she would say so was not a kind way of a young girl at a store, nor like the girl next door. It was more of someone in a lower position, offering something to someone in a higher position.

The people didn't know they were being manipulated subtly just with words and subconsciously spent more money at the stall, buying another Moon Pancake for the road to go with their Tea.

Hiro grinned evilly as he cooked beautiful, near translucent, Pancakes.

He sent the Pancakes to the front and continued, he looked at the people and pursed his lips. After today there was 3 days left in the Moon Banquet, if they wanted to keep this influx of customers, they needed new and fresh things to attract more attention.

5 days, eating the same Moon Pancakes and Tea would get boring.

What's the solution?

Naturally, it's more flavors and different Teas.

Hiro wanted to win more than anything, he needed to be first! The stall was under the guise of a warm and cheap family friendly snack stall, they were almost giving away the food! But only the 4 knew how insidious this really was.

They were racking in 2-4$ from every single person, not matter who they were. Every person who walked in, stopped at their stand for a Moon Pancake and Tea, take the average earnings per person, roughly 3.5 and multiply that by every person that walked in, plus a few students.

The Banquet was open for 9 hours, thousands and thousands of human traffic walking by. If they could cook, serve, and collect fast enough for people to stop just for a moment and continue without making a line, they were simply sitting on a goldmine!

It wasn't even the cost of the ingredients, because Hiro 'imported' them in himself. Obviously, there was no cost. He even had Pokemon farming in his Inner World, there was only profits to be made and he didn't even make a dent in his Farm Supply.

It was all about the numbers here.

Putting the prices extremely low, putting on a friendly and warm face, pretending to even 'give away' the food for the sake of the Festival... it was all manipulation. These people were subtly being completely worked like puppets and they even smiled and thanked the people fooling them.

Joichiro and Gin were stunned, they just couldn't believe this at all. Who would've thought that they would pull in so many people! They definitely didn't, they both looked at Hiro's malicious grin and slowly grinned themselves.

This guy was a business genius.

But also dangerous.

He simply had these people like putty in his hands, they followed the steps and were stunned. It was relatively fool proof, but only because they had barely any competition. None of the other students could afford the costs they consumed in an hour, let alone a day.

If they wanted to do the same, they would have to jack up the price on everything by a large margin just to make a profit!

They suspected that Hiro had many connections and got most of his ingredients for extremely cheap. They didn't have a scope of the inner workings of the black market or the Underground cooking organizations.

In short, for the other students, this was simply impossible.

They refused to believe the Silver Demon was doing charity work and making a loss. This guy didn't give anyone face, let alone handing out free food. They were sure he was racking in an overwhelming number of money a day.

Not only this!

But that was only taking into account the customers coming in! It was a one way entrance and exit! The people who made a circle around the venue would inevitably come back and purchase a snack or tea on their way out! Double the profits a day!

They started getting jealous and some of them complained, obviously they were ignored, who cares what method you use? As long as your food is good, nobody get's sick, you're not blackmailing customers, and you're not serving rotten food, everything goes!

Psychological tactics were a strength, not something to be shunned.

And so, Hiro's group raked in tens of thousands a day with a big smile and a kind facade.

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Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts