
Darling, I feel hot.

A few days later

The group was fighting a Klaxosaur that spat blue liquid on them. The liquid seeped into the Franxx and drenched the girls. Hiro looked down and his mind buzzed, luckily for him Zerotwo's suit was disintegrating and he got a full view of her cheeks.

There was also another part of her suit that disintegrated. Hiro swallowed his saliva and licked his dry lips mumbling "Lust is a sin, lust is a sin, lust is a sin..." over and over, Zerotwo said "Darling?" Hiro said "Yes?"

She turned her head and saw her own ass, she was startled and looked at his face before pursing her lips and saying "The Klaxosaur~" as she wiggled her hips, Hiro's eyes spun and he started to feel faint as blood gushed from his nose and he said "Yeah, right, Klassosaur..." Zerotwo burst out laughing and Strelizia blasted a huge hole in the Klaxosaur, destroying it's core.

Hiro mumbled "Heaven, this is heaven right?" Zorome, Goro, and Futoshi's voices chimed "It must be!" Zorome shouted "The promise land!" The girls were confused and looked at the internal view before shrieking.

Hiro looked at the white peach in front of him and Zerotwo teased "Like what you see?" Hiro gulped and said "En." Zerotwo giggled and wiggled her hips again, Hiro had a brain overload and he blue screened.

A while later

The Franxx were back in their docking stations and the group got out of them. Hiro wrapped Zerotwo in a cocoon of towels and held her close to him, snorting at the rest. They were stunned and looked at Zerotwo, who was covered in yellow towels only revealing her face and horns.

She laughed and Hiro said "Damn perverts." before walking back to the residence, Zorome shook his fist and said "You're a pervert too!" Hiro spat "Yeah, so?" Miku pointed at Hiro with a trembling finger and said "You! You! You! You're a hypocrite!"

Hiro turned around and pulled his eye lid down while spitting out his tongue and making a 'pffft' sound with his tongue, Zerotwo burst out laughing and the group was stunned. Miku threw a shoe at him in anger and Hiro ran away laughing along with Zerotwo.

They separated as Hiro left her in front of the girls locker room door. He put her down and looked away saying emotionally "Hopefully you get adopted into a good family." Zerotwo blinked before realizing she looked like a baby, she giggled and said "Won't you adopt me, Daddy?"

Hiro's mind buzzed and he looked at her pout, he cleared his throat and said "Could you say that again? I didn't hear you." Zerotwo was very obedient "Won't you adopt me, Daddy?" Hiro swayed saying "Repeat that last word." Zerotwo said "Daddy?" in confusion before suddenly realizing and blushing hard.

Hiro was in heaven, 3 TIMES! She called him 'Daddy' 3 times! Zerotwo mumbled "You really are a pervert!" before rolling away, Hiro said "Ah! Wait! I will!" Zerotwo giggled and the door closed. Hiro took his hand back and walked away in a daze, mumbling "So cute..."

A while later

He was changed and walked back to the residence, looking at his last quest. He needed to unify his body and soul, basically get used to his body by moving it around. He had been practicing this entire time though and he felt he was almost there. He sighed to himself and walked inside, wondering where his Angel was.

He was a bit worried she couldn't get out of the cocoon towel. Maybe he should go back? He looked inside to see a line of tape and the boys and girls separated. He said to himself "Yeah, definitely go back. 100%." as he spun on his heel and walked away.

He heard "Darling~" and spun right back around to see Zerotwo pop her head out form the kitchen and curl her finger at him while licking her lips. Hiro floated over with an intoxicated expression and the duo disappeared in front of both the boys and girls.

Zerotwo and Hiro giggled and he took off his jacket, gloves, and cap as he said "What do you want today, Angel?" as he rolled up his sleeves and looked through the kitchen's stock, Zerotwo crossed her legs and touched her chin in thought as she hummed "Maybeeee.... Chocolate?"

Hiro's eyes lit up as he said "Say no more! I have the perfect dish!" he grabbed a bunch of stuff and rushed to the counter before he started working.

A while later

Hiro placed a dish in front of Zerotwo, it was a big Chocolate Lava Cake! He poured chocolate sauce over it and placed 2 spoons down. Zerotwo looked at the Chocolate lava cake curiously, Hiro said in glee "Go on! Take a bite."

Zerotwo took the spoon and dug into the cake, she gasped as hot chocolate sauce flowed from the missing part and a sweet aroma assaulted her nostrils. She ate the first bite and her eyes widened as she moaned, a hot breath escaping her lips.

Hiro jumped in happiness, the Chocolate Lava Cake was incredibly hard to make. Not only because it had to be soft but also spongy, but because it had to hold the molten chocolate inside. Hiro went above and beyond, making a big one, which wasn't recommended.

He even decorated with white chocolate flowers.

Zerotwo was in love, not only with the Chocolate Lava Cake, but Hiro too. It tasted even better because her Darling made it. Needless to say, Hiro won her heart and her stomach. A two-fer! He dug into the middle and held it out, Zerotwo bit the spoon and held her blushing cheeks.

It tasted even better!

Hiro was thrilled, he never felt so happy. Seeing those eyes made him feel alive. It made him feel like, no matter what, everything was going to be okay. They lit up his cloudy heart and brought light and warmth to the world.

In short, this was the deepest feeling he had ever felt towards anything in his entire life.

And he loved every second of it.

They continued flirting for the rest of the day, Hiro brought her out and they started training together. Spending time together, all day. Hiro and Zerotwo were laughing together as they chased each other through the forest, moving quickly and swinging around as Zerotwo giggled "Can't catch me, Darling~"

Hiro chuckled and said "Watch me!" he jumped on a tree and sprang off the trunk to a branch before swinging off and lunging at her, she giggled and jumped to another branch spinning in the air and landing on her hands and she teased "Too slow~" Hiro kicked the branch under him and chased after her again, getting slightly distracted at her giggles of pure joy.

The next day

Hiro woke up and did his daily push ups, sit-ups, and crunches before waddling to the bathroom with half opened eyes. He brushed his teeth and turned on the bath before taking off his clothes and settling inside, he hummed in comfort and laid his back against the edge, facing the door.

Suddenly, the girls walked in with mops.

Hiro half opened his eyes and hummed. The girls froze and looked down into the water before their faces turned red and they ran out screaming. Hiro hummed again and enjoyed the warm bath water. Unaware he had just violated the separation rules and potentially raised the girls' expectations of the other boys.


The door slammed open!

Zerotwo walked in and took off her towel.

Hiro was wide awake now as he watched with his mouth open wide, Zerotwo got into the bath and walked over to Hiro before sitting on his lap and kissing him saying "Good morning, Darling~" Hiro was going crazy! The soft sensation of her cheeks against his tool.

He naturally had a reaction.

Hiro's willy: Dragon rising from the sea! Hyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Zerotwo felt it, it slipped past her special place and slid between her ass. She felt hot, really, really, hot. She shifted saying "Darling, I feel hot." Hiro was groaning and said "Zerotwo. You're really going to make me go insane. Please get off me." she felt much better when she moved and she ignored him, wrapping her arms around his neck and sliding up and down against the hard thing between her legs.

Hiro grunted in pleasure, he didn't want this. Not yet, but he didn't move. He kissed her, infiltrating his tongue into her mouth. She moaned into his mouth and crushed her breasts on his chest. The taste of her mouth, the soft feeling of her breasts, the rubbing of her slit against his shaft and the poking of her pink cherries.

It was over.

He was overloaded and blew his load into the bath, his shaft throbbed and brushed against her slit. Her entire body trembled and she moaned by his ear before laying limp on his chest. The duo were breathing heavily and Zerotwo said "So good."

Hiro said in dismay "Now we need to run a new bath..." Zerotwo purred on his chest, completely in her own world. Hiro picked her up and rose from the water, he walked out and drained the bath before setting a new one and sinking inside.

It was relaxing though.

He looked at Zerotwo, who was curled up in his embrace, and smiled lovingly. He knew it. He knew this would happen. He didn't feel disgusted but closer to her. Even though it wasn't real sex, the clarity after ejaculation was true.

With almost every other girl he's been with, they had sex, he came after an hour or so, then he left them to their own devices, not wanting to spend another second with them. Most times he even called them a cab and sent them off with a wave and a fake promise to call again.

What a joke. I'm not calling you again, are you crazy?

But this time, he wanted to be with her. He wanted to snuggle with her, hug her from behind and love her. He wanted to squeeze her so hard she melts into his body and never leaves. He sighed to himself, assuming that for his entire previous life he never knew what love was.

He thought he did, but that was just infatuation and lust. It got old quickly, the feelings faded, they disappeared in a puff of smoke. Those weren't real emotions, he tricked himself into thinking they were.

He craved human connection so bad that he went out of his way to satiate his desires, hoping to find one woman who he didn't feel like kicking to the side and abandoning when he was finished with them.

He looked at the Klaxo-Sapien in his arms and smiled lovingly, caressing her soft cheek, every movement and action full of love and care. It was funny how he finally found it in someone who wasn't human. Someone who was just like him.

He looked at her before craning his neck and kissing her head. Even if she was old, even if she had red skin, even if her face burned off, even if she was crippled for life, he would still love her. He couldn't explain how he felt, he just felt amazing.

Everything in his life burst with bright and vibrant colors. Even the most mundane things were full of life and beauty when he was with her. The simple act of cooking had become the thing he looks forward to everyday because it makes her happy.

He laid back and sang softly."

Wise men say

Only fools rush in

But I can't help falling in love with you

Shall I stay?

Would it be a sin

If I can't help falling in love with you?

Like a river flows

Surely to the sea

Darling, so it goes

Some things are meant to be

Take my hand, Take my whole life, too

For I can't help falling in love with you

Like a river flows

Surely to the sea

Darling, so it goes

Some things are meant to be

Take my hand, Take my whole life, too

For I can't help falling in love with you

For I can't help falling in love with you "

He looked back down and saw Zerotwo smiling at him. He smiled warmly and said "I love you, Zerotwo." Zerotwo gently kissed him and said with word full of warmth "I love you too, Hiro." Their lips connected again and they stayed in silence together, feeling perfectly content.

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Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts