
Chapter 114

While Dragonite kept Aerodactyl busy, I decided to take the chance to finish up with the other ancient pokemon before they could reorient themselves and escape.

They were scattered and cowering throughout the huge room, and I could see one of the Omastar inching towards the deeper area of the cavern, followed promptly by the others.

Barring the single still standing Kabutops that was looking between its escaping companions and the downed Kabutops at my feet.

Man what the fuck did that Aerodactyl do to them? Did it kick the shit out of them for amusement or something?

Either way, as Dragonite chased after Aerodactyl spitting Ice Beam's and Flamethrower's which were easily avoided, I thrust my hands out, "Spread Stun Spore!" I ordered, even as I retrieved an empty pokeball from my pocket and touched it to the downed Kabutops.

Bellossom and Victreebel leapt into action the moment the Kabutops was sucked up like a noodle into my pokeball.

The same action instigating the other Kabutops into action. Its bloodshot eyes narrowed with fury and with a snarl, it rushed towards me.

Bellossom and Victreebel unleashed twin clouds of glittering orange spores that blanketed the over side of the cavern and rained down.

It was shot so high into the air though to reach there, it left an opening for the Kabutops to slip under and continue its rushing assault as the pokeball shook lightly in my hand.

The pokeball in my hand pinged and stopped shaking.

Kabutops was captured and Kabutops launched itself through the air towards me, twin scythes exploding with shiny white power.

A slash attack.

A twin slash attack actually.

It could probably cleave me in twain with little effort, especially since Bellossom and Victreebel were a mite occupied with spreading their stun spores to incapacitate the others trying to retreat.

It never reached me.

An electricity clad fist smashed into Kabutops' face before it even got within ten feet of me, Charmeleon launching himself up and over my head with another Quick Attack enhanced leap and driving a Thunder Punch straight into its face.

With it in the air and having no purchase to bleed off the force like the other one had before, the Kabutops was launched backwards through the air.

Directly into the centre of the raining clouds of glittering orange spores in fact.

It crashed into the ground hard and almost immediately, its limbs began to lock up and freeze as it was paralyzed by the merged cloud of dual Stun Spores.

And it wasn't the only one. With their backs turned, the other ancient and awakened pokemon were like fish in a barrel.

This would be a whole other ball game if they weren't scared of Aerodactyl and trying to flee.

As a wise man once said.

Never turn your back on the enemy! I don't know who said actually, but I'm assuming since it was common sense some wise guy said it before.

Either way, now was the time to strike. The initial paralysis would only last a few seconds.

"Take them down guys!" I declared as Charmeleon hopped back to stand beside me, "Razor Leaf and Flamethrower, hit them all nice and quick!"




My three pokemon gave a trio of cries of affirmation and attacked. Charmeleon inahled deeply, chest expanding as red hot flames licked at his lips, while Victreebel cocked his leafy arms back and Bellossom leapt into the air and began to spin rapidly.

A great gout of flame once again made its existing and lit up the cavern brightly as Charmeleon unleashed his Flamethrower straight towards the downed Kabutops, bathing it in the red hot wave of flame.

Kabutops' was roasted by the flame, before Charmeleon redirected his attack and dragged it across the room, washing over stalagmite and ancient pokemon alike.

While dozens upon dozens of razor sharp leaves followed in its wake, tearing into the downed pokemon after they were roasted by Charmeleon.

Old and strong as the ancient pokemon were, there was only so much they could withstand under Charmeleon's intense flames and dual four times effective grass attacks.

And so, they were easy pickings for me to quickly rush over and one by one tap an empty pokeball each to.

And paralysed and beaten badly by the barrage of attacks….especially after taking Aerodactyl's Giga impact from behind and being bowled over like a truck over pebbles-

Suffice to say, they didn't put up much resistance to the pokeballs.

When I was done, I turned my attention to my pokemon who had been on guard just in case one of the ancient pokemon managed to throw up a last ditch effort.

Bellossom and Victreebel were fine, practically vibrating in place awaiting my praise for them.

Charmeleon on the other hand?

Immediately slumped to his backside, arms and legs limp and panting deeply in exhaustion.

I don't blame him. First he dug up all those Leaf Stones for me, then dug the way down into this cavern. The Blast Burn to draw attention to us, then were the series of attacks he unleashed against the first Kabutops I captured…then that brief battle with Aerodactyl and now this.

"Good work guys, you were brilliant," I praised them, crouching down to rub Charmeleon's horn fondly, "Especially you buddy, you went above and beyond."

Despite his exhaustion, Charmeleon gave me a tired, toothy grin and his chest puffed out with pride.

He had stamina for days.

Well most of my pokemon did, but this just showed me just how much stamina they were packing. I wasn't sure how to increase power much as far as training went, all I did know was how to train them physically to the limit with the gravity training, how to let them get experience when battling each other and getting them used to constantly using up their energy by having them user their attacks as much as possible after physical training.

Perhaps not the best training routine and could hardly count for everything, but what for what I knew how to target…this just proved it was working wonders.

…Well, not that everything on my journey so far hadn't proved it. But it's still nice to see.

The attention I was giving Charmeleon, made the other two jealous and they sidled up to my sides, trying to get my attention.

The pout Bellossom was giving me could melt glaciers.

"Alright, alright." I laughed, reaching over to give them a set of fond pats as well, but just as my hands made contact, there was a thunderous boom from above.

Sorry about going on hatius again so soon guys, things just kinda took a turn for the worse for me. My dogs health declined again, and so to did my grandfather. My grandfather unfortunately passed away on Friday, so yeah, been a bit frazzled lately. Honestly, if you guys want to help me out a bit, I'd appreciate it if you guys could go to this story on Ff.net and follow and favourite it.

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