
Chapter 68. A Debt To settle

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The entire city was shaking.

The buildings that were somehow still standing started to crumble down.

On one side an army of stone knights was marching forward, each looking identical to the other, with glowing purple patterns on them.

Facing them was a horde of nightmares, of various shapes and sizes, with flying imps floating over their heads.

Between the horde of creatures, there were some humanoid-looking things.

Knights, early similar to the ones they were facing. wearing greenish metal weapons, with some holding weapons made from the same material or carrying lances, their tips blazing.

They all were mounted on creatures resembling horses, which had sharp teeth and several tentacles that were ended with harpoon-shaped bones.

Then it stopped.

The two armies stopped a few meters away from them, facing each other.


With a roar, the monsters started to run toward the stone knights, their weapons ready to attack.

In response, the knights got into position and clashed with the horde.

There and then, the bloodshed began.

The stone statues were crushed as the bodies of the monsters were cut into pieces.

In the beginning, the stone soldiers were at advantage, their bodies resistant to the weapons of the knights, but the tide quickly turned as they sided with more monsters.

Their cut-apart bodies slowly reformed into new abominable forms or dissolved into patches of mold and flowers, from which tentacles grabbed the feet of the enemy, hindering their movements.

At the very back of the stone army, held on a pedestal was a throne, on which the king was looking at the battlefield with a smile on her face.

"Is this all? Is this all he can do?"

opening the book that she held onto her lap, she recited a prayer.

Immediately, the rubble on the ground shifted, becoming new batches of soldiers, which marched into formation.

"Till I have earth under my feet, my forces are limitless. HAHAHAHA-"

Her laughter was cut short when the ground started to shake.

Using her sharp reflexes, she jumped off the throne, the moment it erupted.

Digging itself out of the ground was a giant green worm, its face shaped like a spear.

As it turned towards the king, she could see six burning eyes.


With these words, the monster slithered towards him, its beak parting in four different directions, showing a mouth that was filled with teeth.

"You are one ugly bastard. Did Phil have no time to give you a proper look?"

She lifted the book and flipped it open.

"North wind, eater of bones, freezer of blood, blow your icy breath upon my enemies. Freezing Wings."

From her book a ray of blue wind shoots out, covering the skin of the worm in ice, but it only slows down its movement.


The beast lifted its head up in the air, shaking the ice of its body.

As this happened, the shadow behind her reappeared, whispering things into her ear that made her smile.

"Yes, that would be perfect."

She flipped through the pages of the book, arriving at a section that was written in a strange language that, when the king read it, sounded normal.

"Brother of order, true master of reality I besiege your attention! Raise your hands upon your treacherous brother and smite your enemies! Crushing Hands of Good!"

When the words left the king's mouth, the ground started to shake as two giant hands, made from soil and rock rose up to the sky, before grabbing onto the still screaming worm, squeezing it till it exploded into bits of green flesh and black blood.

"That's it? How disappointing! Phil must have lost his touch to send out something so-"



"I am the voice!"

As the king spit some blood out, he looked down at its chest, seeing a small white bone-looking thing growing out from its chest.


The blade that pierced its flesh slowly lifted her up and threw her to the floor, making it spill a great amount of blood.

"I am the voice of hunger and pain!"

"Is it me or did you become so much weaker? Is the book not treating you well? I can take it if you want."

The thing that stabbed the king turned it over, making it face the thing.

It looked horrible.

A creature with the body of a deformed human, with the head the smaller version of the worm.

From its broad shoulder, the torso of the humanoid grew out, with no facial feature except a glowing hole in the middle of its face. In its long hands, it held a single rod made from a strange metal, with its sharpened tip, covered in its blood.

"Do you like the latest look? I call it 'King Slayer,' but 'Bitch Slayer' has a nice ring to it. "

"I am the voice."

"Yes, you are."

"I am the voice of eternity."

"Yeah, you are now will-"

"I am the voi-"


Slamming its spear on the head of the creature, he silenced the thing.

"Sorry, she is a little chatty. Not her fault, she is still in the development phase."


"Phil? Oh right, you never heard me announce it! Or you might have forgotten it. Fallen king, I have changed my name when I evolved. Phil Smith is no longer. I am Darwin Tim Right; the apostle of putrefaction and I came back to the thing that belongs to me. So be a good girl or whatever you are and hand it over. "

The creature leaned forwards to take away the book.


With a burst of strength, the king slammed its palm on the ground, which shouted out from the ground impaling the stomach of the mount with which it was fuzzed.

"I will not allow you to take it!"

"Ugh, this... is... NOTHING!"

With a ripping noise, the creature's head shifted as a giant hole formed where its mouth should have been.

"Drink up!"

From the hole, a mixture of black sludge and smoke came out like a geyser, flying straight into her face.


Yet again, the ground obeyed its master's command, forming a small barrier that protected her from the attack.

"Get away from me!"

With a kick, the creature was pushed aside.

No. it wasn't pushed but dragged by the spikes still embedded in its body.

"How dare you attack royalty!"

Opening the book, the king pointed at the monster. The wound on its abdomen started to slowly close up as even more, purplish marks started to appear on its body.

"God of love, grasp the heart of the being standing before your disciples and show it the meaning of sorrow felt by a loved one who lost their hope. Heartbreak!"

With a horrible sound emanating from the monster, the thing grasped its chest as it vomited out more of the liquid.

"Hurt, doesn't it? A broken heart a parent feels when they lose their children. I will make sure you will feel it."

"Gah!Gah! GahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

From the gasping sounds the monster made, it turned into laughter, spilling more of its blood.

"Like you care about your children! You let them die! You let them die alone!"

"Shut it! Earth magic: Granit Spears!"

More and more spikes rose from the ground impaling the creature, yet it kept talking.

"You are a horrible parent! You sent your children to their deaths! And you had the gall to stay alive! You are worse than me!"

"Silence! Earth Magic: Boulder rain!"

Several stones flew right above the head of the monster, gathering together to form a giant rock.

The abomination looked up and kept on talking.

"You are worthless. A king who has fallen so low to throw rocks at their enemy. No wonder you lost you-"


With a loud roaring sound, the boulder fell onto the thing, squashing it flat, leaving only a greenish paste, which seemed to bubble out from under the rock.

"Hah...Hah... Finally... He is dead....Now I can rule in..."


Suddenly the ground under his feet shook as two pillars emerged from the ground, trapping the king between them.

"You are quite a pain in the ass. Creating so many useless stone soldiers, do you have any idea, how hard it was to make these fuckers presentable? Now I have to do it all again."

From one of the holes created by the fight, something crawled out.

At first glance, it looked like a giant crab.

It had a black exoskeleton, with eight insectoid legs carrying its body, its abdomen was long and cylindrical, shaped like a throne, with two thick armored arms growing out from its sides and four smaller and more nimble tentacles moving around at its back.

Sitting in that thing was him.

Wearing a white coat with a dark greenish suit sat Phi, the Plague Father. His face was completely different from the one I knew, looking almost human.

He got his greenish hair back, with bandages covering his eyes. Between his legs was his magical staff, somehow looking even more dangerous than ever.

"Nice trick, isn't it? I am calling it Prayer. Decided to lean into this whole Father stick that's been given me."

"B-But I-"

"You killed a parrot. It was just a monster with an intact vocal cord, repeating everything I said. I was pretty surprised by your new tricks. It seems that others can use MY book as well, albeit not without consequences. Let me guess, from your appearance, you are turning into a statue each time you use that thing?"

"My appearance... gift from the true god..."

"True god? Are you fucking serious? Do you have the faintest idea of how many gods there are? Seriously, did your new friend take your brain or something? True god, how ridiculous."

He tapped the end of the cane to his monster's side, making the ground rumble, and several greenish tentacles emerged from the ground.

The king looked at the abomination, the book in its hand feeling heavier than ever.

"Phil.... I am... going to kill you."

"You are... going to kill me? Are you fucking serious? Look around you! "

One of the tentacles pointed at the battlefield, which was turned into a massacre

The statues were smashed into rubble by the masses of green flesh, made from countless bodies of the fallen monsters.

"While you were playing petty revenge with one of my parrots, I decimated your army. WITHOUT going all out. Do you know what that means? It means that you are fucking trash and an embracement. Do save us all some time, give me my blood book back so that I can go home. I won't even kill you, since you aren't worth it anymore."

"I... Isn't it worth it?"

"You're worth jack shit. I am clearly saving ourselves the trouble here. I don't even add your body to the mass there, that is the level of garbage you are."

The king's face slowly turned into disgusting anger, as it stared at Darwin.

"I am going to kill you. I am going to fucking butcher! you"

The pages of the book started to flip as a dangerous amount of energy formed around his body.

"Sigh, very well. Then I guess there is no point in holding back."

As he said these words, the ground started to shake violently as something emerged from it.

"Allow me to introduce you to my latest creation, and my current masterpiece, made from every word of unused mold in this destroyed city. My Patchwork Factory."





Name: Darwin Tim Right 'Plague Father'

Race: [ True Kayeri (Mechanically Augmented)] LV: 1/10 000 (1/10 000)

Main Class: [Dark Apostle of Putrefaction]

Sub Class: [Father of Biopunk]

MP: 60 000/60 000

Blessings: [Blessing of Nergal] [Blessing of Airmed]

Active Skills: [Basic Steady Hand] [[Hive control] [Hive Absorption] [Hive Repulsion] [Mold Field] [Basic Spirit Voice] [Aether Vision] [Steam Engineering [Mold Manipulation] [Fly manipulation] [ Decomposing touch] [Rot Embodiment] [Inorganic conversion] [Plague Mist] [Face Switch] [Organic Matter Comprehension] [Organic Matter Manipulation] [Cellular Mutation Inducement]

Passive Skills: [Body Knowledge] [ Plant Knowledge] [Medicine Knowledge] [Stamina Enhancement] [ Movement Enhancement] [ Reflex Enhancement.] [Superior Sponge Mind] [Perfect Stomach] [Hive Mind] [Music Instrument Knowledge] [Healing Hands] [Medical Senses] [Medical Mind] [Surgical Precision] [Mechanical Skeleton] [Toxic Air] [ High Regeneration] [Organic Clockwork] [Demon's Presence] [Sight of Blood]

Affinities: [Basic Farming Affinity] [Basic War Affinity] [Basic Pestilence Affinity][ Basic Fire Affinity.] [Basic Life Affinity] [Basic Death Affinity]

Titles: [The One Who Saw a Thousand Worlds] [Knowledge Driven] [Chosen by Flies] [Medicine Pioneer] [Hive Master] [Giver of Life] [The 13th Dark Apostle] [Father of New Race] [Exclusive Class Holder]

