
Chapter three

The absolute fear that permeated through his body, was so overwhelming that he was very happy that he naked. as the shame of walking around in soiled clothes after the incident would have been too much for his ego to bear.

He was supposed to look tough in front of Shir, God damnit. Instead at the first life-threatening encounter in his new life, he bravely pissed in the direction of the Giant Sloth and experienced his first bout of accidental magic, which luckily in this case his magic reacted to his absolute wish of being anywhere else but in front of this behemoth strolling towards him.

All that was left behind of his and Shiro's presence, were twin puddles of urine that slowly sank into the sand, never to be seen again.

He slammed into wet foliage with Shiro still in his arms, both wide-eyed at the unexpected emergency relocation.

"That was an extremely calculated and well-executed retreat, wouldn't you say so Shiro?" he looked down into the kitten in his arms, only to be met with the most ruthless deadpan he had ever seen in his life.

'Maybe not my best lie, but I'm never going back on it, nope fuck that, fuck giant sloths and fuck me for having the worst emergency reactions.'

He sighed in relief as he thought back to the monster he had seen, it was gigantic, easily over ten meters tall with long rugged fur from its body, with what could easily be seen as 1 meter long claws on its hands and feet that were slicing entire trenches into the sand, leaving behind what looked like a warzone trailing for miles behind it.

"I guess I lucked out with Shiro being the cute fluffy ball of adorableness" he sighed as he comforted himself by softly rubbing his cheek with Shiro´s.

After getting his fluff medicine, he supposed it was time to get down to business.

First on the agenda was understanding where his outburst of accidental magic had taken him, and after looking around what seemed to be a densely forested area, he sighed in relief. as with how dense the forest seemed. it was a low probability of any more Titan-like creatures stumbling upon them.

Second on the agenda was to find shelter, and quickly too. as these hot climate areas swiftly get insanely cold at night, and he would rather not see what goes bump in the dark in this world.

So he set Shiro on his shoulder, still clutching his wand in his right hand and started exploring the forest.

What he swiftly noticed, was that the entire forest gave off a vibe as if alive. he constantly felt watched but never saw the suspected creature watching, which only further motivated him into finding some form of defendable shelter he could hide in with Shiro.

As he trekked through the forest, he tried replicating any and every Potter spell he remembered but saw minimal success. but as he was about to give up, he recalled the scene where Hermione went into detail about how to cast the Levitation spell.

So it was determination, steel-like focus, and a whole lot of hope that he performed the iconic swish and flick and muttered "Wingardium Leviosa"

And there he felt the tug in his chest, a warmth travel down his arm into his wand, igniting a spark that caused the twig he was aiming for to twitch!

He quickly capitalized on the momentum and grabbed hold of the warmth in his chest, guiding it into his arm and feeding the spark until it lit up into flame, the twig stopped twitching.

He almost sighed in disappointment when he felt a connection to the two and noticed the flame in his wand still dancing. he carefully angled his arm upwards and the twig levitated to follow his movement!

His grin almost split his face when he felt absolute dominion over that twig's movements, as he twirled the twig around and over him and Shiro until he lost focus and the flame died down. followed by the twig falling down somewhere in the bush he had levitated it, but that didn't matter.

He looked down to the only witness of his magnificent feat, smile so wide that it hurt his face.

"You see that Shiro? Daddy´s got Telekinises!"
