
Please erase his existence

Chapter 14

“ so she’s going to have a destination wedding then travel around the world…speak about bold.”

“that’s not the point, the point is that she’s making stupid decisions again.”

“I don’t understand why you pressed, as her half-sister and one of her best friends you should support and be happy for her no matter what,” Zahreefah says

“You're right, I should…that’s what she needs now. You should've seen how terrible she worked since a kid to get into those clubs, I don’t want all her hard work to go to waste.”

“she has her reasons and when she’s ready shell tell us, anywho missy explain why when I went to bail you out the other day you weren’t there, we’re you pranking me?” She says leaning into me with her eyes on top of me.

“ let’s not talk about it okay, I would rather forget everything that happened that day, then think about it.”

“oh, so meeting that police officer is included in something bad.”

“no, no that’s not what I said and how do you know.”

She flicked my forehead standing up, “you idiot I told you I came over, you guys were all smiley around each other.”

“whatever, do get a life on your way out.”

She winked leaving, as my phone buzzed. After searching through my purse, it was a notification from him.

“you quite free these days, ” he says sitting across me

“you scared me!”

“ can’t a guy have a good old coffee with his recent most frequented contact?”

“Someone must be bored, by the way where's your uniform.”

“day off, ”he says calling the waiter, “she looks hungry so bring out the juiciest meal set you have.”

“excuse you,” I say looking towards him

“ill pay, don’t worry.”

“wrong, I always split the bill. By the way, I just ate.”

“you look hungry to me, ”

“ rude much."

He rushed out in the middle of lunch leaving his card on the table, idiot could have just done a transfer when he’s free. I realized that I still hadn’t gotten his name…how annoying. On my way to the clinic, I bumped into Areeb with his family.

“Day off?”

He shook his head as his wife walked past me confirming their reservation.

“ more or less, what you've been up to lately?”

“nothing interesting, im just wandering around.”

“cool, enjoy your day.”

He swallowed half of his words after looking towards his wife call him over, how annoying that I kept on bumping into him…I hated seeing his face.

My new job was at a private practice, soon I'd open my own. It was very unlikely that I would be able to afford one soon and I wanted to make sure that I use my own money, im not saying asking for help is a bad thing im just saying I hate paying people back. After another exhausting day at work, I arrived home to a hot meal prepared by the world's best cook, featuring my frequently moody sister…
