
Chapter 9 : Elijah's cooking time.

Third person point of view

Joshua woke up to his alarm. " An annoying sibling might be better than you ". He muttered staring down at it. He turned it off and ran a hand through his face. " Ready to face the day ". He said to himself and got on with his routine. Once dressed up, he walked out of the room and as he was near to the kitchen, he could smell a faint aroma. He sniffed and walked faster. When he entered the kitchen, he saw a person's back with an apron tied to the body, standing near the stove.

Joshua was shocked would be an understatement. " Good morning ". Elijah turned around after hearing the greeting. " Morning ". Nicholas might be shocked if he saw this. His boss actually replied to a 'good morning'. Elijah turned the stove off and served the dish he made in a plate. Joshua sat in the chair and the food was placed in front of him. He was never this shocked in his whole life. " Wow. Is it really you ? "

Joshua asked still shocked and chuckled. Elijah didn't say anything and just stared at Joshua. " You woke up early ? So you actually got adjusted to the timings ? " Joshua asked with a smile. It was true. Knowing Elijah's routine, seeing him do this is kind of surprising. He was too used to seeing a sleepy head Elijah. Elijah sat on the other side. " Not really ". Joshua nodded and tasted it. It was pasta. From the look of it, it wasn't that complicated, but it was really delicious. " It is so delicious ". " Thank you ".

Joshua didn't completely believe when Elijah said he can cook. He didn't do anything for the few days, so even Joshua didn't question it since he thought it might as well be a lie. He didn't believe most of the things when it came to Elijah anyway. Now when he saw and even tasted it he was baffled and surprised. " I have a doubt ". Elijah raised an eyebrow. " Will you cook daily ? It is really tasty ". Joshua grinned. Elijah laughed lightly.

" I am not your chef ". " Tsk. So mean". Elijah shook his head. " Why don't you open a restaurant ? You are such a good cook ". Joshua said smiling. Elijah took a deep breath. " Will you not survive a day without asking me to do something ? And you are just sitting and chatting. Will you not be late ? " Joshua's eyes went wide. " Why are you trying to throw me out of my house ? " " Since I am living here, it is mine too ". " Bleh ! "

Elijah gave a look of disbelief at how childish this is going and put on his blank face. " Whatever. Just finish and go. Don't blame me if you are late, that is not something I want. I have enough things that you nag me for ". Joshua silently finished his food and walked out of the kitchen. He opened the door, but stopped before putting his leg out.

" So will you cook daily ? " He turned around asking Elijah with bright eyes. Elijah stared for a second and rolled his eyes. " God ! No promises. But I will as long as I am in a mood to do it. Happy ? Leave now ". Joshua gave a grin in return. " Have a nice day. Bye ". He closed the door and left. Elijah shook his head and went to the kitchen. He cleaned up and went to his bedroom. He needs some more sleep.

The next time he woke up is when it was lunch time. He went to the bathroom to take a shower. Once he is done with it, he heated up what he cooked in the morning and had that for lunch. He cleaned the dishes and went back to the couch. He laid down on the couch in a sleeping position. He closed his eyes and decided to rest, but his phone vibrated indicating he received a message. He checked the message and it was from Nicholas.

Nicholas : He wants to see you.

Elijah sighed and put his phone aside. He thought for a few seconds and then picked up his phone again. He stared at the number; his finger hovering over the dial symbol. He finally dialed the number and put the phone to his ear. " Hello ". Elijah heard a gruff aged male voice from the other side.

" Hello ". Elijah replied in a quite voice. " How are you ? " Elijah sat up on the couch when he heard the other person ask. " I am good. How are you ? " He heard a sigh on the other side. " Like always ". Elijah didn't comment on that and instead choose to ask something else. " Are you taking your medication on time ? " " I am ". " Good ". " I heard you are in the city. When are you going to visit me ? "

" I will.... but not right now. In a few days, I will come to you ". There was silence on the other side for a few seconds. " How long does few days mean ? " " I am not sure ". " Good to know that you've come at least. I can wait a little longer ". Elijah was silent for a while. " I am hanging up then. Bye. Take care ". " You too ".

Elijah put his phone on the small table and fell back on the couch. It was not that he wasn't ready, he just needs to settle a few things before he is ready to do it. He sighed and closed his eyes. The turmoil in his mind was tormenting. He sighed as he mindlessly played with the phone in his hand. He got up and walked into his bedroom and fell asleep.


It kind of feels like Elijah takes sleep as an escape for things, but not so much at the same time. Haha. I am not someone who particularly does that. My BR sleeps veeeery well. Hahaha

I can cope up with my day even if I have an hour sleep, but if I am sick I only want to sleep. But I don't neglect it and sleep on my time for sure.

Actually I kept telling my BR that it didn't turn out well. After reading my BR said ' WTH. I am so disappointed in you. I was expecting way worse. Hahaha ' and that it is really nice and we also get to know them both more. Also that there was a smile all the while when reading. Haha. So yeah turns out it is nice.

Go read the next chapter too. Go go go ! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

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