
Luna was kidnapped

Luna sat alone in the garden. She felt was no longer in the mood to do a photoshoot again. The beautiful model saw many children laughing happily with their friends, parents, brother, or sister.

Slowly Luna remembered that when she was pregnant she was always accompanied by Ethan, precisely before Edward was disturbed their harmony.

"God ... I'm too stupid, I've hurt Ethan's heart. even though he has tried to fix his mistakes, he has fulfilled all my wishes, loves kids more than me. I am a sinful wife, let his dissolve in sorrow, even I do not fulfill my duties as a wife."

Luna started to sob remembering every time she ignored Ethan when she got angry backstage when she didn't give him a chance to touch her. "I'm so ashamed that I've been fooled by people who don't like our togetherness. Is there still an apology for me? do I deserve to be with you? I'm just a rebellious wife who wastes a husband as good as you!"
