
Have a good night, Grimsbanne.

All I could do was watch Klaus yell as he dash towards us. I held my hand out, but this man jumped off the hill. My breath hitched as we fell down and at that moment, the world felt like it revolved slower. I couldn't act or retaliate for a second as I tried to absorb everything that had happened. 

"Hold tight, my wife." The impostor's voice snapped me out of my trance and the world returned to its normal pace. "We will have a long… ah! Wait! Stop biting me!" 

His feet crashed on the slope, but I kept biting his shoulder as hard as I could. My eyes glistened with intense rage, biting him, but that only made him tighten his grip around my legs.

"Ah, crap!" he struggled, and I let him go upon realizing he wouldn't let me go even if I bit off his shoulder. Instead, I gazed up to where he jumped off.

"Follow me," I whispered, reaching everyone who had a link with me. To give them more clues, I bit my hand until it bled, leaving a trail of blood.
