
Fallen Tree

After the lords left for their home, I have talked with Catelyn about our marriage. I wanted to marry again before a heart tree and she didn't understand why I was asking for it. However, on my insistence, she agreed and we married in Winterfell's Godswood with the help of Styr.

I introduced Styr to the lords during the last day of the feast. Many of them went to him in Godswood for consultation. Styr later told me Lord Umber wanted a seed of a heart tree from him. Apparently, he had some seeds because Lord Umber left with a happy smile on his face.

I also signed the betrothal with Lord Manderly and newly raised Lord Harstark's father agreed to the sacrifice thing. After all, he was already old and if his life can give his children a better life, then he was willing to sacrifice everything he had.

These days, there were many Starks in Winterfell and they had many old stories to tell. For example, aunt Branda told us that the black pool before the heart tree was fathomless and a blood-sucking fish was living in it.

Nan even told me tales about her father and grandfather like how they defeated Ironborn at sea and how he taught them riding. A few days later, Benjen left with Dacey to complete the task I have given to him. One of the Starks, my aunt Branda, who was going to be sacrificed in the west also accompanied them with Styr. After all, it was Styr who was going to do the ritual and make the North's soil fertile again.

However, I asked him some of his mixtures for Catelyn before he went with Benjen. He left with me ten vials and exhorted me to give them to Catelyn every two weeks. With their departure, the castle gained its peaceful air again. People returned to their daily jobs and I began drawing the plans for the new castle in Sea Dragon Point and the new Wintertown.

As days became weeks and weeks became months, Catelyn's water broke. She was walking with me when her water dripped down her legs. At first, I thought she wet herself but then when I realized that she was going to give birth.

I carried her to the nearest room and sent one of the servants to call the Maester Luwin. Her body was already writhing in pain and sweat was slowly forming in her forehead. This wasn't something I could take so as soon as Maester Luwin came with some women, I left the room to Catelyn's screams.

I was going to use Bobby B's master plan, go hunting. I called two guards from the barracks and told the kennel master to bring several dogs. I took Winterfell's master of the horse, Hullen, with me and rode with a group of men into the Wolfswood.

We rode for two hours and finally, I caught sight of a deer about two hundred meters away from us. I descended from my horse and took my bow that was tied to the horse.

The deer was digging ground like he was searching. I took aim and readied myself to kill it. I drew my bow and released it but suddenly, a howl rang through the woods and the deer escaped before the arrow could reach it. Well, if we can't hunt a deer then I will hunt the thing that made me lose my target.

I left my horse with Hullen and went to the source of the noise with the two guards. The air was chilly and there was no noise in the woods except the whimpering and howling sounds coming from somewhere close to us.

We moved with great care to not make any sound as I didn't want to make that thing escape. He was mine to hunt and I was planning to bring its hide to Catelyn for birthing me, five children. I wasn't worried about her dying in bed as Styr made sure the children would be healthy and cause her no problems.

We silently moved into the woods and arrived before a fallen tree. A wolf bigger than a horse was howling before another wolf who was under the fallen tree. When it saw us coming, it turned to us and began snarling.

"It's a freak!" one of the guards said. "Look at the size of it."

My heart thumped in my chest as I looked at the giant beast and the dead one lying beneath the tree. "It's no freak," I said calmly, "This is a direwolf. The sigil of my house." Actually, it was a freak even amongst the direwolves. The size of it was a sight to behold.

I tore my eyes away from it and looked at the dead direwolf lying on the ground. My eyes widened as I saw seven little pups suckling the dead direwolf's titties. Oh, Gods, this is the same as the first episode of Game of Thrones but why is there a big one alive. Is he the father of puppies? Was he mine? Besides, wasn't their mother killed by a stag? Why was it killed by a tree?

While the questions were revolving around in my head, I moved towards the big direwolf. It began snarling at me but I still moved slowly until standing just a half meter away.

I extended my hand and slowly touched its head. Its snarling sounds gradually died away. A smile graced my face as I began patting its head. What name should I give to it? Hmm, maybe I can name it Bobby B… Yes, it is Bobby B.

"Your name is Bobby B, did you like it, boy?" I asked with a smile.

The direwolf began snarling as I wryly smiled. I guess it didn't like it. "What about Winter?"

Winter began to snuggle to my hand and made noises in approval. Then, he turned around and went towards his puppies. He turned his head to me and pointed with his head to the puppies. Ohh, he wants me to bring them back home. I turned to the guards and told them to pick the puppies.

"This one is dead, milord." one of the guards said.

I frowned and looked at the puppy in the guard's hands. "Leave it beside his mother's corpse."

I guess Jon won't get a direwolf this time. Maybe he is destined for a dragon.

We returned to the horses with Winter beside me. Weird enough, horses didn't show any fear towards Winter but that was not the case with Hullen. He tried to climb a tree when he saw Winter.

The guards laughed at his action but a stare from me was enough to cow them. I told Hullen to get down and after a few minutes, I was able to convince him. We returned back to the keep after two hours of hunting.

Winter caught the deer that escaped previously on the way and brought it to me. I think I am going to make a feast out of it for my wife. Our return was swift and children's screams were resonating in the castle but there was no trace of a woman's scream. Looks like Catelyn had an easy birth. After all, it had been more than five hours.

I entered the castle and a midwife greeted me before the birthing room's door. She held her head down and moved aside. The babies were screaming the place down. I entered the room and the first thing I saw was a huge crib with four babies inside. I frowned and turned to look at Maester Luwin but the scene before my eyes shocked me.

A bloody quilt was pulled over my wife's head and Maester Luwin was washing his hands in a bowl. My mouth hung open amidst the screams of my children.

When I came to my senses, I turned to Luwin, "How?" It was the only word that came out of my mouth but it was enough to describe everything I was feeling.

Luwin hung his head low and spoke with a nervous voice, "The last baby came the wrong way, my lord. The baby died because of lack of air and Lady Catelyn died due to loss of blood."

The words I heard passed over my head as I sat on the bed. I looked at her covered body. The babies screamed their lungs out but I heard nothing. There was only the stillness of her body. It was only for two years but I guess I really loved her...



Don't Marry


I wonder who will notice the foreshadowing... :)

YellowScarfcreators' thoughts