
Chapter 35

Alex soon came back to the Salvatore boarding school after notifying the coven about the situation.All the coven leader felt indebted to Alex they told that he could call them for help as long as it wasn't something against nature or their coven's rules.The moment Alex entered the boarding house only to get bear hug from Hope,who then gave very passionate kiss.As both broke the kiss because of the need to breath as Hope smiled and said"I missed you so much."

Alex returned the smile and replied"I missed you too.So did anything happen while I was gone."

Hope now became serious as she told everything about meeting the ancient sorcerer Ptah,who had came looking for the knife as Hope said"We were able to transfer him to one the cells under the school.We were waiting for you to come.we have anothet problem Alaric's dead fiancee showed up at the school today morning."

Alex saw Freya,Bonnie and Hailey coming towards them,all three looked really serious as Freya spoke"Good to see you back Alex."

While Alex guessed"Necromancy."Freya nodded as Bonnie pitched in"We questioned her with Alaric,it seems she only remembers thing till her death and we aren't really sure about what to do with situation.We are not sure what the necromancer's aim is.''

Alex was thoughtful he knew Necromancer's are able to control their dead they raised without the victim even knowing as he said"Malivore changed tactic after he saw monsters are failing to get the knife,he now is trying to get those that died to get it.This is a psychological move,he probably believes we won't release her."

Alex saw Alaric talking with Josette as he came to me asked"Can you help her?"

Alex fet pity for the man and replied"I can't because her soul had already found peace,making her stay here will only hurt her more."

Alaric teared up and nodded as Alex said"I will get Lizzie and Josie,It will be good to meet their Mom."

Alaric nodded while Josette was happy hearing that and mouthed a "Thank you."

As Alex found the fact Caroline was not here as she went to get a new witch and because of some issues she won't able to get back to school before the twins birthday.Alex went searching for the twins as he saw everyone was busy with setting up the birthday party as be heard MG voice"You're lucky I respect women and that I shun all forms of toxic masculinity, or else you and I would be throwing down right now. Even if you can kick my ass. Dude, I am here to help. By telling Lizzie and Josie that their mom isn't coming?"

Penelope while giving fake smile answered"Oh, that was just for Lizzie, who is taking Rafael as her date instead of you. So why are you doing all this to try and make her party perfect?"

MG smirked and replied''Cause a man's got to shoot his shot.

Penelope frowned and yelled'Oh, my God. No. I can't take it anymore. As your friend, I demand that you retrieve your little MGs from Lizzie's grip."

MG shook his head and replied"Not when I can taste victory."

Alex clapped and said"Bravo penelope Bravo."Penelope gulped in fear seeing Alex's glowing green eyes as he continued"You know Josie also has the same mother by telling both if them about how their mother won't be able to make today for their birthday hurt both of them not just Lizzie."

Penelope looked at in embarrassment as Alex sighed and added"You seem to think Josie is this person who is getting oppressed by Lizzie in reality it her choice on helping her sister,also Josie is as broken as Lizzie she just hides it."Penelope wanted defend her former girlfriend but Alex cut"You think a person who lights people on fire because she was angry at them is mentally okay."

Penelope looked down ashamed as Alex said"You know unlike Josie,Lizzie is really trying to change and be better for the past months her mental state was stable.But none of the people hear seems to see that all they see is the old Lizzie."

Alex walked away to and soon found Lizzie crying behind the school.She was thinking about what Penelope said as she saw Alex as he asked"What happened?"

Lizzie frowned and replied"Nothing,just thinking about my birthday party."

Alex with sad smile said"You can drop your mask and let those emotions go."Lizzie with accusing tone said"Do you read my mind."

Alex shook his head and replied"No,I saw you were crying.Also I don't read minds all the time,I read them when the situation demands it."

Lizzie was slightly glad as Alex sat next to her and asked"So do you wanna talk about it?"

Lizzie was hesitant but decided she needed someone to talk to as she spoke"Well,I joined the election because I wanted to show everyone I have changed and I am not the old Lizzie,but for some reason they still see the past me the self-absorbed, over-possessiveness and had slight narcissistic tendencies.When I saw Josie get chosen for the election ,a part of me was happy another part of me saw her as this perfect daughter one who is not broken."

Alex felt bad for he knew she cares deeply for her sister and would do anything for them, she is incapable of seeing things from their perspective. Lizzie is also a narcissist with a fragile ego.Alex sighed and said"You came to me looking for away to heal your bipolar disorder and by going through with the course you made so much improvement it was amazing."Lizzie had came looking for Alex a couple of months ago asking him if their was a way yo heal her disorder.

Lizzie smile and replied"Thanks for the help,but still no one is willing to give me a chance."

Alex nodded and said"You know your sister is not as great as you think,she has issues too.The thing is she just hides it better."

Lizzie was confused and wanted to deny it as Alex added"Do you think someone who lit her classmate on fire for being annoying is mentally okay.Also their is the fact she was the one who keeps.bringing up you bipolar disorder to everyone she meets.Just like you Lizzie she has issues of her own,it's just she hides it better than others."

Lizzie with a frown said"But I am bipolar."Alex deadpaned and replied"But bring up your health issue from time to time wasn't going yo help you."Alex knew Josie is very protective of her sister and very selfless,but she has flaws of her own.Alex found the fact Josie sometimes acts like Lizzie chose to be Bipolar.But at the end of the day Lizzie chose to change herself,while Josie seems to bottle up all her issues.

Alex seeing how thoughtful Lizzie as he spoke"So try your best and make them see you are different.If they don't then screw them."

Lizzie chuckled hearing that as Alex smiled and said"You know your sisters envies you Lizzie as always tried to change yourself for the better even though you knew you the the results won't be as expected."Lizzie smiled hearing that as Alex turned serious and said"Also their as been knew development."Lizzie was confused as Alex told about her late mother being brought back to life as she looked at him in shock as she went to the headmasters to room to find her mother with Josie as Alex telepath told her"I know you see Caroline as your Mother,but give Josette a chance as she can't stay in world of living for long."

Lizzie took a breath went and hugged her mother along with Josie.As Jo cried hugging her daughters.
