
Chapter 148

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-Friday afternoon-

"I still don't understand why Hillton made us practice all these rehearsed passes," I said, stretching my aching shoulder.

After my two morning classes, I had the rest of the afternoon off, or would have, had it not been for Hillton calling up the entire team for surprise training.

The team remains the same, since we didn't have any new members besides some possible reserve chasers.

"Maybe it's best to let the basilisk run wild so the games get cancelled," I muttered.

As I continued walking down the hall muttering to myself I felt a cold feeling go through me, soon followed by some feelings of boredom and curiosity.

I then stopped in my steps and looked back, and there I saw that, looking at me too, was one of the ghosts with the most tragic and mysterious history in the school, The Gray Lady, Helena Ravenclaw.

We both continued to stare at each other for some time, and my senses were wanting to tell me something about her, but I didn't know what.

I could feel the feelings of confusion coming from her, but her face remained calm.

Seeing that this staring competition was going nowhere, I turned to continue my walk.

"Wait" I then heard Helena call me.

"Yea?" I asked, turning back to her.

"Err..." she looked at me confused, her hand outstretched, and for the first time her face showed another emotion, 'Why did I call him?' she asked herself.

"Do you need something?" I asked again, seeing she didn't know what to say to me.

"Oh, err... How's your stay at Hogwarts going?" she asked, and I looked at her strangely.

'Damn, wasn't there anything better for me to say?' Helena thought, mentally palming her face, wanting to hide somewhere in embarrassment.

"Well... This is a magical place" I joked, trying to lighten the mood, which seemed to work in part, "But seriously, I really like Hogwarts. It feels like a second home here, even though I only started studying here last year"

"Hmm, I think the castle gives that feeling to people" Helena nodded, "In my day it was like that too, although this was my real home and—!"

As soon as Helena realized that she started talking too much, she quickly closed her mouth, her eyes widening a little in surprise.

'Why am I talking about myself to him?' Helen wondered. She then looked me up and down, and then she noticed something.

'He looks like 'He'' she thought, with the image of a Slytherin boy coming to her mind, 'No, it's a little different' she kept thinking.

"Are you okay?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Instead of answering me, Helena kept looking at me for a while, and I could feel a lot of feelings coming from her, and among those feelings the main ones were confusion, anger, sadness and curiosity.

"Hey?" I snapped my fingers in front of her face, and she looked at me in surprise, as if she'd just come out of a trance.

"I... I'm fine!" she said, a little too loudly, before turning and quickly fleeing somewhere in the castle.




"That was weird," I muttered, but then I remembered Myrtle, "Or is this something common with female ghosts?"

"Meh" I shrugged, and then continued walking, this time heading towards the library.



"So we can say this is the official opening of our study club" Lisa said, looking around at everyone sitting at the big table in the library.

"Is this a study group?" Anthony asked confused and surprised, causing everyone at the table to stare at him blankly.

"Wow, Incredible! How did you come to that conclusion?" Terry asked sarcastically.

"I thought we were just meeting here to talk, like good friends and colleagues from different houses," Anthony muttered sheepishly, and the looks of our friends from other houses softened.

"Actually, you thought we were going to play poker, didn't you?" I asked blankly.




"Sigh, sometimes I still think Sorting Hat put you in the wrong house" Terry commented, and very quietly I heard him whisper 'Damn badger'.

"Err... Guys? Shouldn't we go back to talking about the study group?" Sue said.

With us at the table were all our friends. From Gryffindor came Nev and surprisingly Ginny, and unfortunately Fay had promised to help Parvati with something so she couldn't attend today.

From Slytherin came Lily, and to my surprise or not so much since I knew they were friends with Lily, came Greengrass, Davis and Zabini too, and with the presence of these purebloods, Theo was also able to attend without arousing suspicion of our friendship.

From Ravenclaw came all the second-years and Luna, who became an official member of our strange group.

And from Hufflepuff came Hannah, Susan, Megan, Ernie, Justin, Sally, and unfortunately for us Smith, who is someone who can be just as snobby and boring as Michael.

"Well, for starters, let's each talk about what subjects we're struggling with, so those who are good at that subject can help others," I said, and then pointed at Susan who raised her hand, "Yes Miss Bones" I said professionally.

"Excuse me Professor Night, but what about next year's electives? Are we going to study them in this study group too?" she asked, joining in on the fun.

"Hmm, that's a good question" I said tapping my chin, "I guess it depends, I for one am already learning about the electives I plan to take, so I'll study them in the group with anyone who wants to study too. But there may also be others in the group who, like Anthony, prefer to wait to learn from a competent teacher... Although Anthony is just being lazy." I finished.

"Hey!" Anthony exclaimed indignantly, but we all ignored him.

"Well, I would like to learn in advance" Stephen raised his hand, and soon afterward those who wanted to learn in advance also raised their hand.

In the end, everyone ended up raising their hands, and only Anthony was left with his hands down.

"Sooo?" Terry said, looking at Anthony and waving his hand.

"Well, if even those in the first year are going to study the electives, it would be bad for me not to study too," he said with a defeated sigh, raising his hand.

"So it's decided! We'll study the electives too" Susan clapped her hands for attention, "Anything else?" she asked.

"What are the meeting times for this study group?" Theo asked, looking at everyone bored, but I knew he was excited to be among friends.

"Well, we don't need a set schedule, whenever you are among three people in this group you can start studying, and the others who arrive, if they want to join the group they can, that way we can study every day of the week" I said.

"That's good" Lily nodded, "Mainly because I need a lot of help with the subjects, hehe" she laughed embarrassed.

"Uhm, but so we can have more meetings like this, how about we get together, or at least try to get together once a week, on the weekends here?" I asked.

"Fine by me"


"I have nothing to do on weekends"


"I don't have much of a choice, I know I'm going to be dragged into this by you guys" doesn't take a genius to know that Anthony said it.

"Okay, so let's get started!" I said, taking some books, scrolls and quills out of my bag, something the others did too.



(End AN: Hehe, sorry for the delay and for not posting chapters this week.

I was busy helping my sister with her move, and also renovating my new room, so I didn't have time for anything.)
