
Chapter 36

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yay! Here's the new chapter!


"Where the hell am I?" I asked no one in particular as I looked around cautiously, realizing I was in a strange place.

It was night, or at least as dark as night should be, and I was in the middle of an unknown forest, and touching my body, I realized I was without my wand or any other kind of weapon.

With that, I immediately became worried and wary... Well, anyone with at least two brain cells would be wary of this development.

Looking around, the only things I could see were trees, rocks, leaves, and more trees. And the lack of lighting didn't help in my case, and even when I tried to use my night vision, I could only see three meters in front of me, which is next to nothing compared to my normal ability.

"Damn…where am I?" I asked myself, looking around.

With no idea where I was, I decided to start walking slowly through the forest looking around for some sign that would tell me where I was.

But as I walked, I realized that it would take a long time for me to get anywhere at that speed, so I started running, even honing my speed with magic.

"Huff... Huff... How do I get out of here?" I wondered breathlessly as I stopped running.

Even with my stamina, I still got tired, mostly because I ran for what felt like hours.

And although I've been through a good part of this forest, I still haven't found any sign of life. Neither human nor animal... which is pretty weird and suspicious since I'm in a damn forest.


I then heard the noise of a branch breaking. And I quickly turned to where the sound came from, only to find nothing.

I narrowed my eyes and started looking for any signs of movement. And then I saw a figure run through the trees.

"Who's there?!" I yelled, looking around for the owner of that figure, but got no response.


"I know someone is there!" I yelled, turning quickly and looking in the direction of the noise. Looking for whatever it was that was stalking me, because I was sure it wasn't human...no human would be able to push me over the edge like this, of that I was sure.

My senses then began to warn me of danger madly... warning me that I'd better run away, as if the thing or beast that was here with me was a predator and I was a simple prey... And that's exactly how I felt .

"Grrrrr" I then heard the beast growl angrily at me.

And at that moment I really wished my beast powers weren't failing, because whatever this beast was, it was angry…too angry. And that anger was totally directed at me, and I had no idea what I did to this thing for her to be so angry at me.

Looking where the growl came from, I saw a big shadow.

The beast looked at me, and even with the darkness hiding its body, I could still see its eyes.

The beast had amber eyes with its pupils slit, and its eyes glowed so that they stood out in the dark of night. And those same eyes... those eyes that filled me with fear and panic, still conveyed a certain familiarity I couldn't explain, stared at me with wildness and anger.

I could then see the beast towering above me, nearly three times my height, looking at me with such anger and hatred that it was even palpable.

The beast then began to pressure me with its presence, making me unable to move. And the only thing I could do was look at the beast, which began to emanate its bloodlust. And for the first time in this life or the last, I felt small...weak...I felt scared.

And that is something impressive for someone who has already died.

The beast in front of me rose even more, lifted its head, swelled its chest, and roared at me...


"!!!" I then woke up in a panic and sat up quickly on the bed, my heart pounding fast and my breathing labored.

"Huff! Huff! Huff!..." and as I tried to control my breathing, I noticed that my body was in a cold sweat and my hands were shaking.

"What bloody dream was that?" I muttered to myself, still shaken by the dream. But if I had looked at myself at that moment, I would have noticed that my eyes were glowing and slitted, just like the beast in my dream, before quickly returning to normal.

"Meow!" I heard Nyx meow, conveying concern to me.

"I'm fine, girl," I told Nyx, my voice shaky.

Nyx then climbed onto my lap, and watched me worriedly.

"Really, I'm fine. It was just a dream," I told Nyx, patting her with my hand, "A really weird dream…" I muttered to myself, wiping the bead of sweat that trickled down my forehead.

"Purr!" purred Nyx happily, and I smiled softly at that.

"Sigh, what the hell was that dream?" I asked myself, looking straight ahead at my room that was being lit by a small candle.

I've read enough stories to know that when someone has a dream like that, something else is happening, and it definitely has to do with my beast power, but I don't know what...

"Sigh... Well, it's no use thinking about it all day, I have enough time to figure out what the meaning of this dream is and if it's something good or bad," I said to myself.

But I knew it was just an excuse for me not to have to think about that beast and the fear I felt.

I then took out my wand, happy to have some weapon to defend myself even though I knew it wasn't necessary. But after that dream could anyone blame me?

After getting my wand I launched a {Tempus}.


"There's still time to do a quick workout. Maybe with that I can get my head out of this dream," I said. So I put Nyx back on the bed and got up to get ready and start my workout.


After my training, I sat on the shore of Black Lake throwing pebbles to Giant Squid, who had a tentacle out playing happily.

I was able to lighten my thoughts a bit, but I still had a lot of questions on my mind. Things like: What was that dream? What beast was that? Why did I only have this dream today? What was its meaning? And many others...

But I wouldn't gain anything by racking my brain over this dream, and I also had no doubts that it was just the beginning. And this was not speculation, but a presentiment.

'Sigh, at least I'm not having dreams about a Dark Lord because of a scar' I joked, in an attempt to cheer myself up. And then I got up to go back to the castle and get ready for breakfast and classes.

'Hmm, if I'm not mistaken my classes today will be Charms in the first class, Transfiguration in the second, DADA in the third, and the fourth and last class will be Astronomy at midnight' I reflected to myself as I walked towards common room.


After passing the common room and ignoring the weird looks the other students were giving me, I went to my dorm room, showered and got ready. As soon as I finished getting ready, I walked out of my room, with Nyx, who was awake and excited to explore the school, walking ahead of me. I went down to the common room and sat in one of the armchairs to wait for Terry and Anthony.

Nyx decided she didn't want to wait and quickly left the common, so I was left alone waiting for them. And I didn't have to wait long before I saw the two of them walking down the dorm stairs together.



(End AN: Sorry I delayed yesterday's chapter, but here it is, hehe.

I forgot that yesterday was Thursday, and I didn't publish anything, and it wasn't until it was too late that I noticed. Sorry Autor-San for the memory lapse.

But here's the chapter, the chapter that begins to unlock the mystery of Ethan's abilities... I hope you like it!

Se7en ;)
