

Album always found humans to be a curious race, how could she not, with her big brother and creator being one of them? No, what she found curious was that she could give thousands of humans the same condition and all thousands of them would react differently, yes fear, desperation, and hope were the main emotions they felt when she spoke with them, but they were just the main, and thousands of humans could make an uncountable number of variations...

Yes, mainly humans and faunuses, as Album found the magical races from Wizard Earth a little too, bland, or rather their character's that seemed to be ridden in the same way, so different from humans and faunus, more chaotic minds, Centaurs liked their preserve, rarely showing any desire to go out of their little heaven, goblins were too greedy and prideful for their own good, making Album already numerous times sent Sentinel's for some culling of Goblins that were used as sacrificial lambs, normally ending in multiple Goblin deaths that were used to gauge Solitas reaction to these Goblins that sought to measure Solitas borders, Werewolves were mainly same as Faunuses both in their human and animal form...

And other races were too scarce for Album to form an opinion about them...

So yes, just Humans and Faunuses, Album found most interesting...

Like just now, Album ended another call with the Prime Minister of Japan, who she already had in her pocket, just like most of the decision-making people, it wasn't even so hard, all Album had to do was use the human loved Stick-and-Carrot method.

Stick, use the blackmail she found, not so covertly hint at the sadness of possible death of their loved ones or show of force in a way that they got a call from their military head's about how the missile systems suddenly got online, and all targeted their home's...

Carrot, promise them a Solitas help in case of danger, give them juicy trade offer's of Solitas medicine, energy, and civilian items, and promises to make sure that their dirty laundry wouldn't be ever found by anybody other than her...

Album hummed as she already gained words of cooperation from most of Supernatural Earth's nations, America, Russia, most of Europe, Chine and now Japan already was in Album's hands, to smaller nations Album promised a chance to elevate their position by giving them better trade deals that would give them an economic boon, to bigger nations Album told of possible Solitas factories on their soil where they could send their people to work, of course, Album knew that they thought they could steal the Solitas technology this way, which was to Album a ridiculous as she already showed that everything sufficiently advanced need an operation system plunged into the network, a network that was under her control...

Still, Album let them have their fantasies, after all, she was just that magnificent...

Still, what Album found from these Nation leader's mouths and from their now hacked networks, made Album pause, Album knew that the Supernatural world had its fingers in the mortal world, Album just didn't think it would be soo deeply buried in mortal flesh per to say...

And the face her big brother made when she told him, Album knew Aegis cared little for normal people, doing it mainly for the betterment of his family than any real kindness, but even then, Album knew her big brother was proud to by Human, to by a part of the Mankind, and knowledge that the Devil's, Fallen's, and so many, many more Pantheons, from Norse to Greek to other's had their finger's in the leaders of these human nations, making these human nations puppets...

The face of distaste and the small flare of wrath in her big brother's eyes made Album sure of future purges...

And thanks to the fact that Devils and these Supernatural races are pulling strings from the shadow, their disappearance wouldn't be able to make any waves in the human world, and if the Supernatural side would try to say anything about it, Solitas would just need to point out that they were killed in Human world where their influence clearly doesn't reach, not any longer, so any law these Supernaturals have, would by null once in the human world...

Of course, there would be some who even then would try to do something stupid, but for that reason, there was a Sentinel base that was full of twenty Sentinel squads and thousands of Album's battle droids...

Now, if just Album could find a way to get access to the rumored Underworld internet or Devilnet, how they called it...

"Mission: Acces to Underworld and place a beacon in there."

Album send a mission and its objective to Sentinel base commander, knowing the Sentinel would find a way, after all, they already had some Devils, Fallen's, and surprisingly a Grimm Reaper in their custody after these fools thoughts they could get in and out of Sentinel base with their teleportation or mind control, failing in both cases, first for an anti-teleportation matrix that made anybody who wanted to teleport in the end up in prison room, and all the personnel having a neural chip that worked as good anti-mind control devices, after all, Album was always aware of anybody with a neural chip, so she knew if someone wanted to try to get into their heads...

Getting information from these troublemakers would be a good way to find if the methods used on humans would work on these Supernaturals...

Now Album was working on some simple matters, and these were the mortal government's knowledge of magic and their's magic departments, sending everything to Moira, Morgana, and Semiramis who showed an extreme like for Solitas biology department...

Album already thought how much they would like a new experiment material...


Aegis looked at the backs of two men who now supported their third comrade who was now missing his legs...

"Y-ou... No...I... Thhank you, for not killing them..."

Xenovia said as she held Irina, who had tears in her eyes, both of them distraught, not knowing what exactly they should feel about the words of these exorcists...

Especially the one who thought he could demand or outright threaten and curse Irina and Xenovia before Aegis...

Irina and Xenovia were just glad that Aegis didn't kill the man, even if what he said hurt them, they still held some good memories for Church and didn't want for Church exorcist to die just because of them...

"You know what he said wasn't true, right?"

Aegis asked as he kneeled down before Irina and Xenovia, now being on their eye level as he looked at them.

"If you truly believe in your God, then you should know that HE did what he did because he wanted it, that you ended up knowing the truth, or that you now follow me doesn't change the fact that deep down you still hold HIS word as sacred, nor im to disapprove you of it, even if im not seeing HIM in such good light, doesn't mean you cant too."

Aegis gently said as he touched both of their faces and smiled.

"And if you truly want, im sure one day I would arrive in a world where HE still lives, and then I will make him answer your questions if that is what you wish."

Aegis said with a smile as he cleaned Irina's tears and stood up.

"If you wish to think about it, take all the time you wish, im now going to take care of a few matters, so if you wish to speak with me, then just ask Album where to find me."

Aegis said as he calmly walked away, not seeing the complicated faces of the two girls who looked on his back...



Aegis said in greeting as the small woman who previously radiated energy now looked like a walking corpse...

"Coffee... Coffeeee..."

"Kalawaner, if you could?"

"Yes, my lord."

Kalawarner said as she bowed her head, showing her enormous cleavage to Aegis in process, clearly intentionally as she walked to the kitchen with an extra sway with her hips...

"You... Know she wants to get into your pants, right?"

Serafall who was now slumped on the couch, said as she looked from Aegis to Kalawarner.

"Hm? Yes, just like Mittelt or Raynare."

Aegis said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"So why wait? I can see they would even jump on you now if you said so."

Serafall asked, interested, both in a personal way and for Sona, after all, this was the man who was Sona's fiance, finding all of his characters traits was, after all, her job.

"Because I wish for them to come to me? If they one day get into my bed naked, I will not say no to them, or if they clearly say that they desire me so, until then, I will wait, and it's not like I don't enjoy their shows of advancement, Raynare and Kalawarner have bodies women would kill for, and Mittelt with her petite body to have her own charm..."


Serafall hummed as she looked at Aegis.

"Still, I do not think you came just to speak about my love life, even if I can see the interest in your eyes."

Serafall blushed a little at Aegis calling her out but cleared her face as she nodded her head.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I came to tell you that The Four Satan recognize your status as foreign King, not that you need it, but you know, bureaucracy..."

Serafall shrugged in a way that you ask what you can do about it.

"Oh, wouldn't these, how Sirzech called them, Great King faction or something stall you or do anything against it?"

"What could they do? It's not like they can attack you, at least not after Sirzech and I made it clear that your power is either on the same level or stronger than ours."

Serafall said, a little giddy about the faces of these old geezers when they said how capable Aegis was when he could make them into bloody mist if they tried something...

"...I see, well I suppose I thank you."

Aegis said, making Serafall pout.

"Hey, try to at least look thankful!"


"You clearly don't care!"

"...True, I don't..."

Aegis said with a shrug, making Serafall pout even more.

"All the work... And you don't even care..."

Serafall said with a hunched back, not noticing Aegis who suddenly was before her and patted her head.

"Sorry, sorry, I just thought how cute the pout on your face was."

Aegis said with an apologetic expression, something that made Serafall freeze for a while until her face reddened.

"You bully! You stupid meany!"

Serafall said with a pout but had a smile on her face.

"Well, was there anything other?"

Aegis asked, making Serafall smile drop as she looked a little troubled, taking a sip of coffee Kalawaner put down.


Serafall with a sigh as she looked at Aegis.


"Actually, you remember the thing with Rias?"


Aegis said this time his head tilted.

"Well, as you can see, the Phenex family knows they have zero grounds to stand on in this matter, but..."


"Buuuut, they asked me, and YES asked me, something that is rare, especially coming from that fucker Phenex patriarch, as they until now always used the Phoenix tears as good negotiation weapon, asked me to ask you for reparations for their lost political match..."

Serafall said, making Aegis tilt his head.

"They did? Did they... True I can see the reason."

Aegis said, even if he didn't need to listen or do anything this little Phenex family wanted, Aegis understood their reasoning or from where they came from, after all, he did take their ticket to higher family standing, something if happened to Schnee family Aegis would kill for, so even if he was indifferent, Aegis understood their need to ask for reparations...

Noble or Higher standing families were like that, after all...

"Yes, well, they didn't ask for anything concentrate, but you already spoke with the daughter of the Phenex family, Ravel Phenex, who in truth spoke about you in a great way to her parents, making them interested, especially after what Matriarch of Phenex family Afira Phenex found out from her son Riser, who too spoke goodly of you..."

Serafall said, looking strangely at Aegis.

"Don't look at me like that, I did nothing..."


Serafall said disbelievingly, still, she continued.

"Well, in such, they wish for you to find for one of their children as an equally good match, or better."

Serafall said, even if she wanted to refute the Phenex family, what they asked for wasn't in truth anything outrageous or, in truth, hard, the thing was that they came to her, something that made Serafall hold more weight, rather than coming around her to Aegis, so Serafall little wanted for this to work, after all, this way she would bring Phenex family that was until now mainly neutral to her side, thus the New Satan's side...

"You realize they want me to wed their daughter, right?"

Aegis asked.

"Yes, why do you have a problem with it? Little Ravel is a good girl from what I heard."

Serafall said with a smirk, Aegis wanted to say something but stopped as someone spoke for him.

"Can I first meet her before you choose, big brother?"

Weiss said as she walked into the room, making Serafall blink at the girl, immediately noticing the look Aegis gained when he looked at Weiss...

"So... You are like me..."

Serafall mumbled with a smile on her pink lips as she saw the love Aegis's eyes had in them when she looked at Weiss, someone Serafall knew was, in truth, Aegis's true-blooded sister...

Aegis was like her, something that made Serafall more than a little glad...


*Author note*

300 Chapter!!!

You can support me with your POWER STONES!!! :P

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts