
Walker is Annoying

The next day, I had to wake up quite early as Father and I needed to head to the training center. Luckily, as Leo is quite the deep sleeper, I managed to leave the bed without waking him up.

But then again, I still had a hard time leaving since the moment I woke up, I found Leo's legs clamping around my waist. He seemed to be having quite the good dream, as he was drooling against my chest while unconsciously rubbing against my upper body.

At first, I thought that Leo was already awake and simply spiting me by dirtying my pyjamas while putting on that perverted face, but when I tried to move away and saw Leo subconsciously furrowing his brows, I knew that he was simply having a nice dream while hugging his favorite 'object'.

I sighed as I tried to pull away from him, thinking that Leo really have bad sleeping habits. However, I found that the more I tried to leave, the harder he clamped against my waist. This left me speechless for quite some time.
