
Between Tears

The taxi finally arrived at Axis Medical Center Hospital.

Helen and Peter exited the taxi holding hands. They rushed to the entrance and disappeared inside the building, walking in the hallway, going to the elevator area.

Inside the vacant elevator, Helen pressed the 5th-floor button.

The couple looked at each other.

Peter sighed. "Your hands are getting colder, sweetie pie," he observed.

Helen looked at him and smiled. "It's just your wild imagination, honey pie!" she replied.

Peter embraced her and planted a kiss on her forehead, giving her some of his strength.

A few minutes later, the elevator door opened and the couple exited.

They walked in the hallway still holding each other's hands.

When they reached the 5th floor, Helen knocked on the door three times.

The door was opened by Stephanie, she looked at her sister's face and Peter, her eyes landed on the lover's entwined hands. "Helen, you come inside, but Peter must remain outside!" she ordered.
