
Going To Li Manor

One hour later, Shui Cao had made arrangements so that Xi Ying and Li Rui could go to the Li Manor.

After his shadow guards left, Xi Ying went back to the plum courtyard. The maids told him that Li Rui was with Li Hua.

He patiently waited outside the room. As he waited for her, Xi Ying remembered that An Shing had told him that a few men were already killed when he went back to save Li Rui.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened. Perhaps Li Rui was a bit startled to see him outside as she looked at him with a surprised face.

Xi Ying frowned because before she lowered her head. His eyes caught her red and swollen eyes. He glanced towards the door and asked

"Is your maid alright?"

"Yes, Minister Xi." said Li Rui

'Then why did you cry?'

He wanted to ask but didn't know whether she would answer him or not.

"An Shing told me there were dead shadow guards outside the shop when he went back to get you."
