
chapter 5

As the police and the heroes approached him with pitied expressions, Danny could only laugh in his head and praise himself.

'haha, who's the best actor, I am' Danny thought as he kept sobbing and hugging his parents' dead bodies.

When they finally reached Danny, one hero went on one knee and touched Danny's shoulder.

"It's all right young man. We're here now" The hero said making Danny let go of his parents and hug him all of a sudden.

Danny then started crying even harder in the heroes in arms.

"S-Sir, they don't talk to me. I've been calling them for ten minutes and they still haven't moved or -t-tal *sob* talk to me *sob*" Danny said in between sobs.

The hero gritted his teeth as he wasn't able to do anything. The feeling of being useless was not something easy people, especially heroes who wanted more than just money, could deal with.

The hero looked at him and smiled through the pained expression he had before.

"Don't cry, your parents are in a better place. I will make sure to do anything and everything I can to help bring you justice. I swear on my name, Blaze" the hero said.


Name: Blaze

Quirk: Flame

-Able to generate strong flames and create different objects with them.

*Up and coming hero climbing the rankings*


Danny looked up at him and smiled with tears rolling down his face.

"Thank you sir".

While that was happening the police officers and detectives were searching around the house trying to find out why and how they died.

After a while they came to the conclusion that someone killed them due to some sort of drug problem.

The detectives then walked to Danny who was with the hero Blaze and started asking some questions.

"Young man can we ask some questions" a plain looking detective said as he patted Danny's shoulder

"O-ok sir" Danny said as he looked at the detective.

"Now sonny, have your parents ever argued with any guests that came over" the detective asked.

"um, There was this one time when I heard them yelling from my room, about how they were gonna pay someone back" Danny said.

"So it they were probably killed by a drug dealer who wanted their money" the detective thought out loud.

"Thank you kid, we already contacted the authorities who specialize in these.. situations" The detective said as he then walked away and started looking through the evidence they gathered.

After that happened, Danny stayed quiet and watched what they did.

One hour later the officers and detectives came to the conclusion that they likely hired an assassin or mercenary with a quirk that could shoot bullets, or something similar to it.

There was a bullet wound in their heads but no bullet, so that's why they came to the conclusion someone that someone had a quirk that could make this wound and take out the bullet without leaving their DNA.


After they were finished the investigation they had Danny stay at an orphanage until they called. Danny and Charles had already switched back and Charles already felt trapped inside of the orphanage.

That however didn't last long as the hero Blaze showed up a day later. Charles talked to him for a while and Blaze noticed that Charles acted differently but he chalked it up to Charles being sad that his parents died.

As the two were talking people in suits and an old man walked up to them.

"Well then, I'll be taking my leave. I wish you the best, oh and before I forget here this is my personal number. Call if you ever want to talk" Blaze said handing him a note with his number on it before leaving.

The people in the suits and the old man then finally reached him.

"Hello Charles. This man right here is your grandfather, the one who will take care of you from now on" a person with a suit on said.

Charles looked at his grandfather. He had grey hair and a wrinkled face but other than that he looked quite young. He was also quite fit from what Charles could see.

"Kon'nichiwa Charles" his grandfather said with a smile.

"Konicha what" Charles asked with a confused look.

His grandfather laughed aloud before speaking in English.

"hahaha, I guess the useless thing you call a father didn't teach you any Japanese. Anyways, how are you Charles" he asked.

"I feel better" Charles said.

His grandfather smiled before saying "Lets get the paper work done. I wanna go back to japan by tomorrow".

'Japan, huh' Charles thought.

They then stayed at the orphanage for two more hours finishing up paper work for the adoption. After everything was done they left the orphanage and headed to a hotel.

While they were in a taxi on their to the hotel his grandfather finally introduced himself.

"Well since I know your name, you should know mine as well. It's nice to meet you, I'm Sasuke Sato" he said putting out his old wrinkled hand.

Charles smiled before shaking his grandfathers hand.

After that happened they talked a bit longer, and before they knew it they were at the hotel. Getting out of the car, they checked in and went to their room.

After settling down Sasuke, told his grandson to get into the shower to wash himself. Charles did as he was told and took a shower.

As he was taking a shower his grandfather unpacked some clothes for Charles. Looking through all his clothes he couldn't help but be angry.

He was told by the authorities that Charles most likely was abused and deprived of necessities normal children should have but he didn't believe his son, that he raised would do such a thing. That is until now.

Sasuke looked through the old shirts with holes in them that could only be called rags at this point and gritted his teeth.

He then walked into the washroom and looked at Charles' body. His body had some scars on his back and his legs, as well as some bruises on his arm.

Charles looked at his grandfather with a weird expression.

"are you okay" He asked his grandfather.

His grandfather looked at him with pity. He then walked up to Charles and gave him a hug.

"May those that did this to you rot in hell" He said hugging Charles tightly.

Charles quickly understood what he was talking about. 'This guys pretty nice' Charles thought.

His grandfather then let him go and patted his head.

"When you're done we'll order lots of food to celebrate, so you better have an appetite" he said as he left the washroom to let Charles finish freshen up.

True to his word, after Charles was done they ordered a bunch of food and ate together for the first time.

the night quickly past as Charles was already tucked in bed and about to fall asleep.

[This might not be so bad. I like him already] Tony said as Charles was laying on his bed trying to sleep.

[Yeah, it looks like we will never go hungry again] agreed Danny.

"Yeah might not be bad at all" Charles said as he slowly drifted off to sleep.


AN: Sasuke will not hinder Charles at all, if anything this will only make this stronger. They will have a good relationship

- This relationship also wont make Charles heroic or make him good. He will still do what benefits him. It also doesn't mean Charles loves or likes Sasuke yet. Tony does cause he is the dumber and more trusting personality.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

Legend27creators' thoughts