
Chapter twelve: Master Chang is not a happy camper

Onyx was a little shocked at the barbarian's interest in the blonde servant but what really had her mouth gaping though she controlled that it didn't drop was the King's interest in the blonde.

Following her shock came slight jealousy. She didn't want the blonde belonging to any of these men.

She was confused and annoyed by her feelings that she almost didn't hear the King gift the blonde to her.


her mind snapped out of her thoughts like a bow ring and she turned to look in the blonde direction.

The look of fear on her face made her feel protective of the blonde and she didn't know why.

" Stop this nonsense, " She scolded herself.

She is just a servant and you shouldn't concern yourself with anything that happens to her.

Easier said than done.

The blonde intrigued her. There is something about the blonde that makes her feel weird. She can't yet put her finger on it but she was captivated by her.

She smoldered a laugh when the blonde crashed everything in her part in her hurry to obey the King's summon.

She is so cute.

Onyx shook her head as if trying to shake off the thought.

She followed the blonde with her eyes, unable to look away as the King addressed her. She wanted to say something to put the blonde at ease but knew she couldn't speak out of turn without being commanded by the king.

She has been daring enough and wouldn't want to test the King's temper.

Her heart leaped in her throat and a bright feeling filled her hearing the blonde promise herself to her. The protective feeling came back again. Her heart pounded in her chest.

She has never felt this way about anything or anyone in her life.

She is mine.

That was the mantra rocking through her mind as the blonde uttered the very words that will bind them together. She felt it strongly in her soul, stronger than the very words she exchanged with the king.

Onyx has never been able to reveal her feelings. She was so used to hiding her feelings from her mother that she does it to everyone.

When the blonde lifted her eyes and they locked with hers, her heart was nearly knocked out of her chest. It skittered like a horse trying to escape its restraint and the fluttering in her stomach felt like a thousand butterflies.

Outwardly she remained calm and aloof. Staring at the servant like a hawk, unable to look away.

As she stared at the servant she tried to figure out why the scrawny little thing made her feel this way.

The King waited for the Queen to acknowledge the little servant's words but all she did was stare and the crowd was getting anxious waiting for her to speak.

They wanted to see her reaction to the King's first gift to her. Though it was weird and something they have never seen.

When he saw that his queen wasn't going to speak anytime soon he coughed into his hands to prompt her.

The sound from the King brought Onyx back to reality.

She stood and went to the servant. She bent and reached out a hand to her.

The blonde looked at the hand like it was a huge snake with sharp teeth but Onyx waited patiently for her to take her hand and then she lifted her to her feet.

Onyx forced herself to ignore the current that shot through her arm at the touch of the blonde's delicate hand on hers.

Once up she lead her to the side and without speaking handed her over to Sally and Mei who stood by the side.

" Take care of her, " she told them firmly and watched until they have left the hall before she turned to face the King.

She walked and then knelt in front of him with her head bowed.

" Thank you, your Majesty, for the thoughtful gift, " she said in a flat voice, keeping her head down.

The King grinned from one end of his mouth to the other. He was so pleased with his new queen that he can't contain his joy.

" Is okay, my Queen. I will do anything to make you happy, " he promised with a besotted look in his eyes.

While some people nodded with a pleased look on their faces at the King's devotion to the new Queen. Especially her father whose face radiated pride and victory others weren't.

Some faction of the ministers, those in cahoots with the Minister of Justice, Ju Wang the father of the first concubine.

Minister Ju has always desired for his daughter to be the next Queen but she hasn't been able to produce a male heir to the disappointment of her father.

Ever since the King selected him and Zhang Li, Onyx's father and Minister of power, there has been a power squabble between the two families and right now it seems that Minister Zhang being the King's father-in-law has the upper hand.

He can have the power for now but it is only a matter of time before I come up with something to take him down Wang Ju, mumbled to himself a displeased sinister look on his face.

The King helped his Queen to her feet and then stood to address the crowd after he lead her back to the smaller throne.

" I am grateful for all who have come to celebrate with me today and I want you to drink and eat to your heart's content. "

" Let the celebration begin.! "

The crowd cheered and clapped to the king as maiden servants flooded into the hall and began to serve the food and drinks. Dancers also made their way into the hall to entertain the guest.

Onyx watched this with a bored look on her face. She was tired and wanted to get out of her clothes, they are beginning to feel constricting and the numerous heavy head pins her servants insisted on piercing her skull with were beginning to give her headache.

The dancers did their best to entertain the guest as the music flowed.

The guest ate they drank along with their King. There was merriment in the hall. Everyone seemed to be having the time of their day enjoying the larger of the King's confers.

King Xhanhu is known for his elaborate and extravagant celebration and which draws people from far and wide to his celebration.

The only one who seemed not to be having fun was Minister Wang, even though he tried to put out an air of happiness, nothing could disperse the two straight lines in between his forehead or the cloud of anger floating in his eyes. The other unhappy guest was Master Chang. He wasn't happy to have lost his virgin slave after fantasizing about her young succulent body for himself.

Onyx's attention briefly fleeted towards the blonde's servant Master and she paused at the look of constrained anger on his face and he seemed to be drinking more than he was eating.

She watched him wondering why he was in a bad mood. Surely a man of his stand wouldn't miss one miserly servant. From his attire, she can tell he was a wealthy servant and must have tons of servants under his roof so why the displeasure at the loss of one servant.

Her attention was snagged from Master Chang when some group of guards. They were palace guards walked into the hall. About eight of them with their swords held stiff and straight by their side.

Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch them.

The guards bowed their heads to the King and then to the Queen and then moved from the straight line they walked in to form a two-line formation and then stood with their heads bowed.

The whole hall was silent that a drop of a pin could be heard, filled with heightened expectations as they wait for the guards' performance.

The loud beat of a drum broke the silence like a fallen glass to the ground startling some of the guests that jumped on their seats at the beat.

The beat came again, this time several beats followed pounding through the heart of the guest arousing their primal excitement as the guards began to perform the Wuxiang kingdom's war dance.

The drum sound rose like heavy smoke, sounding like thunder towards the sky peaking the energy in the hall.

The guards were magnificent to watch. Their movement was raw and in harmony, their expression proud and fierce.

The drummers moved their hands in perfect synchrony urging the dancers on with the different beats of their drums.

Onyx watched with interest on her face. This is the second thing to arouse her interest in this ceremony.

Everyone was enrapt by the awesome performance of the guards except for the Faunis. They looked unimpressed with a bored look on their faces.

When the guards were done with the performance they bowed to the King under the thundering applause of the crowd.

When all the celebration of their performance was done and over and the guards were about to take their leave the Fuanis king's son began to laugh.

It was loud and mocking.

People turned to look in his direction wondering what was funny and if he was losing his mind.

The King didn't appreciate his mocking laughter, his jaw clenched and his fist tightened.

" What is funny? " he growled in the young barbarian's direction, his voice low and threatening.

The young man didn't stop his laughter nor did his people look concerned that he might be pissing the King off.

" I am sorry, I just couldn't help laughing at this children's performance, " the young man mocked through his laughter.

" Oooh! "

The crowd gasped in shock.

A thundering cloud appeared on the King's face pulling his brow into a dark frown.

Onyx looked on with interest. The barbarian that spoke interested her. His arrogance and smugness were interesting to watch, but his interest in her blonde didn't please her.

The guards were angered by the young man's flippant disregard for their hard effort.

" What did you say? " one of them growled taking a threatening step toward the barbarian.

The young man merely smirked at the guard with an arch of his brow.

Their leader put a restraining hand on his guard before he could lose his cool and attack the barbarian. He didn't want things escalating more than this. There is only one way to end this.

" Do you think you can do better? " he challenged.

The young barbarian lips curled on the right, as his eyes glowed with excitement to prove himself. He turned to his brothers and looked at them. They immediately read what he wanted from his eyes.

Two of the barbarians leaped over the table and went to displace the drummers and then one of them let out a loud war cry.

" La! la! la! la! "

The war cry sent chills down everyone's spine.

The drummers began to pound the drum hard and primal.

The rest of the barbarians took to the stage and began to perform.

It was ancient and it was magnificent to watch.

The young barbarian that took the challenge was the last to join the performance. He let out another war cry as the drummer's beats shook the pillars and walls of the hall. He leaped up in the air to land on one of his men soldiers before backflipping to the ground and then locked in a fierce sword fight with his men while performing to the beat.

Onyx was ensnared by their swordplay. The way they held and wielded it. It was so different from their Kingdom. Her curiosity even followed their movement closely as she took in their movement.

After the barbarians were done with their performance there was a great silence in the hall. Most of the guests had their jaws on the floor.

It was a powerful performance, one that left everyone speechless.

Briefly following the tense silence the ground broke into thundering applause and screams.

The barbarian smiled priming under their Adoration.

The King and his guards weren't happy because the performance outclassed their earlier performance.

The King stood and grudgingly acknowledged their performance and then waved his hand for the celebration to continue.

When it grew dark outside the palace women entered the hall to take the Queen to the King's chamber.

The crowd cheered as the Queen stood to follow the entourage of women.

Outside as they headed towards the King's chamber, Onyx picked up a sound. It was of someone screaming and it sounded awfully familiar.

" What is going on? " she stopped in her tracks.
